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American Receives First Embraer 175 from 60-Aircraft Order

American Airlines has taken delivery of the first of 60 Embraer 175 regional jets the carrier ordered in December 2013 for operation under the American Eagle regional service brand. ( Más...

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Preacher, I really don't get what you mean. It's a totally different airplane than those with the engines near the tail.
preacher1 1
Well, I know. It's still an RJ though and I just always liked the looks of that ERJ class and they had about the same capacity. I just have always subscribed to the premise of
"If it ain't broke don't fix it". I guess they felt a big redesign was necessary to keep up with the Jones'es. LOL
preacher1 1
Of course, I was a 757 man too and we see what has happened there. It's just like WalMart; they stock something you like, you start buying it and get used to it, and they droop it; then you gotta get used to something else, and I guess I am that way with the planes. It's what you get used to. LOL

preacher1 1
I also have to wonder, and these certainly weren't the first, why they moved the engines off the tail and down under the wing???
preacher1 1
month and a half delivery; that's fast!!!!!!!!!


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