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Mesa Airlines Agrees to Buy Seven Bombardier CRJ900s

Phoenix-based regional Mesa Airlines—which operates as American Eagle and US Airways Express—has reached an agreement in principle with Montreal-based Bombardier to buy seven new CRJ900 NextGen aircraft to operate under a long-term capacity purchase agreement with a major US airline. ( Más...

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Why market a larger aircraft, knowing your target customer base is party to a 'Scope Clause'? In looking at orders for Embraer and Mitsubishi, it seems American Regionals have avoided/rejected the CRJ 1000 and related types.

preacher1 1
Interesting. The CRJ900 has been out about 15 years. The CRJ 1000 has been out for a bit, yet all you seem to hear on buying is the CRJ900. What's the difference?
Chris Dierking 1
Scope clauses....
preacher1 1
I thought I had heard something about pax size. I knew it would have required an extra crew in the cabin. I for got about the scopes.


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