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The flying car gets another shot at reality this October

Outside of goofy newscasters referencing The Jetsons and Back to the Future 2, flying cars don't get much airtime these days. The concept is far from dead, but similarly distant from viable reality: simply put, it's too expensive of an idea to exist as a consumer product with modern technology. Slovakian company AeroMobil disagrees, and its third prototype is ready to be shown to the world this October 29th at the Pioneers Festival in Austria. ( Más...

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mrvair 1
He took off with a three bladed prop and landed with four. Go figure !!

ajagostini 1
The flying car...a terrible car and an even worse plane for 3x the price of either. Awesome. Remember to look for damage from shopping carts or a parking lot hit-and-run at Wal Mart during your preflight. A great idea that only works in a vacuum.
David Stark 1
The tail leaving the ground first is true of all tail draggers Mike. In order to get the wing into an acceptable angle of attack the "car" has to leave the ground this way. I just wish the wings would fold back into the tail more to increase visibility on the ground and give you a back seat. Perhaps next model.
zennermd 1
I wasn't really considering this a tail dragger. I was comparing it more to the terrafugia.
zennermd 1
Did anyone else notice the tail seemed to be lifting off the ground before the nose, or am I just seeing things. Seems like it has a more forward than normal CG.
steve rogers 1
thousands of car crashes everyday world wide , now your going to put them in the air , most drivers are still trying to learn on the ground !
siriusloon 1
I agree. Stand on any street corner and watch how many idiots are on the road. Now try to imagine them doing that in three dimensions.


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