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Flight to Phoenix returns to Houston due to heat

"The temperature limitation for this aircraft [Embraer 175] to operate safely was 118," according to a United Airlines spokeswoman. "Temperatures are not expected to hit that peak heat today [Monday] so we do not anticipate impact on operations due to the heat." ( Más...

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ko25701 1
While taking primary flight lessons in 1980 at NQA, my instructor decided to demonstrate the effects of high temperature density altitude. It was 98 degree and our takeoff roll (in a Cessna 172N) was over 2000'. Good thing we choose the longest runway.
TWA55 2
I recall many days when it was 110 or more on tarmac at KPSC and B-727's would sink into asphalt creating problems with the back door closing. I do not miss those summer days.
Rob Palmer 3
Remember DC-10 flight Seattle to Cleveland, Minneapolis leg, at 20,000, temp outside 70 degrees fahrenheit. Captain came on apologizing, unable to fly higher. This lasted for up to 1000 miles. Plane must have had elevator, trim set to climb; we had a weird, swirling feel as it rolled somewhat, like it was trying to find itself.
wylann 1
I live in Tucson, and my back porch is regularly 8-10 degrees hotter than the official temps. I've been seeing over 120 this past week.
jbermo 6
I am told that Southwest Airlines (WN) is one of the few carriers exempt from such temperature restrictions. Many years ago WN paid Boeing $$ for customized engineering performance data, so as to operate out of PHX, TUC, and others in the summer.
fiveninerzero 3
It's currently 122F here in Kuwait. You can see all kinds of aircraft from small GA, to military jets, to biz jets, to A380s operating in the heat here with few problems. If you pay the manufacturer extra to do the testing, they'll re-write the charts for you to cover your conditions.
Boeing's expansion of performance envelope calculations was more related to selling planes to Middle East customers
It a wonder the aircraft on the ground in such baking heat don't explode with the fumes that build up in the tanks. I have being to KPHX in the summer in the mid 90's and it was recorded 119 degrees and climbing
Fuel tanks are vented to the outside atmosphere, usually from the NACA vents on the bottom of the left and right wing tip areas.
jbqwik 1
Ah, good observation. At one point there was talk of pressurizing the tanks with some inert gas. Good idea, but reality bites and it went nowhere.
David Barnes 3
Nitrogen Gas interting systems (NGS) are required in center wing tanks of certain aircraft, as specified in various Airworthiness Directives. The specific details of the modification vary from aircraft to aircraft, but it really is a thing.

Additionally, all new delivery aircraft are equipped with such systems, so you're mistaken in stating that "it went nowhere."
jbqwik 3
Thanks for the correction. It's a very smart idea; good that it is being implemented.
Troy Caines 2
Half the time they don't work. Blue light of death we call it. NGS degraded.

[This comment has been downvoted. Show anyway.]

M.F. LaBoo 1
How can you keep them from exploding? Well, for starters you need a methane vent.
Good CRM, with a friendly,open but professional atmosphere, will stop most explosions such as this.
David Barnes 26
Must you always be such a pompous ass, Mr. Hartmann? Your post adds nothing to the discussion (a trait against which you rail repeatedly, yet do it continuously) and only serves to ridicule and belittle.

Furthermore, multiple mandates (Both AD's and SFARs) have been issued to mitigate heat-related ignition sources in fuel tanks. While quite likely that the air temperature in PHX is below such an ignition temperature (and the ignition temperature varies with both fuel and oxygen concentrations), Mr. Carter's point is well taken and opens further discussion.

So, to answer your question, "How can I keep them from exploding ?", I'd recommend consulting any applicable AD's pertaining to your fleet of (what, one?) aircraft and installing any requisite equipment.

djames225 6
Bravo and well said David
Torsten Hoff 1
I can't imagine that the pressure differential is any greater than at altitude.
Ruger9X19 6
You could probably make one hell of a oil lantern out of the vent tube but the mixture is way to rich inside the tank to worry about a fire starting.
sueridge307 1
PHX does get to the extreme but I have being to other hot spots such as Victorville KVCV where the storage facility's are seeing the b747's out there in the soaring heat
Addam Cigarroa 2
Phoenix Mesa Gateway Airport was host to the 747-8 and the Dreamliner heat testing in 2012 or 2011
bentwing60 32
"When Phoenix had its hottest day on record in 1990 with temperatures hitting 122 degrees, airlines grounded all the flights out of Phoenix Sky Harbor". And on that day I was in my hangar at ADS working on an airplane in blue jean shorts, t-shirt, and sneakers. Get a call from dispatch and it's ASAP Falcon trip to PHX. Seems its 122 and nobody but Dassault has charts to 125 and somebody needs car parts and nobody is flying. I told Yant (the dispatcher) "I can't go dressed like this" and he said "sure you can". So off I went with the other guy who was obviously over dressed! I did put on my cleanest t-shirt. When we deplaned at Cutter the experienced line guy looked at me and grinned and said "Man, you got a hell of a boss if that's your uniform on a day like this". It was very quiet at PHX. And a "dry heat".
Mike Boote 5
I happened to be flying into PHX that day from Baltimore. I remember the pilot saying we could land there, but he couldn't guess when anyone with a connection would be able to leave. Yes, it was toasty!
jbqwik 14
Love 1st-hand historical accounts such as this.
anthony mchale 4
I was living in PHX on that record day back in '90.


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