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Russia’s early radars detect launch of two ballistic rockets in Mediterranean

Russia’s early warning radars have detected the launch of two ballistic rockets in the eastern Mediterranean, Russia’s Defense Ministry stated. The launch reportedly took place at 06:16 GMT Tuesday. ( Más...

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Roland Dent 1
woops "when I buy something"
Roland Dent 1
You know what...when I bus something I look and see where it was made. The USA was made from people all around the world. Why are you so certain that what you do is always correct? There were TWO BALLISTIC MISSILES launched in the Med. Then some of you have the arrogance to say that those of us in Europe are stupid to question our well being. If that happened in the Gulf of Mexico you would be worried. Now we do not need a discussion of Deep Sea Horizon which cost the lives of 11 men through criminal negligence. That would be off topic.
Roland Dent 0
woops error aviation not education.....
Roland Dent 0
Well there ia another could go for a Navy landing on the Nimitz. They can handle C-130s ... thats as large as they go.

For general readers this scenario is cautionary. Basically it means extra work preflight to work out options and re-check way points and air trafic control zones.

Ryan Air might use it as an excuse to cancel a flight but they trying to save a few pennies at the moment.
Martin Dewhurst 1
By the way Roland. Evidence on the use of chemicals by Assads Mobsters on innocent, unarmed,women and children HAS been proven now! The ONLY people who need to know how the military works are the MILITARY! Not some self-opinionated, armchair bound know it all who actually only serves to illustrate his ignorance to the world!
Roland Dent 0
Well Martin..I will tell you what I would be doing if I was going down there. I would not be fooling around with the why's and where fores. If my transponder failed I would advise and land. Cyprus is attractive. In the mean time chill out. Try and get some entertainment try

There will be so many radars pinging off your plane's jacksie the transponder could well decide it has had enough.

Of course the military know's what they are doing. Remember..well must be what 15 yrs ago..when the USN mistook a civil airliner coming out of..think it was Ankara and heading south?

For sure we have the the injured civilians and a polythene bag with made in Saudi Arabia on it. If you think the world will be happy with this circumstantial evidence you are fooling yourself.

There are so many assets right now in that area that I would have all the radios on...all of em. And hopefully the USN has assigned a general freek that would be of use. The only defualt landing place that can handle afull emergency is Cyprus or Istanbul.

Sure I am ignorant I don't know what is happening tomorrow. That is the issue.
David Cockbaine 1
Was the detection from Syria or from Russian ships in the Med.?
Russia cannot let Syria fall to the USA because Syria has so much Russian military hardware as well as tactical information.
Roland Dent -1
It was Russian radar that caught this incident. My guess is that it was from their version of AWACS. Obama looked stressed out this week. I don't think the USA wants Syria. Neither does Russia. There is still no hard evidence. We know it was supplied by Saudia Arabia.

In aviation this means that you follow the rules exactly when you are over this area. Transponders on. "Freind".
Tim Duggan 1
Well...the way this "discussion" has deteriorated is exactly the result expected when the news "source" is 'Russia Today' (RT). Their biases are blatantly obvious, much like the USA's embarrassment, the Fox "news" Channel. (Motto: "Fairly Unbalanced").

RT is merely a propaganda arm of the current extreme-right Russian Federation. Hints of the Soviet-era desires for media "spin" and control creeping back in.....
Roland Dent 1
I rarely watch any TV, don't read newspapers, only mags I read are technical. I use the internet for tech reasons and posting on here. In the case of RT I always am drawn to watch this channel. I also watch AlJazeera. The news I take is from the BBC and NPR. The ladys on both of them a real knock out stunners and have brains to match. One of them..not the wimmen..the TV station.., can't remember which, has developed a healthy sponsor pool from western based companies. The Russians scare me, but not so much as does N Korea and Iran. Those of you who were in the USA or the UK military in the 1960s thru to the 80s will know just how high those fences were. A journo once told me that he had to have three independent sources before he would publish. Here in the UK they have a "schedule D" restriction but the politicians will over ride this at the expense of the security of the military when it suits them The Falklands dispute was one example..would take too long to explain on here. Forget about Russia as an enemy.

