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Ellis Turley 2
Thank you for your service, gentlemen!
richard weiss 2
Thank you. If only you had been there with those word in Sept 68, when I returned.

My welcome home was from a police officer who gave me a ticket for the exiried license plate on my car. When I told him I had just gotten back from RVN he said "here's your ticket, welcome home."
Matthew Thrasher 1
Reminds me of Dominic Salvatore Gentile's actions on April 13, 1944.
Jordan Armstrong 0
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

VIDEO: Military Helicopter Crash in Afghanistan

A video showing the dramatic crash of an AH-64 Apache helicopter in Afghanistan surfaced online Thursday, and the military says it is investigating whether the pilot was attempting to "show off" to troops on the ground in the incident.,0,5663617.story
Len Smetona 1
A sad situation for sure. Accusations should not be made before the investigation, who knows maybe he did have an engine fail at a inopurtune time. Unfortunately most accidents are CFIT accidents, controlled flight into terrain. If it turns out there there was nothing wrong with the aircraft, it was a faulty pilot. Crashing an aircraft because of a botched buzz job is not exactly valor.
harm buning 1
Court Martial sounds about right for the pilots. Buzzing is buzzing.
The Navy's safety icon 'Grampaw Pettibone' would call it for what it
was, Army safety investigators should do the same.
richard weiss 1
How about we let the investigation play out, before we build the gallose
AWAAlum 1
All the theories in the world don't meant squat. You weren't in that AH-64. As much as it LOOKS like the pilot's just plain showin' off, did it never occur to anyone that he may have experienced a catastrophic health emergency, possibly even passing out? None of you know what happened, yet many of you are assigning blame a tad prematurely. Let's wait to learn the actual cause before casting stones, shall we?
richard weiss 1
I was wondering when my back-up was going to show. Thanks Donna.
Peter Steitz 1
Boy, I just got back on this board and the stuff is flying--no pun intended. Chalet, either you never flew a military aircraft or you were my squadron commander. Did a barrel roll around a Marine A-6 one day on the way back to Chu Lai from a mission. We were flying formation (not authorized) and he asked if the bronco was aerobatic--that's all he needed to say. Remember, I was only 27YO. I could do anything. Got another hundred stories but for another time.
chalet 0
Would you dare to do showboating stunts in an airplane you owned, lets say a smallish Piper 18 Cub or perhaps a Cessna 208 that costs over 1 mil, flying it well outside its envelope including rolls at tree top level and full speed of course and then go up and pull a couple of back to back loops, or anything else that you tried when flying Uncle Sam´s aircraft. I bet my neck you would are not that much of a macho man for your money is not where your big mouth is. I challenge this same thing to the other bloggers who were very macho men in Viet Nam.
Something tells me you are just trying to stir up some s--t.
richard weiss 2
James, don't worry about chelet, she's just another monday morning quarterback
Tom Kearney 1
The great thing about America is, this video will generate millions in revenue for the news networks which in turn will be taxed and the money sent back to the military to buy another helicopter. Isn't free enterprise a most excellent adventure?
wayne parris 4
That wasn't landing "like a boss". That was an example of a pilot knowing the aircraft limitations, but not knowing his own limitations. I saw that a few times in my military career. That's where I figured out it's better to learn from other people's mistakes that to let others learn from yours.
Peter Steitz 8
Did a year in Vietnam (Chu Lai) in 1970. Flew the OV-10. Got pretty close to the ground many times. Broke rules. Made up rules as needed to get the job done. Maybe did a bit of "showboating". The Bronco was highly maneuverable. One big difference was in 1970 there was no internet. No computers. No video cams. I have a few super-8 movies. About the only folks that knew what I did were myself and pilots in the fighters and the Army/Marines on the ground. Looking back, I did some pretty dumb things--either luck or skills kept me alive. I know I'm not alone. Lots of you pilots have your stories too. They just weren't caught on camera.
I don't know what your missions were in your aor but up in I corp my contact with bronco drivers was when they were "covey" for our SF and merc guys on special ops. That made them our c&c ship for insertions and extractions. We thought nobody in the air had balls bigger than us. But you guys driving the o2's and broncos and the "spads" (a1e skyraiders) out of Thailand were equals. We lost a lot of teams, some helos, and a covey and a skyraider. For not being Army you guys are the best. The jet jockeys didn't even rank for the close in work. Of course the SF guys carried the big nuts. Crazy days.

[This poster has been suspended.]

