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Furious Over Diversion, Ryanair Passengers Refuse To Disembark After Crew Leaves

More than 100 angry Ryanair passengers sat in a dark cabin without food or water for four hours Wednesday, refusing to leave their plane after it was diverted to Belgium, authorities and passengers said. The passengers, mostly French tourists who were supposed to land near Paris after returning from holidays in Morocco, refused to come out of the aircraft even after the crew had left it at the Liege airport in southern Belgium. ( Más...

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Andrew Skretvedt 0
I think this is a bit off-topic, but fun to discuss: Yes, I suppose Ryanair does have a certain reputation. In spite of it, they seem to succeed. Of course, no one _has_ to deal with Ryanair, do they? Alternative carriers exist (unless of course Ryanair is going to some specific destinations which no one else serves). You pays your money and you takes your chance. If you chose Ryanair over a competitor, hated the service, and then booked the flight another time, you decided you preferred the cost of the flight to the opportunity to pay more and get better service elsewhere. No coercion is involved, and so it's not altogether fair to remonstrate Ryanair with "heavier" comments. There's no requirement that you be happy with your choice, but you've made it, and there it is.

On the other hand...bitchin' is free (minus the risk to your reputation), and might work.

JC Smith 0
I see that all you guys never flew or had to do with Ryanair....You would not have such 'light comments'... (Btw..I'm not French ...but VanVeen's comment is very rude, pathetic with questionable intelligence)
Paul Claxon 0
Now, that's what I call progress !
Michael Enzmann 0
Where better to wait - on seats in the plane or sitting on the floor of a terminal? Snowstorm after pushback for deicing, I sat on an Air Canada plane for 6 hours. Finally they got a gate and we were returned to the terminal to sleep on the tile. Let's see, plane with reclining seats, movies, vs. a concrete floor. The plane wasn't bad at all. I've slept on too many airport floors during my lifetime - I understand where the passengers were coming from - wait on the plane for the buses.
As soon as I saw the words 'French tourists' I thought, 'Ahhhhh...that explains it.'
Paul Claxon 0
You mean to say that the big International airport was closed also in Paris ?
Andrew Skretvedt 0
Yes...dang-it! This is UNACCEPTABLE. You will call those people back to the airport and get them to turn their machines back on!

Although...when faced with a delay that makes an arrival before the destination airport closes doubtful, you'd think it'd be wise to advise the pax and dispatch, and suggest reschedule for tomorrow, or at least let the pax know ahead of time that they'll be bussed into Paris, from the planned alternate. Ryanair would need to pay for the bus and the hassle+fuel+landing fees of repositioning an empty plane for return to scheduled service, or pay for a night of lodgings for the pax. Those costs could swing it either way, I'd guess.

In any event, communication beforehand makes things go over much smoother. The crew "knew" they weren't going to make it in. 2hr's late? C'mon...I'm sure their was some discussion about it on the flightdeck before t/o.
shawn white 0
What do the passengers want the crew to do? Fly back to the airport and land in the dark?
Andrew Skretvedt 0
...reading the article... Joyride it coulda been, then.
Andrew Skretvedt 0
One wonders if the crew locked the flight deck on the way out? I mean, these things don't start with keys, you just need to know what you're doing! Do you know how to disconnect the ground service connections? How much fuel we got? Well hey, the guy in 3A said he's got a type-rating. ... Joyriiiide
shawn white 0
Sometimes tourists are better called terrorists!


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