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Saudi Arabia Gives Israel Clear Skies To Attack Iranian Nuclear Sites

Saudi Arabia has conducted tests to stand down its air defences to enable Israeli jets to make a bombing raid on Iran’s nuclear facilities. In the week that the UN Security Council imposed a new round of sanctions on Tehran, defence sources in the Gulf say that Riyadh has agreed to allow Israel to use a narrow corridor of its airspace in the north of the country to shorten the distance for a bombing run on Iran. ( Más...

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flyinkizziah 0
another example of how a common threat can make for uncommon bedmates
Devin Beckes 0
holy cow, expect it very soon
Kevin Kuhn 0
no no no no no no no
John Andre 0
I don't trust Saudi Arabia anymore than I trust Iran...
clementise 0
finally they see the threats of the fanatics!!!!
Joel Rodriguez 0
I think SabreHog said it best... no no no no no...
ww curry 0
yea right. If you believe this, you also believe in the tooth fairy.
agg1930 0
It is inevitable! It will happen sooner than later. The sooner the better for everyone!
al280nm 0
brace yourselves for another very hotspot in the middle east, it only gets better and better.... God help us all if you beleive in Him.
Mauilaw 0
The Saudi's are as concerned about the fanatical fringe as we are, maybe even more so. Their riches and way of life is at stake. But in the words of Regan, without question one of the smartest things he ever said, "Trust, but verify."
steve andeson 0
ww Curry, if there was no such thing as a tooth fairy, how come I always had a quarter under my pillow the next day?!
marcus holden 0
Don't expect Obummer to help Israel. They know they have to stop Iran before they are attacked and Iran knows they must attack before 2012 while USA is at it's weakest militarily.
Lee Duncan 0
I found it interesting that the article said they were waiting on the US to approve the overflight of Iraq. Souldn't that be the Iraqi government? Or is Iraq the 51st state now? :-)
James Gross 0
Why doesn't Saudi Arabia take out the Nuke sites? Why should Israel have to do the dirty work? Regardless the Earth can not afford a nuclear Iran.
Mauilaw and Holden are spot on!!
What do Benjamin Netanyahu, Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan all have in common. Alot: 1) They're each students of history and 2) They have the courage to take care of their own in spite of the cost.
henry white 0
War is hell...but hell is worse...
W B johnson 0
I suspect the reason the Saudis want Israel to do the dirty work, which they know Israel will if no one else will, is because they can then claim innocence, blame those naughty Jews for another "attack on the Muslim faith", further worsen Israel's relation with the Palestinians, and still reap the benefits of a nuclear-deprived Iran.
larlehl 0
G.W.Busch made a mistake it should have been Iran not Iraq,but V.P.Chaney pulled the strings.

Carl Estes 0
Just another dirty job Obama wants to pass off to another country. But you can be sure he has a hand in it.


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