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Republic Airways Holdings files for Chapter 11

Republic Airways Holdings files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection ( Más...

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Shawn Connelly 0
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

Regional flier for United Airlines files for bankruptcy protection

Republic Airways Holdings Inc., a contract flier that operates several regional flights for United Airlines out of Denver International Airport, is seeking bankruptcy protection, the first such filing by a U.S. airline in five years.
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

Bad news for Bombardier

The parent company of Republic Airways, one of the largest customers for Bombardier's CSeries aircraft, filed for bankruptcy protection Thursday in the United States.
rleiro 0
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

ANALYSIS: Biggest CSeries customer, Republic Airways, Files for Bankruptcy

Republic Airways, the biggest CSeries customer to date, has filed for Bankruptcy protection, citing the need to trim its fleet and adjust its Capacity Purchase Agreements with US legacy carriers.

[This poster has been suspended.]

Those familiar with the program expected this. Republic owned Frontier when they ordered the Cseries. Since they sold Frontier, they have no need for the airplane. Too bad those that purchased Frontier, didn't accept those order terms. Let hope then other suspect orders don't fall apart. Bombardier went all in with this program.

blake1023 1
You're comparing apples and oranges here...
Frontier airlines and the services Republic Airways provides to major carriers, are two different things.

Frontier doesn't need the C series, if anything they want larger airplanes to cram in more people (i.e A321) to higher they're yield.

Republic sold Frontier for a lot of reasons, one being, so Republic can focus on their "core" business. Frontier is now profitable. I sure Republic is kicking themselves because they sold off a profitable business.
This is more bad news for Bombardier's CSeries, Republic has a firm order of 40 with an option for another 40.
canuck44 2
This is Chapter 11 not 7. This is a reorganization just like all the other airlines have done. Virtually all of them the courts permitted them to go ahead with upgrading their fleets if they could show it was in the interests of preserving the entity. They will probably end up with the C-series under those rules or shortly after coming out.
Kenneth Schmidt -1
That's okay, the Canadians can afford a few million more in subsidies.


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