They are twin turbo props. I did not fly them ( I was army helo pilot) but flew lots of missions with them acting as our command and control ship. The air force pilots flying them were as crazy as us and not afraid to get close to the ground. The plane is definitely an overpowered performer and agile. They have flown formation with our slicks at 90 kts and done barrel rolls around us at a higher airspeed. The thing would scream in a dive. I don't remember how long they could actually stay on station watching over the SF team on the ground, but it was a long time. I only answered you because you asked the question 8 hrs ago. One of the 10 drivers might give you some specifics. Cool plane and great drivers.
By the way, army had Mohawks when I was in Nam. Air Force had the broncos.
gangreen22222 3
I was an air traffic controller at PORTCALL ARTC 69/70, close to Nha Trang. Hope we were able to provide you a little sevice.
Peter Steitz 2
Don't remember but we could use everything. I had six radios.
Michael Tefft 3
I was in Chu Lai from 1969-1970. I was with the 328th RR company of the Army Security Agency. We used OV-10's for some missions. Every fly for us?
Peter Steitz 2
My call sign was Helix 25. We were all Helix out of Chu Lai. I took several Army specialists in the backseat for photos and also recognizance. Maybe you?
chalet -1
If you broke the rules to burn as many VC´s asses I can understand but to do showboating just for the fun of it is terrible. Fortunately now there are video cameras and Internet to capture what is being done and one of the latest examples was the two Navy H-60s that almost sunk in Lake Tahoe on the way back to San Diego and those pilots will never fly Navy evre again and probably no airline would take them.
David Rowden 2
I did some dumb crap as well in an O2. Stuff Cessna didn't even know the airplane could do. I should have been killed a half dozen times. You're right Peter, either luck or skills kept me alive.
Peter Steitz 4
Never flew one but rode and helped drop leaflets. The pilot showed me a loop! Red line, pull up, 4 G's, float over the top--perfect.
David Rowden 2
Sounds about right Peter. I bent the wings on one during a roll and had a lot 'splianin" to do. If I did it right, nobody would have noticed. Next time, it was perfect.
KC Hoover 4
So glad all as many of the Vietnam Fly boys made it home considering the situation over there at the time.
Peter Steitz 3
Thanks, KC
richard weiss 2
Peter,I believe the OV-10 is an awesome aircraft. Have you seen this video of a Swiss Air Force Bronco. Found it on Vimeo:
Peter Steitz 1
Robert, thanks for the link. Awesome footage and what a beautiful restoration. Brings back memories.
Probably luck and skill. There but for the grace of god go I.

Peter Steitz 1
Only a real aviator would know.
21voyageur 4
Well, the count in the airforce has most likely been diminished by one. Bozo with testosterone overload.
ddesfosse 3
Army, I believe....
Bob Rossi 3
LOL......Flying can be a boring occupation and occasionally, "boys just wanna have fun"! Flew rotorcraft for 25 years and would need many pages to detail the "stupid stuff" we did just to "keep sharp"!! Fortunately, the machine, the general population, and I survived to "do something whacky" another day!! Foolish, stupid, idiotic, and all those other adjectives; sure, but it was what it was. Glad to see no one got hurt in this one!!
Jon Mosier 1
This is the pilot to gunner "Watch This" "yea haw" "uh oh" Chash.....
Shadowstarz 1
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

Helicopter Crash In Afghanistan: Video Purportedly Shows AH-64 Apache Wreck

Afghanistan. An Apache helicopter. A video camera. An epic crash.

No, it's not the latest "Rambo" movie, but rather, an amateur video on YouTube that shows a military aerial show gone wrong.

The dramatic, albeit brief, video allegedly shows an AH-64 Army helicopter sprinting toward the clouds, appearing to scrape its belly on a nearby building. The Apache helicopter then comes plummeting back to earth like a kid losing control off a bicycle ramp -- except in this case, it's a $20 million bike and the snows of Afghanistan as the crash site.

Stars and Stripes first posted about the video on Wednesday, writing that International Security Assistance Force officials said the video appeared to be real, showing "a crash which occurred in Paktika province on Feb. 6, although they are still investigating who filmed and posted the clip."
Lloyd Boyette 0
Has anyone seen the Diane Saywer report on " World News Tonight " about how they call this a " Heroic Landing " by American Pilots????? WTF?!?! This pilot was showboating and should have criminal charges brought up. He came within feet of killing people on the ground. He's lucky as hell nobody got hurt or killed. Talk about irresponsible reporting. Way to go ABC and Diane Sawyer.... ( Dumb@#$^# )
flynryan 1
Spoken like a true vatsim junkie.
richard weiss 1
There are numerous observors on this thread who seemed to have been to the mishap site, examined the wreckage, accounted of atmospheric conditions, interviewed the crew and all the witnesses, looked for mechanical failures, and THEN drawn a conclusion. A common problem is those of you with the least aviation experience are reaching the most condemning findings. If you ever reach the point where you get to fly professionally, I hope you are given a fair assessment, if you have such an incident.
jmssuperman 1
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