[This comment was deleted.]

ccthorp 1
Like Todd said!
matt jensen 0
Fukushima is pumping out 400T of water, per day since 2011. The 4th generator is poised to meltdown shortly and add another 200T, per day into the ocean. The water column will arrive on west coast this year.
Roland Dent 0
Don't eat Pacific harvested fish.
matt jensen 1
I heard the conf on coast-to-coast-am a half hour before the russ made their statement. Maybe they should listen to c-c-am

[This poster has been suspended.]

ccthorp 2
WOW really off subject!
ccthorp 1
Allright! They got those advertisements off!
ToddBaldwin3 3
This discussion went way off topic, and downhill in a hurry.
Roland Dent 0
No Sir we all need to know how the military works. We need to keep out of the way. Transponders are vital.
Mark Schultz -1
Russia is very good at disinformation. They like to stir the pot.

[This poster has been suspended.]

shawn white 6
Racial comments as usual...
acmi -3
Stoli is not made in Belgium, the Ruskies couldn't even do that right after the end of the Evil Empire
Roland Dent 3
Your Budweiser must be made on night shifts where the guys can pee in the vats.
Roland Dent 0
Just sad mr Rudd. When the Russian Bears run down the coasts of the USA the Russian guys have a friendly wave. just like the USA the technical people in the RusFed come from many different places. This particular technology began in Nazi Germany in 1942. The USA took a bunch of the Nazi top technicians and the then USSR took another bunch. A signifant number escaped to S America. Ever wondered why Embraers are so reliable? Just a shame that you can't accept what has gone before and the lives lost in achieving what we have now. Sad.
Bogush 2
It's amazing that everything that is bad we blame the Ruski's, the good old USA is above the law - very sad - they stick their noses into what other countries can or cannot do - talk about dictators, killing their own - just count the number of innocent young men and woman that have died because of WMD in Iraq alone - would that not be killing your own for no apparent reason. enough of war already, we on this continent have so many problems and little time to fix them - billions are going to the wars of kings and presidents while the people of New Orleans are still waiting for their beloved President to wake up and smell the roses and help his own
Michael Laue 3
no wonder that so many towns in South America have german names :p ;)
"Kolonie Neuland" for example :D
Gary Bennett 0
Mr. Dent Embraers have some of the highest down times of any aircraft out there. Their new stuff is even worse.
Roland Dent 1
Thanks for the advice.
Roland Dent -5
Oh hell yes. Some places in USA teach Czech in schools. You and me could go there tomorrow and be "at home". I can't speak any Slav language but the way we live is exactly the same. Same food..same everything.
Roland Dent -4
The really interesting thing about this thread is the minus ratings my posts are subject two. The big worry is Fukushima. Don't eat any Pacific caught fish products. USA and Russia works together on stuff like this meteor incomer. Not a matter of who is better, more a matter of survival. Aerospace community works together. The reason why Russia has developed this system is because of the defacto threat it lives under close to her borders. The Israelis have 200 mid range nukes. Pakistan has an unknown number as have the Chinese. Iran is seeking to get into the action. N Kores has had several big accidents trying to make nasty weapons. You can forget Russia as an enemy. The big issue is the 49 submarines N Korea has...The USA has all of this stuff in hand. So if your wondering why there is a trillion dollar shortfall on your accounts it ain't because of the threat from Russia.
Roland Dent -9
Russia's defence system is autonatic. An example was the recent meteor strike. That was taken ot by a small nuke ABM and a conventional ABM. ABM=anti ballistic missile. If they start shooting these things they need to make sure whare the thing is going or we will be in trouble.
99NY 6
So, that means that somehow the Russians have figured out how to make a nuclear weapon explode without creating an EMP, triggering multiple nuclear-weapon release monitoring sites worldwide or spreading easily measurable radiation througout the atmosphere. AND they have completely covered it up. Wow. Thats some "theory"
Roland Dent -3
There is no way any government would allow information like this to get to the mainstream press. Nobody would get of bed in the morning. Chernobyl was tracked and the release there is about 1/100 of the current release in Fukushima. The Fukushima discharge is in sea water. You can buy an effective Geiger counter for around $500. As many of you are in work just try the background count on the ground to the count aloft above FL30. There is damn all anyone can do to prevent being exposed. It is not so much a cover up as keeping stumm. I am an old man and have signed no non disclosure papers. All the new hires have to sign several non disclosure papers. Most of them need a roof and some food on the table. As long as it is not Pacific harvested fish don't worry.
Roland Dent -6
If you want to worry about radiation leaks focus hard on Fukushima. That is a serious uncontrolled release. This nanoscale stuff has been around since 1965 in the military world. Nah this is miniscule. The energy went into the destruction...only real radiation energy was light and a sound. EMP would be max 2000m sphere. Inverse square law to distance.
Falconus 4
You are claiming that Russia automatically took out a 41,000mph (67,000km/h) object at 72,000ft (23.3km) with a nuke. Not only would an automatic nuclear detonation cause substantial international concern, but the meteor was well over twice as fast as a typical ballistic missile. Where did you hear this?
Roland Dent -4
Can't see the big deal about 72k feet. Had stuff capable of operating around that height since for well...must be what...since SR71. Think that was about 1968?
Bogush 1
The Lockheed SR-71 "Blackbird" was an advanced, long-range, Mach 3+ strategic reconnaissance aircraft.[1] It was developed as a black project from the Lockheed A-12 reconnaissance aircraft in the 1960s by Lockheed and its Skunk Works division.
Roland Dent -8
Yup. I use my eyes and brain. Only then do I make a decision. look at the videos on youtube. Then decide what makes a release of that almost blue/white light. Nuclear fusion or fission. Nothing else in the universe from here to the Sothern cross can do that. Nope...this was taken out. Three attempts. USA tried with a classified effect. Finally the auto ABMS were let loose. Two were definitely let go,,,they burn kero and liwquid oxgen..look at the trails.
Torsten Hoff 5
What happened to the EMP?
Roland Dent -9
We are talking nanoscale here. Not a strategic nuke as used in a weapon. !0 to the minus 9...enough to blow the rock but not enough to cause colateral effect. Last thing you want in defensive strike is more damage. The Russian system has a 25 mm accuracy where as the NASA system has a 100mm accuracy. No this was a controlled strike. The idea is to bring down the missile by destroying the carcass..not the war head.
Roland Dent 1
Worth looking at if you have an odd hour...Wright Patterson AFB published this overview...most of you will agree that these weapons are highly sophisticated and have been well developed over the last 60 years.

