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PICTURES: Lufthansa Tests Brighter Version of New Livery on Boeing 747

Lufthansa is testing some adjustments to its new livery, including a brighter blue colour than the one originally chosen and a larger crane logo on the aircraft tail. ( Más...

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Paul Sheehan 1
ring back some yellow Lufthansa!!
Why does marketing think that a paint scheme is going to sell tickets these days ? Why not use the tens of thousands of dollar spent to upgrade seating or comforts for the passengers and crew ?
Joao Ponces 2
Why change for worse? Previous version was much better!

Greg77FA 1
If you are going to change the version, go big, go bold. I doubt this version will do any of that.
dardav 2
how about a yellow stork, oh yea sorry next livery...


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