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Female pilot for Brazilian airline tosses passenger off flight for making sexist remarks

Unbelievable... A Brazilian airline says one of its female pilots tossed a passenger off a flight because he was making sexist comments about women flying planes... ( Más...

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Michael McCarthy 2
I wonder if the sexes of the two people involved (the pilot and the passenger) were reversed , ie ; male captain and female passenger , would there have been such a fuss made over this incident , I doubt it . Sauce for the goose and sauce foer the gander and all that. People ought to grow up .
AWAAlum 1
I think you may have just struck on the crux of the entire incident. A woman wouldn't have had an issue with the gender of the Captain.
Dan Grelinger 1
Are you suggesting that women are smart enough to know that men are generally better pilots?
AWAAlum 0
whoaaaaa nooooooo. lol. i'm suggesting that women are smart enough to know it's unacceptable to behave in that fashion. when u book a flt, u take the crew u get with the understanding they're all qualified.
Dan Grelinger 2
Didn't you just use sexism to bash what you thought was a sexist act?
AWAAlum 0
just towards the guy on the plane. calm down.
Dan Grelinger 1
What do you know him? Anything except that he is a man? Didn't you then stereotype him with that very limited information, much in the same way that he is reported to have stereotyped the female pilot? Why is it OK for you to stereotype men (and women) and at the same time claim that others can't do the same?

Blatant Stereotypical statement: "women are smart enough to know it's unacceptable..."

AWAAlum 1
I know only what he has been reported as saying. And that's what I'm basing my comments on. I'm not going to get into a debate with you Dan. Its my opinion and I'm entitled to it.
Dan Grelinger 2
"Its my opinion and I'm entitled to it."

Would you offer the same privilege to the man in the article?

Don't you see the hypocrisy?
Dan Grelinger 2
Yes, I have come to realize that.
AWAAlum 0
Ian Ward 1
We need more pilots like her. But Ron Shelton is 'on the button'; she should have waited until she was about 10,000 feet and then tossed him off the flight.
Edward Simac 1
Hey Ron, I saw some of your photos. Are you a fellow flight-simmer? I got my private back on Jan.1969 and now am retired with a little over 2400 hrs.PIC, and limited to re-flying all those flights on my MSFSX.
Edward Simac 1
TO RON-- You at least would want her to provide the DORK with a parachute. Would'nt you?? (an extremely MOTH-EATEN one??) LOL
Timothy Bilby 1
Pilot In Command has the first and final say so/ End of Story. Not the Passenger; Remember the Regulations. If the Pilot cannot have 100% plus focus and control of the Plane the Pilot has to make the decision. You are not given any Pilots certificates/ You'll
earn them. The examiner see's to that or you won't be Pilot.
Last I heard the captain and the airline still have the right to refuse anyone service, so it really don't matter who was "technically" right. That ticket you purchase is no guarantee you will actually leave the ground.
Mark Waters 1
"It's better to keep your mouth shut and let everyone think you're an idiot, instead of opening it and removing any doubt!" Shame that guy didn't know that before he got on the plane! Good on the pilot - let's be fair, it's not really a job where you can just walk in off the street and get a licence after a few hours sat in a classroom, is it? The pilot has spent MANY hours/days/weeks/years training, what difference does it make if the Pilot is male or female? He was obviously treatened by the pilot's knowledge and authority. It's so sad when a person has to resort to insults because he/she hasn't the intelligence to understand and accept a situation!
Waqar Imran 1
That's a good work.. and good decision...
RZ350 1
There are too many unknowns in this. The pilot may have tried to reassure the passenger and he might have over-reacted. The pilot may handle stress just fine, but was looking at the comfort and safety of the additional passengers on board. To have one passenger removed so the rest of the passengers can enjoy their flight seems reasonable to me. It also may be the news wanting to print a sensational article and making it sound as if the pilot did this due to the comment rather then how the passenger was behaving.
Só pessoas ignorantes tomam atitudes desprezíveis tal como este passageiro. Pena que a autoridade que esta pilota tem não inclui manda-lo para um psicólogo para tratamento comportamental. Parabéns Sra. pelo seu corajoso ato.
if she became polite then she has full right to say any thing to any one .....Good Girl...
Looks like the loud mouthed joker deserves it. what is the fuss about ladies flying planes ?? infact it is the apt job for them and they are good at it.
FedExCargoPilot 1
He was probably joking LOL. Airlines sucks these days and flight crews can but usually F/As are so rude, they think they can treat pax like crap, and kick us off the plane for what we are wearing. Treat pax like people, maybe one day pilots and F/As will be treated as Gods as they used to, but maybe airlines have to put in also. If I were him, I'd rather fly myself or drive.
chalet 1
Suppose it was your wife or daughter who was piloting that flight
I don't have either, but it's still overreaction. It's just the way society is, it's hyped up when there's a female "victim."
I'm not sticking up for him, maybe what he said was blown out of proportion by the media, it just seems that she could have just gone into the cockpit, locked the door, and gone flying. I liken it to the post 911 Flight-Attendant power trips.
bud landacre 1
If God had meant for women to fly He wouldn't have called it a cockpit.

