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Boeing Completes World’s First All-Electric Propulsion Satellites

EL SEGUNDO, Calif., Jan. 9, 2015 – Boeing [NYSE: BA] has completed production of the world’s first all-electric propulsion satellites as preparations continue to launch the satellites, as a vertically stacked pair, next month. The Boeing 702SP (small platform) satellites are affordable and lightweight, and provide efficient options for satellite movement. The 702SP is one of three new satellite designs Boeing has introduced in four years, the others being the 702MP and 502 Phoenix. ( Más...

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adin burroughs 1
Trying to interpet and the Wikipedia page ( these "all-electric" satellites still use onboard Xenon as reaction mass; these are just high efficiency Ion thrusters.

The xenon is not considered fuel afaict because it isn't burned/combusted. While it appears that the satellite will eventually run out of xenon, the solar electric ion thrusters are efficient enough that it should last beyond the planned serviceable life of the satellite. (Need a good reference for this)
lynx318 1
Also NASA visualisation video may help
lynx318 1
Best I can help you with quickly
Gary Baker 1
nothing on the technology

Kairho Carroll 1
Someone please explain how electric propulsion actually effects propulsion. Tnx.
adin burroughs 1
See my response above. Tldr; I believe it's an ion thruster using xenon as reaction mass


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