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Judge Refuses To Hear Brazil Midair Crash Witnesses

The criminal trial of the American pilots of the Legacy jet that collided with a Boeing 737 over the Amazon in 2006 moved forward this month when the judge decided he has no need to hear seven defense witnesses. Mato Grosso federal court judge Fábio Henrique Rodrigues de Moraes Fiorenzage ruled that the witnesses' testimony was dispensable because they were either passengers on the Legacy who lacked technical knowledge or aviation specialists who did not witness the episode. ( Más...

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leo cordero 0
Mr. Rob, the last thing that i will do is slander anybody, if you are a pilot you should know that ATC send many i said many trafic at the same altitud BUT miles apart, now how can ATC knows where every trafic is? very simple, TRANSPONDER i was not on the Legacy to say that the transponder was off, but why ATC kep on calling then many many time and getting no answer to tell then that the TRANSPONDER was no working?, you tell me.
Rob Dover 0
The governments witness and their personal injury lawyer as assistant prosecutor makes about as much sense as letting victims of a crime be on the jury of their assailants trial

dingo65 0
Not that my opinion matters really, but here is the problem I had with what I read"

[from the article]. . . "the government’s witness was hired by the personal injury lawyer who is representing the widow of the decedent, and separately that lawyer has managed to have himself appointed as an assistant prosecutor in the case. The net effect of this is the government’s expert is being paid by a civil litigant trying to get a money recovery from this accident"

To me, that tiny bit of this whole affair does indeed sound a tad corrupt.
carl portes 0
Oh yeah i not talking about you. i was referring to the guy thats blaiming this on corruption. this has nothing to do with corruption.

like i said before. if i was the judge. i want to hear from aviation experts, investigators etcc..but not from passengers. do people think that the passengers actually witness the crash? no way. the only thing they witnessed was the loud explosion or noise..whatever you want to called it. I dont buy that they actually saw the collision for a second. but like Rob said. there was a chain of events that led to just currious to what exactly.
leo cordero 0
Carl, All i know come from the news that everybody read and they said that not only the transponder was off but the radios as well because ATC was calling then over and over again and ATC did not get any answer, and i am not blamin no one it is just like i said before it is what i read in the news.
carl portes 0
4 Air traffic Controllers are on the same trial. and just to correct Rob it was FL370. and as far Brazil sharing the majority of the Blame im not so sure about that yet. Theres no way for ATC to know where a aircraft is if the transponder is turned off #1. Both aircraft were flying in accordance with ATC clearances, thats what it says in the article. I would love to find and read what those clearances before they lost contact with Legacy.
Rob Gilbert -1
Is anyone going to testify why the Brazilian "air traffic controllers" put both aircraft at the same altitude? Is the judge going to investigate Embraer and determine if it is acceptable that the aircraft might just have an airworthiness issue that involves the transponder being turned off inadvertantly without the crew knowing?
Leo you shouldnt slander two good pilots on a hunch or a rumor. Both planes were flying at FL380 as assigned by "Brazilian" ATC.
As with any accident, there was a chain of events that led to this horrible event and Brazil shares the majority of the blame. Sorry..

carl portes 0
What you mean Corruption at its finest? thats the right thing to do...what you going to achieve by allowing the passengers on the legacy to testiy? explain that to me. they have no qualifications other them being just a passenger on the plane. They probally dont know anything about ATC or transponders and how they work. What they gonna say.."we just heard a loud noise" give me a break. I blaime this on the pilots and Air traffic controlers. They all gonna get a piece of the pie, question is whos gonna get the most. thats my 2cents.
leo cordero 0
The pilots on the Boeing could not see that the other aircraft was there because the transponder on the Legacy was OFF, now why was it OFF? maybe because they wanted to fly at any altitude they wanted like just playing around with a new TOY?
leo cordero 0
the pilots on the Boeing did not the other aircraft was there because the transponder on the Legacy was OFF, now why was it OFF? maybe because they wanted to fly at any altitude they wanted like just playing around with a new TOY?
Rich Musat 0
A sad day for aviation and safety.
Aims 0
Typical South American expertise
brad ellis 0
That's F*D up. Coruption at it's finest!!! Are you kidding me?!?!?
dingo65 0
erm . . . ok, so the only witnesses allowed are aviation specialists with technical knowledge who were passengers on the Legacy?


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