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Russian AN-124 Landed at MSP Wednesday

No news story here friends but a question. Does anyone live in Minnesota like me and happened to get photo's of the Antonov 124 that landed here around 3:50pm? It came over me on my mail route as I was walking and I knew by the sound it was not a regular commercial jet. I looked up to see the "caterpillar" landing gear. Please let me know if anyone got photo's of it. So awesome to see different planes here in MSP. ( Más...

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The 225 is leaving KBGR in a half hour. Got a few of it parked the other night, posted them on here. Going to be heading over to get some taking off, will post them later on.
Jeffrey Babey 1
I look forward to seeing them.
I got a few today, of it taxiing at KBGR. Unfortunately the spotting wasn't the best as it was overcast and also taking off in the wrong direction to get any decent airborne shots. Hopefully these links will work.
Nick Blazanovic 2
Nice shots Anthony! Sometimes you get what you get. There are many factors that can interfere with getting the perfect picture and sometimes you don't get a second chance. Well done!
Toby Sharp 2
.....I wanna know the total fuel bill for the hop across the pond......
David Kingston 2
Nick, thanks for posting the the links to my photos. Never thought to put a link on here.

It was great to be off work that day and be able to get out to the airport for both the arrival and departure of this one of a kind airplane.

It was certainly impressive to see this behemoth take off in less runway than I would be acustomed to using in a B737.
Nick Blazanovic 1
Hey David! No problem. Your photos are terrific and really show off the beast. I've only seen the 124 myself and have a few photos of that one.

As I understand it, they built this thing to fly the Russian space shuttle the Buran around. When that program got shelved, they converted the 225 into a massive cargo aircraft.

Good job!
David Kingston 2
Yup it was designed to carry the Soviet space shuttle but when it wasn't carrying the shuttle itself it was carrying shuttle parts so it was always a cargo carrier.

This is the only one in operation, apparently there is another airframe in development but it may never fly. The fact that this single airframe has been flying without a major incident for 25 years is a pretty impressive record.
Jeffrey Babey 1
Seriously? there is only one 225 in operation? and I MISSED IT here on Monday at MSP?
Nick Blazanovic 1
ARGH indeed. It is a one of a kind. As David mentioned, a second was going to be produced but who knows if it will ever fly. It would be neat to see a second one added to the fleet. With today's engines, I wonder if they could get by with just 4? ;-)

BC Hadley 1
According to the info on Wikipedia, only one was built.
Nick Blazanovic 2
A friend got some shots of the 225. They are posted on Flickr:


There are others there as well but those two are my favorites. ENJOY! N.

Jeffrey Babey 1
Argh! God I would have loved to see the 225 on Monday, still can't believe I missed it!
Boatinman 1
Is there any way to know when it's leaving? I'd love to see that!
Jeffrey Babey 1
It was only here for about 3 hours and as Jonathan noted it left around 7:15pm. It really was a sight to see.
Slytiger 1
Did it come from KIWA? They usually pickup the apaches there from the Mesa plant.
Jeffrey Babey 1
It came from KNJK
Brian Anderson 1
Believe it or not, it was the 225! Here's the flight : I'm hoping it comes back here on their return trip, I'd love to get some pics of it!
Jonathan Kealing 1
There was a 124 and a 225. Two visits from big Antonov planes in a week. Crazy coincidence.
Devon Dunphy 1
I recently saw photos of a AN-225 (UR-82060) at MSP on here.. why that beast was there intrigues me more.. similar cargo jobs?
Jeffrey Babey 1
WOW! And I missed it! I work right by MSP too. Now that would have been awesome! The 225 & the 124 here at MSP. I wonder why our local media didn't cover it?
Jeffrey Babey 1
Sorry, it should read "Russian An-124 Landed at MSP today". Forget the other "At" lol
Devon Dunphy 1
Looked into it some more, the AN-124 was probably caring chopper parts. Volga-Dnepr routinely operates the Antonovs to move military cargo (usually helicopters) and spacecraft parts within the US. You can find the dates and contents from the DOT OST Docket since they need an exemption for every revenue flight. This flight continued to England so may of had some Apache aka Longbow pieces on board. The AN-225 is still a mystery to me though.
Jonathan Kealing 1
I saw it take off about 7:15 while driving around South Minneapolis. Definitely one of those planes that causes a double-take. No picture though. Hard to do while driving!
Boatinman 1
Damn..nevermind haha

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David Kingston 1
That is a little uncalled for don't you think.

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I've flown on Russian aircraft too, they fly the same...


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