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American Airlines takes delivery of its first Boeing 787 Dreamliner

American Airlines took delivery Thursday of its first Boeing 787 Dreamliner at Boeing’s Everett, Wash., factory. On Friday, American brings it home to North Texas. The airplane, N800AN, is scheduled to leave Paine Field at 10 a.m. and arrive at Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport at 4:21 p.m.. It’ll be parked at an American hangar there. “Once the plane arrives, the Tech Ops team at our DWH maintenance base at DFW will begin the acceptance process and prepare the airplane for flight training… ( Más...

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s2v8377 1
I don't understand how American's first 787 delivery has turned into a debate about the airline's livery???
LGM118 1
Because the livery change was related to the introduction of the 787. A significant part of the livery change was to show that the airline is moving into the future, especially after AA went into Chapter 11. The 787's were a huge deal for publicity purposes, but more importantly, the bare metal livery AA used would not work on the 787's which use a composite fuselage.

The shift to a new livery was done well before the 787's came in, and was definitely influenced by other factors, but the 787's played a big part in it.

So that's the high-minded reason for the discussion. In reality though, mostly people just like complaining about the new livery whenever AA comes up.
mzscapes 2
That has possibilities... The tail scheme and how it drops into the fuselage line is disruptive to the eye... Just the eagle would be a great improvement as that tail does not send thea message 'this airplane belongs to American Airlines'... Just a dull gray with red, blue and white is all I see... How many millions did they spend on coming up with that... z
LGM118 1
Right, but remember, they needed to create just the right brand image for today's modern consumers. People don't have time to analyze a logo, they want something simple and comfortable so they don't have to think.

For example, the logo isn't an American Airlines logo, it's the Flight Symbol ('s red white and blue, because people know that those colors are American colors! I just drank an entire bottle of vodka before typing this!

Getting serious for a second. Stuff like this is why I hate most of the people in my generation (millenials). Futurebrand, the company that designed the logo, is (based on what I've heard from some some people I know) chock full of "young talent" i.e. dumb millenials. It really hates me that the defining characteristic of my generation is that we have so many more tools for self expression than any previous generation, more ways to spread those ideas than ever before, yet we use all that to come up with milquetoast garbage.
mzscapes 1
I am all for modern design, but imho any aircraft scheme should represent the company and/or country... When you look at Virgin Atlantic and British Airways, you know they are British... When you see Alaska and Hawaiian, you know who they are... Delta has the widget right on their tail... When I see American, it might as well be any carrier and/or country that has red, white and blue... It just says 'nothing'... And it says 'nothing' in an awful tone of grey... Oh wait a minute, it screams Aeroflot old and new... Not th eimage I would want...
Dwight Hartje 3
I agree. The older livery was more interesting(and I think more patriotic).
sparkie624 -1
Glad to hear.. At least they did not go with the Scare Bus!
Dwight Hartje 1
They also are retaining a U.S.Airways order for A350s.
sparkie624 0
Bad News... Hate to hear that one.
Matt West 2
Oh yeah - let's bash British Airways for buying Boeing while we are at it. Oh, and every other European airline that flies Boeing. Airlines buy aircraft based on profit - not patriotism.
sparkie624 3
I do not make my opinions based on patriotism... I base it on the quality of airplane... Boeing makes a much better product that will last years longer... There are still Boeing 727 and 737's flying today.. I am confident that there will not be an Airbus that old to be flyable. 2ndly Boeing believes the Pilot/Flt crew should have the final authority of the aircraft.. Airbus believes that the computers should have the final authority... I cannot follow that philosophy and that is why I prefer Boeing.

They are buying those too. A320 and 321s along with A330s
s2v8377 1
No A330's but A350's are on the way at some point in the future (The A350 order was inherited from US Airways).

All A330's are legacy US Airways aircraft which have already been delivered and are currently being painted in AA's livery.

Also to the best of my knowledge American is only taking delivery of A319's and A321's. No A320's are currently on order, but that could always change.
s2v8377 2
Link to the delivery flight of American's first 787-8 (N800AN-8AA) on FlightAware.
kenish 2
New livery reminds me of the old US Army Air Corps tail. But I still don't like it on AA planes!
iflyfsx 2
...and they immediately ruin it with that boring livery.
My desire would be for the AA Eagle logo on the tail and drop the lame attempt of an American flag .. with "American" as it is on the aircraft
mzscapes 2
Nice airplane... Could use a better paint scheme... z
Dwight Hartje 1
I hope they use them into RDU from London LHR!
Agree but little chance I think
Scott Campbell 2
Good Luck with that dream, maybe in a few years at best.
parisram007 1
Nice jet when there new good on you AA, all American
parisram007 1
Nice jet when there new good on you AA, all American


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