[This comment has been downvoted. Show anyway.]

Roland Dent 1
You guys should see this...45 min video. A lot of the craftsmen who build this machine back in 43 were forced labour. A good part of them were from E Europe.
pilotusa917 4
Please don't feed the trolls.
Roland Dent 0
Oh please don't start this crap. Enough to worry about in the Meditteranean. Neanderthal attitudes to free expression.
Michael Laue 1
German news channel N24 told, the rockets were going eastwards.
Roland Dent -1
Lets hope they never turn north...
Michael Laue 2
it was an exercise of Israel.
Could end much worse than a rocket on the way to Russia :/

Roland Dent -1
You must want Russia involved in this mess?
Michael Laue 1
Actions of Israel against their neighbours are much worse than something against Russia ... "Israel doesn't make any mistakes", if you understand what I mean ;)
Nobody wants a nuclear reaction of Iran ^^
Roland Dent 1
Israel does not have any neighbours. All of them are enemies. Russia could easily side with Iran.
Michael Laue 1
Roland Dent -2
Do you want to tell the xenophobes that LuftTech ripped out the microsoft USA made FMS in the Boeings and installed Siemens hardware with modified software? Or why the Qantas A388 repeatedly returned to London when help was right there in Hamburg. No. 2 engine had a wobble on the rotor weeks before it slef destructed in Changi. What is it with these guys..sometimes I cannot believe the xenophobiua about non English speakers.
Martin Dewhurst 2
Roland. Just what have you been on all these years? If you are so certain of all the rubbish you utter why the hell are you not working for NASA or the UN? Another armchair 'expert' whose only claim to fame is the ability to talk right out of the butt!
Roland Dent 0
Haha You want to know the wonder drug? I would not say I was an armchair type but I see that you cannot place me in the tiny world of education. No..if I see an issue more often than not the aviation community is intidated to address the problem. Companies like Rolls Royce are run by ex journalists and food retailers. The stuff they get up to is a joke. All these years..where have I been? Haha...
Roland Dent 1
should be aviation....I am retired and money or social kudos is not a motivating factor. Why do I persist?
Well I am driven when I see that people are at risk due to simple malpractice.


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