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RNAV approach to North Pole revealed . . .

Reindeer Landing System approach to North Pole reveals how Santa gets below the ceiling - increase minimums when Rudolph nose light out or Dasher inop :) Courtesy of Simon with AvHerald. ( Más...

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Frank Morris 1
Their all under the fourth item listed at the below link.
Frank Morris 1
Thank you Jeppsen (that's where you can find a higher rez version, and a couple of other great ones they've produced over the years.

sparkie624 4
In referencing " increase minimums when Rudolph nose light out" which would mean all NAV Lights and Or LANDING LIGHTS are out per the MEL manual would state no Night Ops. If that be the case there would be a lot of upset kids...

Sorry guys... that is the maintenance controller coming out of me.. LOL...
Jeremy Kudlick 2
It took me several minutes of reviewing it to notice "RIP Grandma." :D This is great - thanks for the find!
Diego Ricaud 1
I saw it too but I still don´t get it! What does it mean??
sparkie624 1
Think back to "Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer" :)

[This poster has been suspended.]

sparkie624 2
With your flight schedule you better add that one to your JEPP book for the next time you have a northern route... If you have to divert that may be the only field for you.
Er.A.K. Mittal 1
There is a first time to every thing. And that determines how much you are alive !
That is why the oft asked Q .
When was the last time you did something for the first time ?
To this, allow me to add that VFR is ruled out due to bad weather conditions likely at most places around Christmas in the Northern Hemisphere.
There can be one logic for IFR !
According to some, the speed of the sleigh is believed to be 4,680,000 mph !
Check it out



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