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This Is the New Spy Plane of the US Navy

The US Navy just got a new spy plane. It name is MQ-4C Triton, and it has been created by Northrop Grumman for "maritime Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance data collection and dissemination capability to the Maritime Patrol and Reconnaissance Force. ( Más...

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Wingscrubber 1
I don't think the USAF is mothballing the Hawks...
gftt 1
Probably won't be long before there are no fighter pilots, just fighter geeks sitting in a conex with joystick in hand.
Not much of a secret any more ... Glad their are no lives at stake doing the actual spying.
Jeremy Kudlick 1
It never really was much of a secret. The Navy said a while ago they were exploring the possibility of obtaining some. The only problem is they can't land on carriers...
Jeremy Kudlick 1
It never really was much of a secret. The Navy said a while ago they were exploring the possibility of obtaining some. The only problem is they can't land on carriers...
ethanbenjaminsa3 0
Very cool but it's a waste of perfectly good aircraft.
Gene spanos 2
Bring it onto Chicago's airspace over the gang infested
south and west sides.
Maybe make a pass or two over
the Mag mile ???

W S Webb 1
Do yo mean obamatown?
preacher1 3
Seems silly for the USAF to mothball GLOBAL HAWK. Why not just upgrade that radar. The could just be using the results as a whipping boy, in order to shed some cost though. Chances are somebody said we can do the same thing here with this old cheap toy rathere than this high priced new one.


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