Sorry, couln't resist.
Richard Buck 0
They have changed the name, it's now called the box office.
I guess a flight deck can contain both a cockpit and a box
AWAAlum 1
It's called a flight deck
AAaviator 0
The article said the passenger was removed from the airplane because he made sexist remarks (towards a female captain). The "sexist remarks" were never published, and yet most of you in this forum seem to respond with a prejudged belief that the man was completely out of line, and that the female pilot was NOT over-reacting at all. Well,I do tend to believe (like most of you) that the man was in fact out of line, but I don't know for sure, and I'm not going to pop off here like I know all of the facts! I don't know that woman wasn't over sensitive and overreacting because I don't have the verbatim transcript of what was said, or heard the man's side of the story. For all of you "way to go girl" types out there, what did the man say to the woman - exactly? And what is the man's side of the story? Oh, you don't know? I thought so... That said, I still tend to side with the airline, but I'm not going to make any assumptions as many of you have. Has anyone heard of the mindset where a busty woman is busting out of her low cut top, and then gets pissed off at a guy for noticing? I'm not saying that mindset was at play in this case. But I'm not saying it wasn't either.
chalet 2
Suppose it was your wife or daughter who were at the receiving end of those remarks, whatever they were.
Rafael Zola 1
Let help here a little bit...this article lacks some information. What happened is that the guy explicitly said "I won't fly with a woman in command". Furthermore, the other passengers reported that the guy was pretty clear about his "woman can't fly" thing. The pilot removed him from the plane so he would not freak out in case of turbulence and to avoid further confusion because other passengers did not like his words. I am not saying I completely agree with the way she handled the situation, but this one of the missing information. For those of you who can read in Portuguese, see the link below (or use google translator),295900/machismo-de-homem-que-se-recusou-a-decolar-em-aviao-pilotado-por-mulher-revolta-passageiros.shtml
AWAAlum 0
It is always nice to see both sides of an issue, however, I tend to believe the airline would have conducted an investigation prior to any decisions made, and so I think there is more substance to the issue than you seem to want to accept. I don't imagine this action was made lightly. The "assumptions" you reference are merely based on the facts before us. I give pilots credit for making professional decisions when faced with an unprofessional and personally insulting passenger whose behavior could indicate his actions may tend to escalate during flight, and not because the toast was burned that morning.
AAaviator 0
I don't know the facts, so I haven't said one way or another who is in the right or wrong, or to what degree. I'm just pleased that there are so many omniscient folks on this forum who are apparently privy to all kinds of facts and inside information, and can enlighten me with their infallible insight.
AWAAlum 0
Our pleasure.
AAaviator -2
Your presumptuousness is only exceeded by your smug arrogance. What a pompous jerk.
AWAAlum 2
Isn't that a lot like the pot calling the kettle black? I was responding to your attitude - but come on - lighten up. I would have thought it was clearly it was said tongue in least, unlike you, I didn't give in to my impulse to be rude. Now - can we just be finished with this?!!!
AAaviator -3
You can use a worn out metaphor if you wish, but no, it isn't all like that. Remember princess, you replied to my contribution. I didn't ask you to pop off, but you did anyway, and now you're getting your panties in a wad when everything comes back in your face. You didn't get what I was saying from the beginning, and you still don't. Crybaby.
AWAAlum 4
