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An Inside Look at DCA

Built in 1941, Washington Reagan National Airpot (DCA) is one of the oldest airports in the United States. DCA is known for its close proximity to the National Mall and downtown Washington D.C. In fact, DCA is so close to the National Mall that departing aircraft are required to make a steep left turn upon departure in order to avoid the nearby restricted airspace (If they are departing North). (continued) ( Más...

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sstuff 1
The last I knew, Gravelly Point was accessible *only* north-bound on the GW Parkway. I was a District of Columbia resident then, so I had to travel *southbound* to DCA and circle the terminal drop-off driveway in order to go northbound on the Parkway. Gravelly Point, an air-band scanner, and a private pilot mentor provided a solid education in my freshman av-geeked-ness.

ATC landed intersecting runways (1/19 and 15/33) during Sunday afternoon “rush hour,” so sometimes it got very exciting. My mentor drolly described that as a beautiful ballet. Indeed it was, so S-turns and go arounds were not uncommon!

Thanks, Ryan, for your article that evoked these memories.
ed lang 1
plug or not, thanks for sharing! I love planespotting, but usually when I'm in DC its IAD. Nice photos!
Leenydld 1
My father used to work as a machinist for the old Capitol Airlines at DCA, bought out by United in the early 60's. He left in the mid 60's when United left DCA as a hub.
Ryan E. 1
It is always great to hear stories of folks who used to work at DCA like me! I would love to hear more, feel free to email me at [email protected]

Andrew Duncan 1
Cheap plug for your blog, but kudos for volunteering!
Ric Wernicke 1
Kitty Hawk is much older.


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