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Roush On The Mend, Airplane Isn't (w/Pics)

NASCAR legend Jack Roush remains in the Mayo Clinic recovering from facial injuries suffered in the hard landing of his Beech Premier at AirVenture July 27 and reports suggest he's mending well. However, there appears to be little hope for his airplane, which AVweb reader Josh Berman recognized immediately when he pulled into a hotel parking lot in Merrillville, Ind., last Thursday. ( Más...

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Scott Siebenhaar 0
Glad for your fast recovery Jack! I have flowen into oshkosh a few times and it is confusing but as stated bin the prevous post it is always the pilot who makes the final desision
Ken Oden 0
WOW! I really didn't expect this: Jack is now blaming the tower for his accident! I wonder how this works; do you thank the ground controller for that grease job you just made on 18L or congratulate TraCon for how much fuel he saved when you flew cross country? I think the responsibility is first, last and always with the pilot. You crash the airplane, it's 99% your fault. Take responsibility - shoulder the blame, Jack.
"NASCAR racing legend Jack Roush appears to blame air traffic controllers working EAA AirVenture in Oshkosh for the events that led to the crash landing of his Beech Premier jet on July 27. "The reality of it -- on a trip arrival into Oshkosh, Wisc., I was put in conflict with the flight plan of another airplane close to the ground, and I was unable to address the conflict and keep the airplane flying. I ground-looped the airplane..." Roush told the car racing publication Motorsports. Tower recordings do seem to suggest a clipped discussion between two controllers in which one wonders whether instructions issued to Roush could be successfully accomplished. "Is 6JR (Roush's plane) going to be OK with this?" a controller asks. "Affirmative," says the controller working Roush's aircraft. "Don't think so," says the other controller.
Ken Oden 0
For what it's worth, there is a new catagory of flying out there called LSA - light sport aircraft. You don't need a medical exam by the Feds to fly these light (less that 1320 lbs.) aircraft. All you have to do is hold a valid driver's license and you can fly around, day, VFR in these interesting little airplanes. I just got a turn around the pattern and a couple of landings in an amazing airplane imported from the Czech Republic by Piper called the Piper Sport. Sweet..... But somehow I don't this would appeal to Jack.
toolguy105 0
Jack Roush is probably grounded by this accident. Commentators for yesterdays Nationwide race stated amoung the injuries Jack suffered in the crash he has been left blind in one eye.

I'm not 100% sure but since his depth perception will be effect I doubt he will be able to pass a new medical certificate. Any one holding a commercial Pilots license rated for whatever plane Jack buys to replace the destroyed one might want to send resumes' to Rouch Racing.
Stan Longo 0
I re-read your previous post (10:56PM) and agree that if Jack wants to fly, he should have backup in the form of a seasoned co-pilot (or, he could co-pilot and periodically handle the flight to keep the thrill). That sounds solid. Almost without exception, every poster on every forum has displayed an amazing respect for Jack Roush as a car-owner, businessman (various facets), friend and pilot. I feel the same. There is plenty of government oversight to ensure his safety and that of the public. I just put it out there, as so many have, that he's been very lucky and skillful to avoid fatalities in his crashes. He should continue to exercise sound assessment of his skills and supporting abilities. Roundabout way of saying, "I agree with you." Thanks for giving me the second thought!
Ken Oden 0
I didn't hear that Jack had lost an eye - tragic. My first flying job was with Eastern Air Lines and there was a captain there who was legally blind in his left eye. My understanding was that he was being watch pretty closely by the company and Feds, and he seemed to do well. But that was back in the days of "you had a heart attack(?) you're done flying." Now days it's not unusual for someone with a heart condition to regain their medical ticket after treatment.
Stan Longo 0
I was sad to learn Jack lost his left eye. I expected it after seeing Brian Flanagan's photos, and because of the treatment at the Mayo Clinic for 'facial injuries'. I don't think the Mayo is up for plastic surgery-type care for post-air crash injuries, but they are specialists (the best) in eye surgeries and cutting edge treatment. The scary thought is that he feels he can fly just fine with only his right eye. He apparently slowed to avoid impact with another plane (see Flanagan's photos) and dropped like a rock. He made that choice. That may be a signal that his depth perception was already an issue; without one of his eyes he will have none. Time to ride instead of drive, Jack. As Dirty Harry said: A man's GOT to know his limitations. (Glad he is recovering and back at the track!)

Ken Oden 0
For a change, listen to your fans...... Get a professional copilot to keep the blue side up.
209flyboy 0

Glad to see you're in one piece, But, please!!! hire a professional to do the flying stuff. We need you more at the races than in a box. (Remember, 3 strikes and you could be out)
Bruce Frazier 0
Jack was at the track, MIS, today. Looking none the worse from the outside.
bryan moss 0
Since I'm a bit older than you, Jack, I'll take the risk of asking you: Please don't put yourself in such risky situations anymore. You're too important and valuable to far too many people, for us to have to keep worrying about 'the NEXT one.' Agree with toolguy 105. . . The track ain't the same without 'the cat in the hat.' Best wishes for a speedy, complete recovery; and an even quicker return to the garage and track. Believe me, your absence is noted. . . . :-)
Best regards. Bryan Moss
jerry karp 0
it's time to fly right seat jack! There are hundreds of highly qualified jet pilots to oversee your flying, I'm sure the thrill of victory does not outweigh the agony of defeat....enjoy your jet, let someone enjoy it with you. speedy recovery.....
Ken Oden 0
I'm glad to see some other folk who agree that Jack needs to hire a safety pilot. He doesn't drive his own cars - although I'll bet he's got thousands of hours behind the wheel. He doesn't turn his own wrenches - although I'll bet he owns a lot of tools. He doesn't write his own legal contracts although he makes lots of high $$ deals. Maybe it's about time for him to get some professional help in this part of his high powered life. If he were employed with Delta or United, he would have had his walking papers four years ago (age 65) or somewhere after his second CFIT accident.
Boomer29 0
Totalagreement, Jack should sit back and enjoy the ride. Let someone else drive. Or even ride in one of the haulers. They probably have the best safety record in all of NASCAR - DOT for that matter.
Joachim Nelson 0
Any word on the condition of Roush's only passenger?
toolguy105 0
I agree
Tim Haisch 0
Jack is a good man but it's time to hire a pilot. Two very near misses both close to fatal. Hummmm let's be smart. Jack you can only dodge so many bullets.
toolguy105 0
There is not much you can do with that plane other than salvage what you can and send the rest to the scrap heap. I look foward to Jacks' speedy return to the track. The track is not the same without the cat in the hat. Get well soon Jack


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