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Florida bound JetBlue flight makes emergency landing

A JetBlue flight to West Palm Beach made an emergency landing in White Plains New York after a bird strike ( Más...

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Garth Abdulie 3
damn these birds always getting in the way
Adam Margolis 2
Something really needs to be done about these bird strikes. They are becoming more and more common.
A little bit from different story....Almost every day i am watching some flights and today i specifically followed polish airlines LOT3 from Warsaw to Chicago....At some point of the flight a plane lost its speed from 451 mph to 288 and a minute later it was back at 391 mph...At the same time they did not lose any of it's altitude...What could be a reason to dramatically slow down liake that?
AccessAir 2
I guess the quiet airplanes are the problem....Birds seem to love Airbuses....wonder why???
MAKPilot718 2
Those birds need to get moving out of that area.
In Poland at Okecie Airport they use Hawks to keep other birds away from airport runways....
Jonny Hyman 3
I think the US birds have formed some sort of pact to take down the airliners recently. 4 Bird strikes in the past week or so!.. Insane!
Timothy Sullivan 3
yeah something needs to be done
John Hale 1
They need to do something about those birds in the nyc area. Screw PETA and all these other protection agency's. Those birds are going to kill more people if they don't put a stop to it.

Troy Raiteri 2
They can't
sparkie624 -5
Birds do a lot of damage to A/C. I have personally seen a lot of it over the years. Some are minor, some are very major. Just ask Captain Sculley, Ex Captain from USAir.
Kawaiipoint2 1
sparkie624 1
Oops... I was on the right track anyway...


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