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Unidentified Customers Add 93 Boeing 737 MAX Commitments

New commitments for a total of 93 Boeing 737 Max jets have been disclosed by the airframer at the Farnborough air show. ( Más...

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Jeff Lawson 1
There is no need to add "FARNBOROUGH" to the front of the title of all of these squawks. It diminishes the value of brevity that the title is expected to convey. You can mention that in the body text of the description, if you must.
pilotjag -2
There is no need for you to be rude and call me out publicly for continuously putting a single all caps word that is in the title of the ORIGINAL ARTICLE! I am used to putting the entire title when posting a squawk, and I find your comment very discouraging and demeaning. To add, as an employee of Flightaware, it clearly shows you lack the decency to personally email me and say what you said above. You have the ability to look up the email associated with my account, so do it! Because you felt it was necessary to call me out publicly and make me look like a fool, you also do not encompass the values of a Flightaware employee. Very disappointing!
Jeff Lawson 1
There was nothing rude or demeaning intended in my simple suggestion that could improve your squawks. The choice to mention it here publicly was out of convenience since you already seemed to be replying to Kenneth's concern about quality concerns.

Even if the original article was written a certain way, I find that it's helpful to use some editorial freedom when I summarize and squawk articles for others to read here.
pilotjag 0
I think you failed to understand my comment. Regardless whether it was a "simple suggestion" or not, calling me out publicly was again, unnecessary from a Flightaware employee. I found it to be rude and demeaning along with your lack of decency, and that is an statement you will not change. I expect better from you.
Jeff Lawson 1
I encourage you to make a greater effort to regulate your hostility, particularly towards other users here in squawks. For example: "Come on. At least spell", "Seriously how the hell can you post the same link", "Wow, you're very late to the game aren't ya", "You call this a contribution? Mediocre at its greatest".

Although duplicate squawks are unfortunate, it's not necessary to berate other users or shower them with negative sarcasm. Yet when you post a duplicate and someone points it out (without commentary), you again respond with hostility: "I got an idea... Why don’t you contribute something useful to this site for once you troll"

I'll respond in the same venue where the question/incident occurs. If you are embarrassed by being outed publicly for your misbehavior, then maybe you should re-evaluate your own actions.
pilotjag 0
Yawn... I’ll keep this short and sweet. My behavior and actions are none of your business and will not change simply because you encourage me to do so. And you seem to see this from only one side instead of both. Disappointing yet again
How long does this Farnborough last? This so-called news about 'someone' committed to buy airplanes 'somewhere' is getting old. I expect better from a High School journalism class student.

I wish people would treat Oshkosh with such vigor.
pilotjag -1
And I expect you to stop with these unnecessary comments but I guess that will never happen to will it!?
So employees of FlightAware do not want comments from their members they do not like or agree with? That the employees of FlightAware find what their members think are unnecessary, don't count? Is that what you are saying?
pilotjag 1
You just love putting words into other people's mouth, and suggesting something that was never even implied don't ya!? Flightaware employees were never even mentioned in this comment thread so that is out of question. Your comments that I always see on my squawks have some way of insulting me, and I think that since you continue to do that, that is what's unnecessary. But alas, employees like Jeff fail to see that. Keep fueling the fire. It's workin for you!
Your words, and I quote: "And I expect you to stop with these unnecessary comments"

This says to me, that as an employee, you find comments contrary to what you think, are "unnecessary". And I take it that since you are an employee, you are stating policy. It was not putting words in anyone's mouth, it was reacting to what you typed.
Jeff Lawson 1
Be advised that pilotjag is definitely not a FlightAware employee.

pilotjag 1
Employee of what? You obviously lack clarity if you are trying to make a point, which you obviously can't seem to do. As far as I'm concerned, you have made no point and you keep fueling this fire for no reason. From how I took your comments, you are indeed, and I quote "putting words in anyone's mouth", not "reacting to what you typed". That's nonsense. Try again!


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