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Article alleges poor work at Boeing SC causing 787 production problems in WA

CHARLESTON, SC (WCSC) - An article recently published in the Seattle Times is blaming Boeing production in South Carolina for problems experienced on the Boeing assembly line in the Puget Sound. According to an article released Monday night, sections of Boeing 787 Dreamliners coming from the North Charleston facility have been arriving in Washington state incomplete, and with what the article calls "poorly done work." The Seattle Times piece says the quality of work coming out of… ( Más...

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CaptainFreedom -1
Are the employees in Everett also called "teammates", or does this term only apply to SC temps who earn half the wages and benefits of their Washington counterparts?
Sounds pretty fishy. Dreamliner problems previously in headlines indicated problems not related to SC. Excuses??? Deflection?? Sound familiar?
PhotoFinish 4
Boeing couldn't continue to be hostage by collective bargaining, with no geographic options available. Failing to control the sense of entitlement that had gotten out of control, would've resulted in a bankrupt company at great loss if investiture equity and a great loss of lots of gois jobs.

No way SC could, in a short time, duplicate the productivity that was developed in Everitt over many decades. But just because it's hard to start, is no reason to embark on the process of createing on alternative
PhotoFinish 5
* creating an alternative.
Ric Wernicke 4
This is a continuing problem with trying to drop highly skilled manufacturing positions into a geographic area without workers that have the chops to do the work. Part of the problem is companies think that because wages generally are lower in the South that they will realize windfall profits. What happens is companies pretend to pay, and workers pretend to work.

It takes a long time to develop a workforce that can make technology products. That is why Boeing would not dare to move final assembly for the trip-seven from Washington.

On the job training from management that instills a culture of excellence into the line workers will bear fruit, but it takes time and money.
linbb 2
If that is true then why are there others going down there? Mostly union threats of strikes and slowdowns. You can only squeeze a company so hard then it starts bleeding dollars. The people are only as good as those you hire. Seems there are plenty out of work in other areas that could apply there. They hire new people who have never done that work before in the plants around Seattle and train them. I guess you suggest that those in SC cant be trained?
Ric Wernicke -2
The others going "down there" are in the automobile manufacturing and assembly business (they are quite different) and they have experienced tremendous cost increases and quality problems. Ask Mercedes about their R Class experience, and Akzo-Nobel about their paint and coating operations.

I think the people in SC are able to do the work. Any human being anywhere can be trained to do anything. The problem is the labor pool is overweight with agricultural, service, and light assembly experience. You cannot with a one week training class turn a burger flipper or banana scanner into a fine machinist, or carbon fiber lay-up worker. The biggest problem in the region are the two P's. Presenteeism (meaning present and ready to work, not the act of coming to work sick) and Payday. Attendance has been a problem along with workmanship because of the low wages paid. Fixing the paycheck will go a long way toward the goal of quality goods being delivered.
Brian Bishop 1
Y'all have no clue what you're talking about.
Ya, sounds a little lame. It is still basically assembly line work. I know there are some highly skilled positions, but those are not where you hire an ex farmer. Most have one little portion to learn. And I have never cured any problematic employee by giving them a raise. Sounds more like management problems IF there are problems at all.
Scott Campbell 1
I wish we could see the real nmbers and comparisons,..It's hard to
imagine that having Dreamlifters in the air almsot 24-7 carrying wings and parts,
can make up for the cost of building them at home. But, hey the built the Dreamlifters at cost, and subbed out the flyinh too...

Frank Morris 2
Sounds like a union hit piece; piss on 'em.
Jim Quinn 9
Yep. My thoughts exactly. But the article does mention one thing that caught my eye: that the SC facility can move people around to where they're needed to do the job. Try THAT without creating a union uproar in some companies....
sstuff 7
Quoting from the linked Philip Weiss article:

“According to unnamed Boeing employees in Washington state . . . .”

“The author of the piece does not name his sources at Boeing in Washington state . . . .”

Actually, I’ve been expecting a hit piece like this to surface for some time now; is there a union contract coming up soon?


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