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Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 to be declared lost, families to be compensated

Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370, the jetliner that went missing nearly nine months ago, will finally be officially declared lost. As a result of the official declaration, the families who lost a loved one due to the Malaysia Airlines’ lost flight will be able to be paid for the tragic incident. In the report, it has been restated that there is absolutely no sign of the lost Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 whatsoever, according to a report issued on Sunday by Christian Today. ( Más...

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matt jensen 1
bbabis 1
Since the original story is no longer available, it might be best to just make a new squawk.
matt jensen 1
matt jensen 1
bbabis 1
Thanks for the post updates Matt.

matt jensen 1
matt jensen 1
matt jensen 1
matt jensen 1
Then, my learned friends, explain this - Mr Akers findings appear to support reports this week from a US former pilot Michael Hoebel, from New York, who believes he found the wreckage of the flight off the coast of Thailand.

Mr Akers - who is referenced as an independent researcher with the National Maritime Museum - said he has now identified sections of the aircraft close to where Vietnam authorities received a report from oil workers who saw a plane burning coming out of the sky.
matt jensen 1
matt jensen 1
matt jensen 1
matt jensen 1
Looks like they've found wreckage that washed ashore on Reunion Island - about 5999km from orig search site. Not where Inmarsat said it was.
matt jensen 1
But, there's a wrinkle: Le Piton de la Fournaise, one of the most active volcanoes in the world and a main tourist attraction on the Reunion island, was evacuated Thursday as authorities warned of an imminent eruption. The island's volcanic observatory, OVPF, registered a spike in seismic activity in the volcano, noting that the volcano was spewing out a large amount of gas and that the shape of the crater was changing in shape. The report prompted authorities to issue an alert, warning of "a probable and imminent" eruption, and forced the evacuation of tourists and locals near the caldera of the volcano. The volcano, the name of which translates into "The Peak of the Furnace", has already erupted twice this year; in February and in May, with the episodes lasting a few days each.
matt jensen 1
matt jensen 1
Some 777 driver just said the jet is likely intact 4 miles down. He should go back to school and learn about crush depths. At one thousand feet down - most WWII sub hulls would fail and they are considerably thicker than a jet's skin.
bbabis 1
If water got in to equalize pressure it could go down forever and not crush.
While I can understand the need of the families - and others with curious minds -(including mine)- to know where the plane went down, how, and why, my response is simply to commit to frequent and fervent prayer for the families of all - passengers and staff - prayer that God may grant them to accept that it is gone and that they honor their loved ones best by carrying on lives that honor and respect what life meant to their loved ones. My deepest sympathy to each and every one of them, and my plea for special love and care for the children survivors who lost parents or other loved ones...God bless one and all.Barbara Rochester NY USA.
alan75035 2
Not lost, just misplaced.
Lars Hagen 1
Even if this airplane was floating in the mid ocean, it would still have been a major undertaking to find it. But who came up with the idea it must have gone south, and not north? Political motivation? To steal a 777 is easy if you are a pilot. To navigate and land safely and undetected,- that requires lots of training and careful planning. Let's hope this airplane never shows up over the horizon again.
Leighton Elliott -5
The reason they haven't found even one iota of any parts is, The plane landed in one piece. The doctored cargo and fuel manifests also fit into the whole scenario. A lot of money has been spent on of the biggest frauds of the century. The only solice to take from all this, is personally, I think some very top secret technology was intercepted in order to not get into the wrong hands. Putin had a lil temper tantrum over the whole thing, that he had MH17 shot down in retribution. Whatya think of them apples?
ImperialEagle 1
Well, I think your commentary is not any more far-fetched than all these different governments saying "they don't know a thing". I find it to be a ridiculous scenario that an aircraft the size of a city block takes off in that area of the world and flies straight towards the Chinese mainland and strangely nobody notices it! Really???? I tend to think, with modern technology, China is capable of monitoring the migration of a house-fly ESPECIALLY if it is flying straight towards them.

The good thing is at least the families will have a bit of closure and will have some financial relief from the various insurers.

At least for now, the Governments involved have achieved their goal. In time people will forget.
I wonder if we will ever know what really happened? Probably not.
I don't think the families will ever have closure.
bbabis 1
Its proposed destination was Beijing, a good reason for it to fly directly at the Chinese mainland just as it had done many times before. Why would China be concerned? As it turned out, It barely reached Vietnamese airspace much less China's before it turned. I'm sure China watched it if and when they could but land based radars of all nations soon lost it. Governments at times do some dastardly things so when something like this happens government becomes an easy scapegoat. In this case I think you are giving them too much credit.
AWAAlum 2
I think you have a very fertile imagination.
acra24 4
Yeah, MH370 definitely was intercepted by a government sponsored UFO from the planet Trilithion and the passengers were sold for $10M each for experiments. The plane's aluminium parts were given to the Trilithions, for whom aluminium is rarer than gold for special anti-gravity technology that top heads of state use for their toilet seats. I know this cuz I read it on the internet.
Kevin Cooney 2
I think that's 10 million quatloos.
lynx318 1
The planet was Triskelion, and not experiments but the Providers Games.
Surely, some country's knows where this plane were lost (statE For sure) but for military reasons. They won t let us know.
bbabis 5
It is what it is. Planes go missing and are lost all around the world all the time. Besides oceans they are in forests, lakes, mountains, and deserts. Mh370 is just the largest one to date and garners the news. The fact that we don't know what happened to a missing aircraft allows for many whimsical stories to be made up and, since they can't be proved wrong, they have credence. The only sure thing is that over time it will fade away into aviation lure until maybe one day a chance discovery or future technology may lend a hand in solving the mystery. RIP MH370.
steve rogers 2
that's the problem when your country is surrounded by a million miles of deep water , your odds become somewhat harder to find anything that will crash , 100 miles from shore is one thing , but a 500 or a 1000 is another , talk about a needle in a haystack .
Straits of Malacca swallows airplanes, it could be next to the Learjet that went down there in '83, that was never found...
matt jensen 1

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matt jensen 0
From the article I just posted - "Mr. Dunleavy inadvertently let the cat out of the bag and told the truth about MH370 – the missing plane will never be found because some governments do not want it to be found."
maurizio sisto 1
ask USA, why?
linbb 4
That's it yup was filled with gold and only a few knew about it. Ok so where did the proof of that come from?
Falconus 1
The aliens told him. Duh...

[This poster has been suspended.]

lynx318 1
Don't you mean Ellen Riley¿
lynx318 1


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