Apache Crash in Afganistan

"The dramatic, albeit brief, video allegedly shows an AH-64 Army helicopter sprinting toward the clouds, appearing to scrape its belly on a..."
richard weiss 1
Reading anything on the Huffington Post is a complete waste of time
chalet 0
If there is justice America this hot shot jerk should face court martial and be sentenced hard and good including stripped of the uniform and be dishonorably discharged. And then lets see if he can get a job in aviation, probably as janitor at some remote airport for he placed fellow comrades in arms not in harms way, HE ALMOST KILLED SOME OF THEM.
richard weiss 2
Spoken like a person who has never worn a uniform,never been in combat, or flown an airplane. If you have done any of the above, you certainly don't act like it.
chalet -3
You act like some active or retired military: the damn spirit de corps trying to cover some fool`s ass which in this case endangered the lives of fellow soldiers and destroying $ 10-15 million worth of (sacred) property owned by Uncle Sam.
alistairm 3
It's "Esprit De Corps"
Man, you must not be reading the same threads as me. I haven't seen anyone trying to cover anyone's ass. Just some comments about what was seen on the video. Now there are a few here already have conclusions, but they are probably wrong.
richard weiss 3
that statement is proof it would be a waste of time engaging you.
richard weiss 1
James, the comment above was directed to chalet, not you.
ToddBaldwin3 0
Ouch. I wonder if they did a FLIPL on the pilot.
Towney Sausville 1
I have flown a King Air 200 into Sharana, which is at 7,800 feet. We paid particular attention to what we could or more importantly, could not carry. That lesson was learned by the Apache pilot but alas... a little late.
ctbonesfan 4
Right before they hit the ground you can see someone barely get out of the way... Actually looking back at it they may have even hit him.

[This poster has been suspended.]

