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Plane found 50 years after crash in Chile

Mountaineers in Chile say they have discovered the wreckage of a plane that went missing more than 50 years ago. ( Más...

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preacher1 1
It would appear that the plane was long since found. The Aviation safety link below shows that the wreckage was found on April 1oth, I am assuming of 1961. Question, why was he crouising at 8500 or so with terrain around of at least 10 grand, and then wanting to go lower because of icing. Something stinks here.
Chuck Me 1
The AV Safety link seems to be the only place with the information the wreckage was found few days later. Others seem to cite that as the source. And their is no source listed on the AV Safety site for where they got that information.

Long story short - who the heck knows if this was the first "find" or not.
Chuck Me 1
"their is no source"... what an idiot.
preacher1 1
Source or not, I find it guard to believe that that many people would not be looked for, especially with several celebrities like the football players on board.
tim mitchell 1
improperly set altimeter

preacher1 1
Something happened but I doubt we'll ever know.
tim mitchell 1
We'll never know what happened but given the time period, sparse radio control, technology and flight into terrain I am leaning toward improperly set altimeter.
preacher1 1
I think the news said this morning that the wreckage was about 10000 feet. Probably a cloudy day and he wasn't near high enough to clear the terrain.
Chuck Me 1
This source does not have the "found a few days later" in their database.

Still trying to identify the source of the reports it was found a few days later.
chalet 1
Indeed the story that these mountaineers submitted is strange to say the least specially when saying that they will not reveal the exact location giving some weird explanation. Some suggestions are being made though that the wreckage (if these guys really found any) might correspond to a U.S. Navy R4D (C-47) BuNo. 17254 that crashed someplace in the Andes in Aug. 1969 when flying from Santiago, Chile to Buenos Aires, Argentina and that was never found.
chalet 1
I must say that the bent propeller seen on the video looks very much like the wide-cord blades that the U.S. Navy seemed to use with most of their C-47s in Latin America. Stay tuned for the next episodoe of this saga.
mskierki 1
That is quite a detailed article. Where did they ever find that much information about the flight.

It also appears that this plane was originally found in April of 1961:


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