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Citation Ten makes first flight

Cool looking elliptical wing tips. ( Más...

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Ryan Clauson 0
Im surprised they havent stepped up to compete with the Gulfstream and Global express.
chalet 0
All of them are losing money big time and you expect Cessna to continue the development of their model that is comparable to the biggest that Gulfstream and BOmbardier have to offer?.
Jeff Hadley 0
Citation X was miss read by many and was to be called "Citation 10" so when this one came out it is called "Citation X" so it wouldnt be miss said.
Larry Horton 0
Wait till marketing gets through. Last Lear that was certified went through certification flights under one name and hit the market under another.
chalet 0
Right, the name is the only problem to effectively get to sell this plane. Damn the fact that Cessna is losing money and that its former president Jack Pelton did not know how much each plane cost to build. That that among all mayor manufacturers of executive jet aircraft have a line up of about 50 (yeah, five zero) jets of all kinds of shapes and sizes chasing fewer and fewer clients means nothing (pssst, here is a little secret, don´t tell any of them manufacturers that they are bloated and that additional newer models will only exacerbate the mess).
Wingscrubber 0
Most of the GA OEMs like Cessna actually make more money on aftermarket support and service than new aircraft sales. You have to crank out the new airplanes so that one day you can make money from them when they're old, Cessna does this very well. The core customers for the legacy Citation X like XOjet and Netjets will probably buy these and sell their older aircraft, not to mention the numerous corporate owner/operators.
chalet 0
Don´t think so, operators (private companies or charter outfits like Net Jets, etc.) have grown to be very sophisticated, they shop around and go to the OEMs of the components even for small items like a screw, a rivet or a washer bypassing the aircraft manufacturer. So Cessna, Gulfstream, Bombardier, Embraer and Beechcraft have to make a profit the old fashioned way: in sale price of the vehicle.
David Neal 0
I think it important to note that the ten has one very special asset, SPEED! Vmo at .92 cuts the east to west transcon by over an hour over about ever other aircraft. I fly the X and know how much the people that ride in them LOVE them. The customer demand (customers who can easily afford this speed asset) will drive its' sales. The biggest changes will be the increased climb power (already impressive as it is)increased fuel economy and the avionics package (dramatic improvement over the antiquated set). Besides it is one sexy b---h!
Wingscrubber 0
You're missing the point - the turnover from a production rate of 10-15 Citation X's a year isn't enough to pay the army of people supporting them, there are however 300+ Citation X's already in service who rely on Cessna for aftermarket spares and maintenance. Put it this way - there is one production line, but there are 9 Citation service centers. Old airplanes = cash cows.
chalet 0
Check out the number of King Airs of various marks from the 90 to the 1900, there are over 6000 (six thousand) of them still flying, still needing spare parts and service, not to mention the hundreds of Hawkers and the 500 copies of the AT-6B providing excellent training service, yet the manufacturer is losing money which is too bad. Service alone would never ever support a manufacturing system.
chalet 0
Just check the P&L figures of Cessna and those of the others airframe manufacturers, everyone is showing numbers in red in spite the service centers income. Red numbers are red numbers anyway you look at them, in fact Hawker Beech which has an enormous fleet out there is losing money and rather desperately are contesting the recent USAF award to Embraer covering a mere 20 Tucanos which beat their AT-6B and this is not only due to "prestige" reasons, it is hard cold cash that they real badly.
jim garrity 0
On the block, they could call it the C-755 (5+5=10)?
Nice looking.They seemed big before and wonder will you notice the difference.Wingtips are a nice edition.

But the name is confusing.Don't X represent 10 ? When I worked in G.A. we sure though so,were we wrong as well as the NATA aircraft id manual for our new hires.Just the same I can live with it.
Brian Bishop 0
What would be REALLY confusing would be if the NATA label for the new one was C75X! (That's a joke BTW - I have no idea what it will be.)
Brian Bishop 0
The new "Ten" is spelled out. The old "X"uses the Roman Numeral. It's not an all new airplane, it's an upgrade. It's also not intended as a true intercontinental like a Gulfstream. A G450/550/650 is a MUCH bigger aircraft. Not in the same classification at all. Different mission profiles altogether.
Ben Lillie 0
Not much different from the C750.
Looks great!!

Robert Curley 0
Couldn't they have thought up a better name? How are people supposed to verbally differentiate the two?
Larry Horton 0
Wait until marketing gets through. Remember last Lear that was certified went through certification flights under one name and was marketing under another.
billykid05 0
Just wanted to agree with you, first thing I thought of...
How about new name like Citation XXX :)
Will Goshorn 0
Great point. I was thinking the same thing. I'm also a bit surprised they didn't engineer it with a greater range. Sounds like it can barely make it to London from New York. Don't a lot of Gulfstream products have a much longer range?
James Gibson 0
But they'll get there quicker !!
Wingscrubber 0
I worked on this plane - should have named it the Citation XI (Eleven) or the X Plus, or 10.5. 'TEN' in letters instead of the numeral is retarded. Now the only way to differentiate them is to refer to the old one as the 'ex' and the new one as the 'ten'.
Internally the new plane was known only as '750 block point' to the engineering team, which doesn't exactly roll off the tongue either.


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