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Four Injured After Jet Blue Flight Makes Emergency Landing At Long Beach Airport

LONG BEACH ( — Several people were injured Thursday after a Jet Blue aircraft had to make an emergency landing at Long Beach Airport. Flight 1416 returned to Long Beach at 9:29 a.m., 25 minutes after it took off for Austin, TX. ( Más...

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Karl Schneider 1
Historically, far more people are injured by the 'emergency slides' than by simply staying in their seats, except in the vanishingly rare cases of airplane on fire.
usmcflyr 1
I agree 100%, with the numbers… but I take issue with the blanket statement. Of course more people are injured going down a slide than by staying in their seat since there's no risk involved in sitting in your seat. But during a high risk situation like a fire, or imminent fire for that matter, it is a lower risk to evacuate down a slide. It's all about risk management. Case and point: Air Canada DC-9 Flight 797 only 90 seconds after touchdown for the unconfirmed fire to flash over and kill 20+ passengers who didn't make it out the slides in time. Yes, aircraft fires are rare, but in cases with a high potential to become a "rare" statistic, I prefer to be wrong and live with a few broken ankles than dead and wrong.
Tim Duggan 1
Forgot link to that Tweet:
Markus Wolff 3
Good job guys, little damage to aircraft & excellent job on following through with the emergency check list.
To depressurize the cabin, you need to shut off the source of air for the PACK/S. Then you need to close the applicable engine bleed air valve for that engine that failed as a backup to the fire "T" handle being pulled. Follow the QRH checklist for the necessary abnormal or emergency procedure. Thou the oxygen masks didn't deploy because you have an automatic system & a manual override, the pax masks would of at least supplied clean O2 to the pax. The masks aren't like the flight deck pressure masks but would supply non-toxic O2 versus the toxic fumes from the engine bleed air system as a result of engine failure.
A non-expert =how fire/smoke enters cabin,when engines are fitted in the wings.if enters why not depress the cabin with permitted slowness without losing elevation/height.,so that cabin becomes ,smoke free.
Stewart Agreen 2
Can I ask what causes the cabin to fill with smoke? And what kind of smoke is it? Is it truly coming from the failed engine? And what is the danger to the passengers (guess that depends on the type of smoke)?
Torsten Hoff 6
It's probably from bleed air.

Since there is not enough oxygen at altitude, the cabin is pressurized using air drawn from inside the compressor stage in the engines. The compressed air is first cooled in heat exchangers because the compression heats it up, and then fed into the ventilation system.

If the engine is on fire or otherwise smoking, the smoke can find its way into the cabin along this path.
Pa Thomas 2
Those slides are really dangerous.
Torsten Hoff 3
According to the Long Beach Fire Department the pilots received a warning that the engine was overheating and used both extinguisher bottles after smoke entered the cabin. The engine appears intact and there is no sign of fire in the picture of the plane on the runway.

"Twilight" actor Jackson Rathbone tweeted that the "right engine exploded".

I'm going to have to go with the LBFD version of the event.
siriusloon 1
For non-experts (i.e. 99% of the self-loading cargo), a "loud boom" from an engine, followed by smoke in the cabin and the declaration of an emergency could quite reasonably be assumed to be an explosion. Fortunately, there were experts on the flight deck and this forum is jam-packed with them and we now know better what happened.
s2v8377 7
Why deploy the oxygen masks in the cabin? They are designed to add oxygen to the existing air in the cabin. They are not designed to keep smoke out.

Before anyone comments. I know the masks on the flight-deck for the flight crew are totally different and do as work as true oxygen masks.
Tim Duggan 4
I wanted to correct a misconception, Sebastian:

Quote: "...the oxygen masks... <snip> ...They are designed to add oxygen to the existing air in the cabin."

No, the PAX O2 masks merely provide supplemental O2 to the person using be used only in cases of a cabin depressurization...since those masks provide a "mix" of cabin air, and pure O2. The masks when dropped do NOT provide O2, unless pulled down by the passenger (or crew) and then a lanyard pulls a pin, and the O2 flow is initiated.

Nowadays, as a weight-saving measure, there are "Oxygen Generators" in each PSU that provide about 15 minutes' of pure O2, but at a very low rate. Enough to keep a person conscious, as the airplane descends to a lower altitude. Many decades ago, these systems were plumbed from dedicated oxygen tanks, under pressure (but separate from the flight deck crew O2).

Those O2 generators get very hot because of the chemical reaction that produces the O2. They present a fire hazard, actually.

When I read that there is a Tweet by actor Jackson Rathbone, I shudder. he said:

"The oxygen masks did not deploy, but the brave stewardesses came around and manually deployed them...."

