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US To Tighten Airport Worker Screening

US airport workers will be subject to extra security screening under new rules prompted by the December 2014 arrest of a baggage handler in Atlanta on gun smuggling charges. Airport and airline employees will now have to be screened before flying by the Transportation Security Administration, Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson said. They will also face an increase in random screening throughout their workday. ( Más...

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So they have a couple of nutball gunrunners wreck it for the whole USA......what a joke. What has the TSA stopped terrorism wise after all the billions of man hours and searching grandmothers and kids? Almost nothing that I know of. Back in the late 70's and onward the airline workers were the security and we did just fine. Everybody knows who we need to profile.......but we ignore that.

John McCurdy 0
Perhaps you forgot about the PSA (USAIR) groundworker who flew standby on a flight in California and shot the pilots, crashing and killing all 44 on board near Paso Robles. Sorry, but I have no problem with increased security of all airport workers and supplies.
I not only remember PSA but I personally knew Julie Clark the airshow performer, her dad was killed on the way into SJC back in the 60's in an F-27. I also personally knew the first hijack victim in the USA who was wounded in 1962. While all of these are tragic they are miniscule numbers, and the many millions of travelers didn't have their lives disrupted and freedoms lost like the ungodly mess we have today. Crap happens and sometimes you're wrong place wrong time. I grew up on a farm surrounded by guns and my preference would be to put a couple of .45's in the cockpit of every airliner and have some airline workers with concealed carry at all airports. Cheap and free and the nutcases would stay away. Just IMO.........I'm sure all the nanny state big gov folks will be
209flyboy 6

I hear a new airport screening unit has arrived at various airports to detect people who hide concealed explosives. It is a large reinforced container with an entrance door at one end and an exit door at the other.

When the individual enters the container, the reinforced door is closed behind them and screening begins. The unit will cause any explosive device to detonate while the person is being screened within the container. So, if you hear a large muffled 'KABOOM' coming from a container at the security station, the next announcement heard will be “Attention standby passengers, we now have a seat available on flight …”

What’s not to like?
Paul Thomas 2
... but who's going to screen the screeners?


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