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Qantas-Emirates alliance to begin April 2013, QF-BA partnership axed

Qantas and Emirates will join forces in April 2013 in a partnership that will radically redraw the Red Roo’s network map, directing all European flights via Dubai and adding almost 50 destinations in Europe and Africa, while helping speed the recovery of its ailing international operations. In a dramatic move, Qantas will end its partnership with British Airways and all but abandon Singapore as a Qantas hub. ( Más...

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Michael Taylor 0
With the demise of the BA/QF partnership how do poor souls living in Perth get to Europe Will BA start operating back to Perth Adelaide Melbourne?? Some of us may not like travelling on Emirates I dont very squashy seating in Economy and I have had some experience with rude cabin crew
Nino Iaccarino 1
Children have to fly too!! How about a bit of sympathy for the parents that have to deal with the children on an 8+ hour flight. Clearly you don't have any or have travelled or been responsible for children on a flight.
dud1 1
I personally believe that this alliance with Emirates is a good for passengers as it will reduce travel time currently experienced with BA.

Dubai is central to world flight destinations; therefore, this location provides access to numerous major, including new, destinations with only one flight change in Dubai that is currently not available via BA and the Singapore route. The new T3 Emirates flights is amazing. Dubai is the only airport that I have seen traffic lights on the apron/taxing areas. :)

Any reductions in flight times is a bonus for the traveler or businessman as it mean more time on the ground at your destination. A major advantage are less chance of loss of luggage currently incurred; less time being squashed into those economy class seats; less time experiencing those unavoidable but annoying events that flights can incur e.g. Annoying People; Crying children; People snoring; etc.
samuel kill 1
Amen to that!

Ken Buzza 1
dud1, the flight time to the UK is still going to be 24hrs+ no matter which way you travel. SYD/DXB 15hrs flt time, DXB/LHR 8hrs flt time, SYD/SIN 8hrs flt time, SIN/LHR 14hrs flt time, plus transit time, you are still going to be stuck either in the terminal or the airline seat with the annoying, crying children.!!!.
dud1 1
I personally believe that this alliance with Emirates is a good for passengers as it will reduce travel time currently experienced with BA.

Dubai is central to world flight destinations; therefore, this location provides access to numerous major, including new, destinations with only one flight change in Dubai that is currently not available via BA and the Singapore route Singapore. The new T3 Emirates flights is amazing. Dubai is the only airport that I have seen traffic lights on the apron/taxing areas. :)

Any reductions in flight times is a bonus for the traveler or businessman as it mean more time on the ground at your destination. A major advantage are less chance of loss of luggage currently incurred; less time being squashed into those economy class seats; less time experiencing those unavoidable but annoying events that flights can incur e.g. Annoying People; Crying children; People snoring; etc.
Andrew Taylor 1
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

Qantas signs historic tie-up with Emirates

Qantas will shift its European hub to Dubai as it enters a 10-year alliance with Emirates that CEO Alan Joyce called the most significant in Qantas history.
Ken Buzza 1
No loss there for BA, QF will just become a sticker on the side of another carrier.! As a retired QF Cabin Crew member, I feel that the airline we built up whilst I was there in the 70/80/90's and before that has been dismantled by people who have no idea how to manage an airline. (Joyce) I am sure that ex-staff and pax who have enjoyed the great services of the "Flying Rat" will grieve as it disappears into the melting pot of takeover.
ssjan 1
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

Qantas Airways announces parnership with Emirates Airline

Announced today. There have been several tweets from Qantas (media, main, USA accounts) and #Emirates and #Qantas have both become Trending Topics.


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