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All 227 passengers of Malaysia Airlines MH370 cleared: Malaysian police chief

A criminal probe into four specific areas including hijacking and sabotage has cleared all 227 passengers aboard the ill-fated Flight MH370, Malaysian police chief said today. Investigators have cleared all 227 passengers of any role in hijacking or sabotage and of having personal or psychological issues that might have played a role in the plane's disappearance on March 8, Inspector-General Khalid Abu Bakar said. There were 14 nationalities represented in the 227 passengers and 12 crew… ( Más...

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matt jensen 0
And who has cleared the Malaysian Govt?
PhotoFinish -1
How can they conclusively clear all the pasengers, when hey can't be conclusively sure the identity of each passenger.

There is proof tbat they were mistaken by the identity of some passengers, who they allowed to board with stolen credentials.

The only question is not that they weren't clearly aware of the identity of all passengers, but rather, the number of passengers of which the Malaysians were not clearly aware of their identity. It is unknowable how many got through with falsified credentials (either legit but falsely obtained, or stolen from some other legit person).

Ella Talbott 0

And even if they "clear" the captain and co-pilot, find no history of depression or suicidal thought, tendencies or anything of that nature. Even if they are cleared for any other reason such as hidden debt unknown to family members or maybe even other personal reasons the family/friends and MAS were unaware of, people can still just snap and make rash decisions that end tragically.

Has it been verified who the captain spoke to on his mobile prior to take-off?? Hate to put it out there but was it something to do with that? Affair? Break-up?? I mean, who knows?


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