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Syria rebels "fire warning shots" at airliner at Aleppo airport

(Reuters) - Syrian rebels fired warning shots at an airliner preparing to take off from Aleppo airport in the first direct attack on a civilian flight since the uprising in Syria began 21 months ago, a rebel commander said on Friday. The commander, who gave his name only as Khaldoun, told Reuters by Skype that snipers from his brigade had hit the wheels of Syrian Airways flight RB201 on Thursday. "Those were warning shots," he said, adding that the plane had been unable to take off.… ( Más...

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preacher1 2
Well, US Flag carriers and all others have quit flying in there. If the Syrian Airline is transporting the Iranian fighers an/or weapons, I would say that that they make themselves a target. That said, I figure the next shot will be more than a warning.
Toby Sharp 1
They should consider themselves lucky enough to have their wheels shot out! hell that was nice of them

preacher1 1
Well, they said it was a warning shot.LOL
Not sure why they even have airliners in that part of the world. Who wants to go to hell anyway??
mx747 1
Sounds like a few syrian rebels need a atom bomb dropped on their skulls
linbb 3
What a deal we need to pick who we back better or make sure if they screw up they are no longer going to be backed in any way by the US.
Jared Davis 3
Glad to know our government is backing these jihadists. Last I knew shooting at, shooting down, hijacking or bombing an airplane was considered terrorism.
joel wiley 3
It's only terrorism if they are doing it to 'our' side. Otherwise, they are freedom fighters... this week.


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