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Long-range Lancair N6ZQ now in Chile for flight over South Pole

Bill Harrelson flew 19 hours from Brazil to Punta Arena, Chile. Nice Brazilian news segment here shows him taking off on that leg: ( Más...

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Alan Blevins 1
Severe turbulence and strong headwinds made the trip impossible without getting his feet wet. He is currently flying north off the coast of Chile due to better weather conditions. He hopes to cross over Panama on his way back to the US and home sweet home!!
chalet 1
Bill left Punta Arenas, Chile for Key West, FL at 1:06 PM Sunday March 24th, ETA 5:05 PM Monday March 25th both EDT This is surprising as he was planning to fly from Chile to Christchurch, NZ on a polar route. Does anyone know the reason for this substantial deviation.
Rene Kunz -2
What's the real purpose of this venture is my question. There is already enought environmental pollution created by questionable research stations and increasing tourism in and around the once pristine Antarctic continent.
Scott Sedam 3
Yes, and I recently read that the entire crew that sailed with Magellan actually crapped in the ocean on the entire 3 year voyage. This has to stop.
chalet 1
Don't be silly, have you ever seen the industrial pollution caused by U.S. acid rain carried over to Canada by the Jetstream falling over centennial forests, that should be addressed. Not that crapping in the ocean is not to be of concern.
Bill Butler 1
Well, where do the whales crap?
Bill Butler 1
Thanks, Scott. I wasn't sure how to react to "..once pristine Antarctic continent." :)
chalet 1
Just pull out a slide rule if you can not do it by hand: 100 sailors crapping twice a day (simply because they did not have ample food) spread over easily the proverbial 20,000 leagues, what would be the amount of crap per square mile: nothing. Whereas a whale craps well, a whale of a crap a day, like 10 tons a day easily, sounds reasonable? (LOL LIMAO!!!).
Alan Blevins 1
Bill is waiting for favorable weather before heading across Antarctica on the way to New Zealand.
The weather has been lousy with icing conditions.
He only has a limited time of opportunity before the seasonal weather makes flying in a small single engine aircraft without deicing equipment all but impossible. Hopefully he will get some improved weather and continue his planned journey.
chalet 1
There must be other reasons than high winds and rain at Punta Areanas for Bill not having taken off yet on his next leg. Winds subside from time to time. Is thre a webpage where we can find out further details.
Felipe Lyra 2
I watched the story here in Brazil, specifically in Recife, capital of Pernambuco State!! Nice plane and nice guy!!
Pete Goldman 1
Don't know.
William Hagan 1
Is this the Bill Harrelson who flew Lear Jets out of ABE?
Pete Goldman 1
How many gallons on board?
Alan Blevins 1
Around 350 gallons
Ichiro Sugioka 2
Bill is waiting for the weather to clear.
On Tuesday, he reported rain and surface winds at 40 knots.

chalet 2
Do you know the HF SSB frequencies that Bill is using to communicate with his headquarters in the U.S. I would like to check on his progrss through his radio communications too. Thanks.
chalet 1
Does anyone know what is holding this plane at Punta Arenas, Chile where it landed back on March 16.
Toby Sharp 2
Go Bill!


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