I applaud your use of the cliche'. And yes, I replied to your "contribution" but not in any way derogatory to it, but rather, my view of what had transpired. It's you who came back with your ego so bruised you had to lash out pounding your chest. It's interesting to note each time you write you resort to rude, sophomoric and sexist name calling. Now slink off into the wild blue yonder and please, I beg of you, make it a 1-way trip.
AAaviator -2
You said you wanted to be finished with this! Oh wait, you’re a woman. It’s not in your DNA to be finished! Your genetic creed is to be the one to start shit (as you have), and then misinterpret what you read, and get things wrong (as you have), then build an irrational and illogical argument around your own inaccuracies (as you have), then lash out indignantly when someone deigns to dispute her highness (as you have), then play the “I’m being persecuted” card, and the “you’re being rude” card (as you have). Well, what was said was the truth, and the truth isn’t rude, but you’d sure like to make it out to be that way hoping to have some sort of bizarre PC leverage with your selective and manipulative outrage. If you’re going to blubber and whine over your trumped up charges of so-called rudeness, all I can tell you is, “deal with it loser, get over it, and get over your crybaby self”. What is sublimely amusing but more pathetic is that after you play your “you’re being rude card”, you turn right around with your “slink off” crack, begging that it be a 1 way trip – which makes you an obnoxious hypocrite, but then, that’s consistent and exactly what I’d expect from the harridan magpie that you are, living up to the obligations of her sisterhood creed. Now why don’t you be the one to slink off, at least until your irrational and twisted hormonal rage gets under control. But I don’t think that’s going to happen. You’re clearly the one with the ego problem, and I totally expect you to keep on ranting - like a trailer park bubbette, cranky as hell cuz she’s all out of smokes, and her box of wine is empty.
Edward Simac -1
BOY!!! Donna really pushed YOUR button, didn't she ?? TEE-HEE !!!!!!
Edward Simac -1
The "Harridan Magpie," I'm using that one...
LMAO!!!! Guess someone might be headed to the quick sak to fix the shortage of staples.
TWA55 0
Good job. Some folks just need a zipper on their mouth.
Richard Buck 0
reffering to the ATC female idiot kind of narrowed the field since there were others ATC in the tower. Just teling it like it is.
AWAAlum 1
Since you didn't identify all the ATCs in the tower it made absolutely no difference. You don't even get it that you're being inappropriate. You're a closet misogynist.
Richard Buck 0
I came out of the closet a long time ago, I only dislike the idiots, you obviously
could't fly a kite, much less an aircraft.
AWAAlum 2
I can SO fly a kite-lol. Although what that has to do with the privilege of an opinion is unclear. Man up and learn to take it on the chin.
peter kai 1
the time - - - - - it is come
william smith 1
well done the mans an idiot she is as qualified as any man to fly
Valdir Silva 1
Thanks for the answer.
I would like to know the opinion of everybody here ...
Valdir Silva 1
It's just a question...
Valdir Silva -1
would you feel comfortable, knowing that in the cockpit there are two women, ready to cross the atlantic, at night ?
Absolutely no problem at all. I dont see the discomfort factor at all.
charlie f. kohn 1
and what? it´s not the female that has been trained, it is the pilot. the question in itself is ridiculous.
Valdir Silva 0
Thanks for the answer.
I would like to hear everyone here, about this question.
I am not a machist.
AWAAlum 1
What's your point?
Linda Rowley -4
OH MY..... THE PILOT IS AN IDIOT! AND I AM FEMALE! Shows she let her stupid emotions get the best of her. She should be fired and PUT A MAN IN HER PLACE! People are such.... who cares what the guy said...... DO YOUR JOB....FLY THE PLANE......
Dave Purscell 2
He said he wouldn't fly with a female pilot. She obliged him. :)

