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British Airways boss Walsh reveals airline in talks with Bombardier to buy C Series jets

Willie Walsh says he is having discussions with Bombardier boss Alain Bellemere about buying its C Series passenger jets. ( Más...

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Nico Arreman 1
If you have 500 million US dollar depreciates, an order of 75 aircraft to Delta Airlines, with money paid by the Canadian population, then every airliner in the world want to have those planes. For that price may Airbus, Boeing and Embraer never even make a half plane.

And the big airliners say that Emirates receives subsidy programs of the state, while they buy heavily subsidized aircraft itself.

anthony mchale 1
One would imagine Boeing or Airbus would have a aircraft of this size and price point. The aircraft is very appealing.
linbb 1
Gotta prop them up some way along with airbust. Quick start the airbust cheering here.


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