It did look that way. I hope not. Bent metal is reusable and a big enough problem.
Fred White 2
Maybe his windscreen was fogged over. Oh, wait......Air Force used that one already.
LOL Practicing a "return to target" manuever is going to be a hard sell over "buzzing".
Fred White 1
LOL, yea, but I can't believe they tried to sell us on the fogged windscreen, so you never know!
Maybe his dad is a general or a senator. That would save him.
Michael Neilan 2
There is one truth I remember as an Army Aviator and an Air Force Jet Jockey and that is this....One Awe Shit cancels a thousand Atta Boys....Good Luck Guys
Ya, them sterling wings are about to become artifacts I'm afraid.
richard weiss 6
My guess is they were in the mountains, well above sea level. Density Altitude has a way of biting a pilots butt, no matter the equipment being flown.
MrTommy 1
I would hope our pilots are trained in high altitude flying, and the changes it requires in flying techniques, especially when we're deploying them to high altitude areas!
Alfons Wilbert 4
Never mind Density Altitude..... It's plain and simple a case of dense Pilot!!
richard weiss 0
If flying a fully armed Appache was an easy job for dense pilots, you would be doing it.
Alfons Wilbert 2
I never implied that flying an Appach, armed or not was in any way easy, I was merely referring to this particular specimen. And you can't deny that this accident was not avoideable.
richard weiss 1
simply stated, until we know all the facts, there is no way to assign blame. That video is not the only evidence.
Jim Quinn 5
Amen, Mr. Weiss. The mountains of the world are littered with aircraft placed there by the pilots who discovered this fact the hard way.
Jim Quinn 4
There are pilots, and then there are aviators.....
Michael Neilan 4
Altitude is your friend when you perform this maneuver (flew AH-1G in the Army)
Alfons Wilbert 4
A sane Pilot, not prone to having to show off is an even better friend for all those on the Ground and potentially in the way of such a dense Pilot.
Art Geverding 1
Sometimes caught on video and some times not the world of aviation is full of such events just after someone said or thought - Hey! watch this!
Misjudged a little I'd say. We used to fly down the Perfume river in nam with our skids in the water at 90kts. Looked just like you were water skiing. Made the dinks jump out of their boats every time. Lol
richard weiss 4
The good old days when real men flew Bell Helicopters. Welcome home.
Thank you sir. Was a helicopter heyday and glory days for Bell.
Scott Campbell 0
Come the $%^%# on... sorry but you can't fly again!
Unless you can come up with 30 mill to pay us back....
Kawaiipoint2 -3
lol typical army
richard weiss 4
Will Ricci, please don't embarrass yourself with STUPID comments like that.
Kawaiipoint2 -3
My apologies, but this crash was caused because of pilot error and them showing off.
Don't pick on the army. I've seen the Blue Angles and the Thunderbirds crash doing the same bs.
chalet -3
How dare you to compare some real professional and artful flying as the Blue Angels and Thnderbird display vs. these horrible accidents caused by some real stupid "pilots" who should have never been issued the coveted wings.
richard weiss 4
Chalet, you just don't seem to have the ability to stop making a fool of yourself.
Richard, it's clear mr. Chalet doesn't get it. I'll make one more statement before I quit and maybe he will read and comprehend some of it. We used to take 4 helos up to a special forces compound located on the base at quang tri Vietnam nam. We would run a mission out of there with a small team of SF guys and mercenaries across the border. Our command and control ship was an air force ov 10 bronco. When it was time to launch he would dive nearly straight down and pull out feet above the ops building nearly tearing the roof off. Authorized? NO. Effective? You bet. We were stoked and ready to go kill some NVA ass. A large portion of those SFs and mercs didn't come back.
richard weiss 1
James Wallace, are you going to VHPA in New Orleans this year?
Have been a long time member but never attended one of the reunions. I do not have plans for NO but will really try hard for next year. I sold my business within the past few months and have a lot on my plate in the short term including working for the new people for a while. Only been to a small company reunion at Ft Campbell as I was with the 101st. Are you attending?
richard weiss 1
No, got a nasty left wrist injury while trying to do a formation landing when left and right hand collided. War story injuries are the worst. Can't make it this year.
chalet -3
Oh you are sooo smart.
Tim Smith 4
Reading through the bickering is better than watching the video!
I sir am not defending this pilots actions or comparing him to anyone. Mr. Ricci implied his deeds were typical because he was Army. I took exception to that. I have seen many films of pilots from other branches showboat and crash also. I have also witnessed the demo teams crash at air shows. And what is an airshow? It's a "watch this" display. One is authorized and one is not.
chalet -1
Your explanation is not worth a damn, you have insulted the world´s finest.
First of all I haven't insulted any fellow pilot, including the one flying the Apache. If you are insulted that is fine with me.
Kawaiipoint2 2
Yes because that is their purpose of being in those squadrons.... Mistakes that caused them to crash were not because of show-boating.
Do you honestly think Navy, Air Force, Marine pilots never showboat and crash? Maybe you should look at the films of the c130 and the b52 showboating and crashing. Actually, airshows are showboating, but I love to watch them.
Aaron Donnelly 0
Martin Connor 4
Embarrassing for whoever was flying it, but Wikipedia only lists one lost Apache in Afghanistan and that was 2008. Also "Holy Shit" isn't a typical British response to shock.
Wingscrubber 1
You would expect a Brit to say 'Gosh, what the devil!' then?? (Psst, we use a lot of the same slang these days)
Ben Lillie 4
I guess bosses are pretty bad landers and pretty amazing crashers.
Ian Smith 3
Please tell me an American was not flying that rotorcraft. That is extremely embarassing.
Ben Lillie 3
From the sound of the videographer I'd say they were British.
Alfons Wilbert 1
Statisticly speaking it has to be American..... they seem to have a problem with Mountains...remeber them striking a Cable Car a few years back?
richard weiss 1
Another genious statement from a person with little to no experience in complex aircraft. I have flown a British aircraft. When I did not have to fly it any longer I took all the manuals to the nearest trash can. Brits should never be allowed to build anything that flys or floats
Jonathan Dawes 1
Oh well, I guess jets aren't that useful then...
Alfons Wilbert 1
Well, if all those British build aircraft are no good, I wonder why, during the Falcland War, the English only got access to US Satelitte Inteligemce upon agreeing to give the blue-prints for the Harrier to them in return, as the US just couldn't get them coppied right!
richard weiss 1
The Harriors were completely redesigned and built in STL by McDonnell Douglas. Before then they were death traps
I remember the military jet hitting the cable car. I don't get the statistics though.
Matthew Donica 2
There was anm Air Cav emblem on the side, so its more than likely a US Army bird, and the accents were definitely American
Clearly a First Cav emblem. That would make it US Army.
Andy Robinson 1
Google searches listed US Army were investigating - implying that they were American (embarrassing).
mboette 4
I guess I missed the "awesome" part of that.
Aaron Barthol 0
It's sarcasm. ;)


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