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Crew of crashed Taiwan TransAsia plane shut off working engine - source

The crew of a TransAsia Airways ATR plane that crashed in Taiwan in February, killing 43 people on board, had shut off the working engine after the other lost power, a source with direct knowledge of the matter said on Wednesday. The latest investigation report into the Taipei crash, to be released on Thursday, will say data readings showed the almost-new turboprop ATR 72-600 stalled and crashed shortly after the functioning engine was switched off, said the source. ( Más...

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zkokp777 2
do u trust these pilots? Look at Garuda"s reputation crashing a 737 over shooting the runways the same when they had DC10"s BBQ at the end of runways just like Air France do but they have not being going deep sea diving lately with ther Airbus jets maybe the Asian carriers get away with to much and ride the thin line most treat there aircraft like crap
peterrusso427 1
Have you tried Lion air? You will be pretty pissed when u end up in the water by the way no inflatables aren"t allowed on board couldn"t find a life jacket not even a Saftey card in the seat pockets in front of you where you seat. They should call themselves flow rider airlines.
sparkie624 -1
LOL.. Trust an Asian Pilot.... Are you kidding... Those guy's flying are definitely trained to different standard, and I do not mean a better standard either...
David Loh 1
Lots of asian pilots in Singapore Airlines. You probably won't feel safe flying with them!
preacher1 0
Knowing the culture of that part of the world, I'm not sure I'd trust any of the. Got to be some good ones in there though.
preacher1 2
Most come over here for training and have to learn from scratch. Most of those countries don't have any GA program of any type.
matthew haney 0
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

TransAsia Plane's Pilot Switched Off Wrong Engine Before Crash

The ASC's latest report also showed that Captain Liao Jian-zong, who was at the controls, had failed simulator training in May 2014, in part because he had insufficient knowledge of how to deal with an engine flame-out on take-off.
sparkie624 1
Geez.. that is what we said months ago right after it first happened... Guess it all comes down to crew training.
I remember this one vividly. It was at East Midlands Airport, and that was where I learned to fly. I did my first solo on the same runway. MANY years ago
Frank Harvey 1
Hi Andy,
I soloed in power at Halfpenny Green (with a go-around due to a parachutist landing on the active when I was on short final) and I flew gliders at Ashbourne. Never flew at EGNX though, the only time I was there was for the bike races at Castle Don.
I remember the BiMi 737 scraping the M1 and the pilots going from hero to scapegoat a couple of days later when the Mail/Mirror/Express learnt the wrong engine had been shutdown. Later on one of them won a court case based on inadequate training, I think due to the differences between the 734 and the earlier models they'd been trained on.
Frank. I learned at EGNX and did my first solo on RW10 as a Court Lines L1011 was doing low approaches on RW28!. I flew with friends several times to Halfpenny Green. One of the guys flew the DH Rapide that they used for parachutists. Fond memories from the 70s.
I had already left the UK when the BMA accident occurred but Michael Bishop was a frequent visitor to the Flying Club as their office was next door. They were a fledgling outfit at the time!. Cheers
preacher1 1
Well, can we say mistake? Stuff happens and in this case it turned out bad. Not near enough time to restart.
Dave Mills 0
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

"Wow, pulled back wrong throttle" - captain of crashed TransAsia plane

The captain of a TransAsia Airways ATR plane that crashed in Taiwan in February, killing 43 people, had switched off the working engine after the other lost power, the Aviation Safety Council (ASC) confirmed on Thursday in its latest report.
Colin Seftel 3
I just did some research into crashes caused by the wrong engine being shut down and it's happened more often than I would have guessed - 14 times:
Colin Seftel 1
This has happened before with a B737-400, British Midland 92, see
preacher1 6
Seems like this was a preliminary finding either day of or next day after crash. It is hard to swallow but human error is all that could have caused it. Just anxiety at losing one and hitting the kill switch for the wrong engine. That said, even with a report, all else is speculation as we weren't there.

bbabis 1
Yes, they pegged it pretty quick as I remember. Only three things would have prevented this accident. Training, Training, and Training. Just leaving both power levers forward and doing nothing would have allowed the plane to return.
30west 1
Absolutely! And there is no need to rush to do something other than fly the airplane.

My airline's profile for an engine failure or fire after v1 was to declare an emergency, request runway heading to 2000' (obviously, terrain permitting), clean up, level off at 2000' and then run the checklist after the two memory items....power lever - idle, fuel cutoff - cutoff....have been completed once level.
preacher1 1
I think part of that training though told them to do that. They just grabbed the wrong one in the excitement, and there is a rush there as multiple things are happening on takeoff.
bbabis 3
Rushing causes mistakes which is something training should address. As I remember though, the first engine failed 2 minutes or so after takeoff. With the speed and altitude they had there was no need to push buttons and pull levers without verification.
preacher1 1
As a young pilot, the feeling of "Oh S$%^, we're gonna crash" always comes in there. I never lost one on the 757. It was halfway common on the 707 with the RR's. Wasn't a big deal. As we grew older we knew we weren't going to die. Just get on your game and do your thing.


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