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Alligator attacks landing plane. Final score: Plane 1, Alligator 0

An alligator attempted to jump onto a landing Piper Navajo at Orlando Executive Airport. Even more amazing is the cited article refers to the Navajo as a jet. It is on the internet, so it must be true ... ( Más...

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Dan Hood 4
A congressional investigation will be demanded by PETA and alligators will be given the right of way over airplanes.

boughbw 3
Obviously the gator mistook it for an amphibious aircraft.
Frank Albert 4
I wonder if at "Farmers Insurance" they can now say "seen it, covered it"?!?!?!?
James Hanley 5
"Ground gator 1 with you at yankee awaiting clearance to cross runway 7."
Alan Brown 3
I wonder if the pilot will be fined for hunting gators without a license? Does he get to put a gator kill decal under the pilot's side window? Just another fun reason to live in Florida; goes right along with flying vampire toads.
bdarnell 5
The FAA is investigating to see if the gator had clearance from Ground to cross the runway.
adambear8 4
So does this get classified as a runway incursion...there goes the goal of zero for the year
Pleiades Orion -8
This is the reason that i like airplane!
No won can win aganist landing plane.
(Except bomb and gun)


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