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Saudia A330 makes emergency landing with nose gear up

A Saudia Airbus A330 made an emergency landing at Jeddah's King Abdul Aziz International airport with its nose landing gear retracted on 21 May. ( Más...

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sparkie624 -1
There has to be more to this than meets the eye.... Somebody ain't tell'n us the entire story! A Single HYD failure, causes a nose gear not to come down... Having an alternate extension method is required on ALL A/C. If they could not get the nose gear down then there was more than a simple hydraulic system failure!
joel wiley 1
Here is the AVHerald take on the incident.

I'd sure like to see the video of it 'taxiing' without the nosegear. Maybe it was landing rather than a taxi
David Sims 4
"Videos online show the A330 taxiing on the runway without its nose landing gear deployed"

If it takes full power to taxi after landing, you may have missed a checklist item.
scott8733 1
My sentiments the same. 'Quality Journalism' these days might as well be categorized alongside the terms 'time management' and 'marital bliss'.
Jack Jouett 2
I had the same thought. Cmon media!

sparkie624 0
A Hydraulic System failed.... What happened to Alternate Extension?
william baker 2
My thoughts indeed. Even gravity would have dropped the gear if the doors were open I would have thought.
Roy Hunte 3
Maybe the doors didn't open.


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