I have seen far to may people take the airlines and their crews for granted. They work hard for very little pay and earn the right to a seat on the flight deck. There were a few years when women got extra points for their gender. But even then it didn't guaranty them a position...just an interview. My college friends that worked hard and put in the time have turned out to be wonderful aviators. Some are men and some are women. I admire them both.

If a passenger is disruptive before you even leave the gate, resolve the problem right then and there.

Before the days of 9-11 and locked cabin doors, one of my friends (a burley and bold Captain) would visit the back to deal with intoxiated passengers that had become unruly. He would often remind them that they were headed to a wonderful, fun filled week of vacationing in Mexico (or whatever exotic destination). Then he would point out that if they didn't mind their manners immediately, they would be met planeside with the local Policia and would spend that vacation in a musty jail cell where they are NOT guaranteed a phone call. If someone every notices them missing and actually comes looking for them, there won't be a single airline willing to give them a ride home. Not too many problems after that.
Lynn Shepodd 8
The Captain is the boss of the flight. The guy was an idiot.
Dan Grelinger -1
You're ridiculous. If the captain thought he dressed funny, should she have the right to throw him off the airplane? Who is the customer, who is workng for who? If it is not a safety issue, this pilot was out of line.
Stephanie Belser 1
The clown was obviously not comfortable trusting is ignorant body to a female pilot. She was right to save him stress and aggravation by kicking him off the flight.
Ian MacDowell 7
Way to go girl, this is typical of the latin machismo who seem to feel that only THEY can do MALE jobs but not simple simpering women (who in their eyes are only there to satisfy them) I totally disagree that the woman in question should have to take this crap just because some men feel that is the right thing for a woman to do to be superior, as the pilot she IS superior to the bozo in the back.
Gaines Sumrall 1
Need to understand the attitude of some men to women in South America. She, I am sure, endures "gender' harassment frequently. Using her authority, she dismissed what perceivably to her was a threat as would most people (to threats). As males, we often times have thick skin and worry not as most of the time we are not treated as she may be. Its a man's world?
Valdir Silva -2
Over reaction. I would not like to flight with a so stressed crew.
charlie f. kohn 4
unfortunately more and more people are misled in their behaviour in public by the anonimity they enjoy in the internet. that and more and more poor education are causing more and more rudeness, machismo and bad behaviour in general. i fully agree with the pilot. none such way to express in an insulting way should be permitted. great of the company to protect the rights and the integrity of their employee.
saludos a todos
[email protected]
fine art photography // design // madrid
Peter Cooper -2
The passenger was wrong to make the derogatory & sexist remarks he did, but if those remarks were enough to cause an airline pilot to become so stressed that she ordered the passenger off the 'plane, what does that say about the pilot's ability to accept stree? What would happen if something really stressful occurred, like an in-flight emergency.? I think the pilot over-reacted to a situation that happens in every walk of life everyday. Get over the comments, do your job to the best of your ability and be grateful that you are the one up front & you are flying the aircraft, and the ignorant loudmouth is sitting in the back.
max lyons 1
I agree with Ron. I would've waited until the flight got to 10 or 20 thousand feet in the air and then let the idiot out.
Jim Woelber -2
what the pilot should have done was remind the passenger she is flying his ride & hope for the best....i think her decision was wrong but for the airline to support her was right.
AWAAlum 2
Too bad she didn't leave him onboard and just remind him he'd best hope he's wrong lest he'd meet up with an unfortunate ending.
Toby Sharp 1
agree to disagree
Jim Woelber -7
i am in extreme minority here, i think airlines have waaay too much leeway these days (though i understand why is some situations)

the guy was an absolute jerk and has no reason to talk that way, that being said, he did nothing illegal. some need to brush comments aside & focus on job at hand. if this is all it takes to get a pilot riled up, i dont wanna fly. no laws broken, only comments made, happens every day on the streets
Bill Fox 6
legal has nothing to do with this, she has every right to kick someone off the plance, she is the pilot, its her ship, I would do the same,
It's that "right to fly" thing again. They buy a ticket and then it becomes their airplane. Lol
richard weiss 4
Apparently, the United States is not the only place where people think it's okay to make a comment aloud about someone in uniform. Couple that with sexist remarks, and we have a problem. Congrats to the pilot for making a bold decision. I'd fly with her anytime.
Really! Man or woman pilot, if somebody starts acting smart and loudly badmouths the pilot they need to remain on the ground to contemplate their right to fly. When the privileges of the captain are usurped you know we have hit the bottom and the liberals will be satisfied and it will be every man for himself in a world with no order.
Bill Fox 0
agreed, she was not in the cockpit by accident, she obviously earned it, good for her
Andriy Tsyupka 1
what an idiot......I love hearing a woman pilot talk on the radio they sound really sweet!
Richard Buck 2
Yes they sound sweet, and sometimes stupid as in my case landing at night into TPA. A female ATC idiot cleared me to land on 9 and a DC3 on 27. I contacted the tower and voiced my concers about he action as soon as my vocabulary returned above four letter words.
Necer heard her on the radio again, hopefully she was fired, not transferred. As far as women in aviation, the one at McDill AFB is excellent at her job as a GCA controler. If I ever need a GCA approach I hope she is on the scope.
AWAAlum -1
It would have been more accurate had you voiced your complain that "an ATC idiot cleared you to land on 9 and a DC3 on 27." The fact that particular ATC was female had no bearing on the situation. Move on up into the 21st century Buck.
Toby Sharp 0
I like lady ATC even better! We just need a she version of Boston George!
N5827P 9
I agree with Ron and Jeff. Finally a corporate culture that supports it's employees.
...why is this so unbelievable? If I felt someone was undermining my authority, I'd "ask" him to get off the plane
Jim Woelber 2
sexist remarks = undermining authority?
Dave Purscell 3
Depends what they were. If he was saying that women can't fly and she was the Captain of the flight, than yes, that is undermining her authority. And yes, she, as an airline Captain, has the authority to deny service to anyone for any reason. I hope they NEVER take that away. Kudos to her.
Rafael Zola -1
What I mean by "unbelievable" is how the guy behaved...
Jeff Carey 1
30,000 feet
Ron Shelton 15
She should have waited until she was at 10,000 feet.


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