Which was the WRONG action!
joe milazzo -2
On every airplane I've flown it's part of the "Smoke in the Cabin" emergency checklist!! He was just following his EP's!!
justindpilot 1
Not sure what you have flown but for my company only the cockpit crew don oxygen masks. Introducing additional o2 into the cabin by way of the PAX O2 masks could fuel a fire. Now since the source of the smoke was reasonably assumed to be from the engine damage I would say no harm no foul.
usmcflyr 13
Not on the Airbus… The only scenario I can think of where you would drop the masks (on the Airbus) would be in the event you depressurize the cabin and remove the smoke using the Ram Air while still at high altitude (which would be a very desperate situation). The masks in the cabin do nothing to aid in passenger breathing through smoke since it doesn't form a seal… if anything it can make matters worse… If you have an actual fire in the cabin, dropping the masks would make the cabin an even more oxygen rich environment, adding fuel to the fire.

The only benefit I can come up with is that it gives passengers something to hang on to and maybe act as a sort of safety blanket to help calm their nerves (again, assuming there is no fire in the cabin).

Media reports that the F/A's manually deployed the masks. Don't know how you do that in a 'Bus, but they didn't have that capability in the 75 or 76 that I know of unless they inserted the pin in each overhead compartment.
usmcflyr 1
That's the only way for them to do it on the bus… don't know of any other way to do it from the cabin.
Muchits 8
We have the same procedure for the 757/767s. We will only deploy PAX oxygen in the event of high cabin altitude. We NEVER will deploy oxygen with smoke of fumes. For smoke or fumes our SOP states: "Warning: Do not activate the passenger oxygen system. It provides no smoke protection for passengers as it mixes oxygen with cabin air. It is also an extreme fire hazard."
GolfrGuy7 4
We have the same procedure on the CRJ, for the same reasons you stated above. Additionally, the oxygen generators put off quite a bit of heat in the cabin when they are being used. Not something you want when there is fire.

I'm not familiar with the airbus, but from the article it sounds like they didn't drop automatically and the pilots did not drop them either. Maybe the FA thought it was a good idea.
Tim Duggan 3
Quote: "Maybe the FA thought it was a good idea."

Likely...and, they were wrong. The flight deck crew would have had the ability to "dump" the cabin after the engine was shut down...and associated pack turned off. The remaining pack would supply fresh air. Thus clearing much of the smoke. But of course, the pilots were very busy, and FAs acted on their own initiative, apparently.

I daresay this incident will be incorporated in JetBlue's re-current training curricula.
Martin Connor 0
Looking at the altitude graph, they never exceeded 10,000 feet. Would this be the reason they didn't deploy? I would guess that with no loss of pressurization, manual deployment would be the only way.
siriusloon 1
10,000 feet is the altitude at which supplemental oxygen is required in an unpressurised cabin. The cabin altitude would have been lower than the actual altitude, but not by a lot in this case because the aircraft didn't pass 10,000 feet.

Could there have been a loss of pressure due to (or following) the engine shutdown, but that it wasn't much of a drop due to the already fairly small difference between inside and outside at that time? If this had happened at cruising altitude the difference would have been considerable, but at this aircraft's actual altitude, not so much.
Rick Dozier 1
According to the FAA above 12,500 for more than 30 mins for the pilot only is the required O2 level, then I think it is 14K for everyone aboard.
usmcflyr 1
That's part 91… part 121 have different requirements.
usmcflyr 6
Yeah, even with an catastrophic engine failure, cabin pressurization is usually not affected. The flight attendants have a manual deploy tool... Good initiative, bad judgment. Having said that, it's difficult to put yourself in a situation with 150 panicked passengers looking to you for safety. I hope no one takes this as a criticism of the cabin crew, they have a tough job. They don't have the luxury of knowing what's going on during most situations.
siriusloon 3
Deploying the masks could well have calmed 150 panicked passengers more quickly and more effectively than being told to

calm down by the cabin crew, so that might turn out to be the reason they were deployed. There are good technical reasons for when to deploy them, or not to, but I wonder if the technical specs include the psychological factor.

Like everyone else here, I wasn't there and I wasn't the one assessing the mood of the passengers and how it was trending. It will be interesting to see what the final NTSB report has to say on the matter of the masks. Until then, I'll withhold judgement.
atlwatchdog -4
To aid in passenger breathing.. for those suffering from smoke inhalation.
Jeff Lawson 3
Flight track for JBU1416 --
Matt Tran 0
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

JetBlue Flight Forced to Make Emergency Landing in Long Beach

An Austin-bound JetBlue flight that departed Long Beach Thursday morning was forced to turn back shortly after takeoff after the pilot declared an emergency with one of the engines, officials said.

Flight 1416 departed Long Beach at 9:17 a.m. and was back on the tarmac at 9:30 a.m., according to Flightaware, a tracking website. The Airbus A320 jetliner only climbed to about 9,400-feet before it began its descent and circled back for an emergency landing.


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