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Boeing may overtake Airbus as No. 1 jet-maker in 2012

Analysis of the year-end figures reveals that, while Boeing delivered fewer jets, it surpassed Airbus in their dollar value. Moreover, the data suggest 2012 could be Boeing's year to take back the No. 1 spot. ( Más...

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Chris Donawho 0
Hmmm. Strange. The homers are not tooting their horns here. In fact, they are all still pissed. Leave it to Boeing to spoil their own wet dream.
Louis Vlasic 0
total agree.

preacher1 0
While Boeing makes a good product, the lying SOB's just lost a whole lot of credibility and support on their "Leaving Wichita Deal". One of their factors was that cost was high at that facilty. You cannot make me believe that it's higher than Renton, and if it was, then change the management, not penalize the workers and the municipality that helped you get the tanker contract in the first place. Had it not been for those lobbying efforts, Airbus had that tanker contract, and then they stiff the ones that helped them get it!!! Good Job Boeing!!!!!!!!!!
David Brooks 0
Wayne, I believe it mainly is a management issue in Boeing. When I retired 7 years ago from Boeing, I was hearing things that were hard for me to understand. There seem to be a thread that Boeing would become an integrator and less of a manufacture - out sourcing was the key word. When they sold off the first part of Wichita (to Spirit Aerosystems, Inc.), I was appalled. That is where all of the B737 fuselages are made.
preacher1 0
Yeah, I was wondering about that deal, especially with the carrot now dangling by Airbus about a US Assembly operation. Seems to me that Airbus has about 35 or so engineers already in Wichita working with Spirit. I'm a thinkin' that Spirit does work for both Airbus and Boeing, don't they.
David Brooks 0
I was unaware that Airbus was doing work with Spirit in Wichita. Spirit is Canadian owned I believe so I guess they can do what they want.

Airbus is also doing this multi-sourcing but in there case, by country that participate in Airbus / Thales programs. England/UK, Spain, Italy, Germany and probably others too. I would not like to be a manager in Airbus. The politics must be something else.

My main concern is that Boeing to continues to be a productive company as I draw my pension from them!
preacher1 0
I really don't know for sure. I just remember reading here in FA in a squawk a few days back when Boeing first made their announcement; There was much talk about Spirit in it and I know it said something about 35 or so Airbus engineers in town, and they were tied to something Spirit was doing. You might look back for that original squawk as it had the blurb about it. I am fixing to leave or I would. If I don't hear back, I'll try and dig it out tomorrow.
David Brooks 0
Let me see if I can find the squawk.
preacher1 0
I looked all the way through the old swuawks a year back and didn't find it. May have just ovelooked it. Good Luck
David Brooks 0
I couldn't find anything either. Still, makes you wonder if Airbus is trying to do something in the USA.
andrewderr 0
Do the recent A350 cancellations apply to 2012 or the year they were ordered in?
canuck44 0
While all of these numbers are nice for us to review, they really don't mean very much in the world of business. The health of a company is ROI...return on investment...and the numbers we watch don't represent that measure. For example, if a company is selling a lot of units at a slight loss or break even, they are really not getting ahead. If they are forced to carry the financing for those sales, they are losing money and taking the amount out of capital and profit to shareholders.

Discounts and other deals are never announced only unit numbers ordered, delivered and/or cancelled, advertised value and aircraft type. We are left to speculate how good or bad any of the announced deals might be and what other parallel deals are made with the buyer and/or government.
preacher1 0
Well, I have an invite that I am having to decide on and I din't think I'd ever want to do, but this Boeing deal in Wichita plumb pissed me off. I have been invited to spend about a week in KMEM going thru DAL's Airbus SIM and live check rides for a type rating, and all on their nickle. I didn't know it but seems after the NWA merger they left everything there rather than move it and are using it still to train and type their own pilots. I understand it will go to KATL if the buy more Airbus but that isn't in the cards right now. I still drive a Chevy too, but my wife has a Nissan that is just like the energizer bunny, going and going. I may have to look at one to here in a day or 2, so all that goes into consideration for this invite. It will at least give me a chance firsthand to look at some things in their system I have concerns about.
David Brooks 0
Wayne, I agree with you about Boeing's decision to sell off the Wichita plant. I am retired Boeing guy and I saw some of this beginning back 10 years ago.
canuck44 0
In this era, one gets all the qualifications they can...had friends at Air Canada that felt same way but were glad they did it later. There are going to be lots of 318-19-20s around for a long time and with interchangeable technology and avionic systems. Basically, you are just learning the technology and a different way to achieve the same results...the rest of it is now second nature.
Louis Vlasic 0
You really hit it on the nail. I totally agree with your assesment.
preacher1 0
Yeah, I know.


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