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Richard Morgan 0
Shouldn't let this CLOWN on any Plane.
He Thinks Hes SPECIAL. but so does my Toilet Paper
Zach Katona 0
Frankly, unless this isn't the full story, I'm on Alec's side. What's the harm in using your iPad if the plane is still parked? I doubt it actually interferes with the signal. Traveling is already uncomfortable enough for many travelers.
richard weiss 0
Zach, go back to the top and read what the professionals have written in this thread. Then, you take the job of safety coordinater/babysitter/waitress, and if need be, life saver. The FA's are given huge responsiblity and diminished authority to keep twerps like Baldwin from endangering EVERYONE on the airplane. Unless you designed the Ipad and the avionics suite on that aircraft, you have no knowledge to back up your statement.
Zach Katona 0
Woah, how about calming down a little? No need to get snappy. As far as what you are saying though, I understand how responsible they are and how important safety is. I'm just saying that a simple word game should not be that much of a hindrance to safety. Go on Youtube and type in anything to do with takeoffs or landings and you'll see how many electronics are actually turned on during the so called crucial times of a flight. I really don't think that one iPad would make that much of a difference. Also I state again, flying can be rather uncomfortable for some people so as long as they aren't doing something ridiculous like playing a loud instrument, I don't see what the problem is if anyone (not just Alec Baldwin) wants to play a simple game.
richard weiss 0
Come on Zach, you're the genious in this thread, defend yourself
Zach Katona 0
Actually Richard, you are clearly the genius since all your generalizations about me were 100% accurate. That's right, i think I'm above everyone else, I park in handicapped spaces because I think I'm entitled to, I'm a terrible person who only cares about himself. You have some nerve putting those accusations on me when you don't even know me. I am all about following rules, thinking about others, and people getting treated equally so I fully support Mr. Baldwin being kicked off since he was rude to the flight attendants and caused a scene.

What I was originally trying to say before you put a bunch of words in my mouth was that it is a sad state for air travel when any person, celebrity or not, gets asked to stop committing a harmless act. Why do I consider playing a game harmless? Well according to the many articles about this incident, the plane was still at the gate when he was asked to turn his device off, Had they been taxing or even being pushed back, then I can see why this request would have been legitimate. But the gate? please. I guess the problem then is that the regulations or rules are too strict if people can't even use an electronical device when the plane is parked and nothing is happening. The only way I could see this changing is if the pilot's happen to be talking to the airport's ground frequency or reviewing their flight plans. If that is indeed the case and the pilots were to find that there is an interference in their signal, then and only then, should a request for all electronic devices to be turned off at that time of the flight take place.

Again, according to this article, it never said anywhere that this is what happened, so until I hear that Mr. Baldwin's device did disturb a frequency of some sort, this policy looks unreasonable. And before you try to accuse me otherwise, I am all for safety as long as it is necessary and not being able to use electronic devices while at the gate just does't appear to be so in this sense. I think it was unnecessary for the Fa's to ask him to turn it off at that moment and that would be the only area, he has legitimate beef with. However, no matter how ridiculous this rule may be it is never right to react the way he did. Basically, I think this was an overreaction by both parties, the airline for requesting the devices be turned off early and Alec for throwing a tantrum, causing a scene, and for forcing all passengers to have to board again.
richard weiss 0
So now, according to Zach, we have to wait until the situation becomes unsafe before we take action. We shouldn't take the lessons learned from those with millions of hours and many years of experience that caused the rules to be put into effect. We should wait until the systems on the aircraft are interfered with. You are obviously not a professional, or experienced in commercial aviation.

If you are all about following the rules, why would you defend a numb nuts like Baldwin? Simply put, the door was closed on the aircraft. There might have been a gate hold in effect that delayed the push back. There might have been a last minute suitcase to load. The answer is to all of this is neither you nor I know why the aircraft wasn't moving, but it's not important. The important point is he was told to turn off the stuff and he felt too important to follow the directions of a lowely FA. He has no excuse, or defense, for that action. The entitlement attitude that Baldwin has, and you defend, says volumes about your entitlement attitude. That,Zach, is indefensible
Zach Katona 0
Once again, I am not defending the way he acted, I'm not even defending him individually. What I am defending is his right to engage in something that wash't harming anyone. That right doesn't apply just to him, it applies to everyone so kindly stop accusing me of feeling entitled. He was simply minding his own business when the stewardess approached him and made him turn off his iPad which according to the article, there was no reason for besides policy.

What I am doing is looking at both sides of the story and regardless of how bad he acted, the stewardess is the one who sparked the conflict this time (though i suppose it isn't their fault if they are foxed to follow a bad rule of the airline's policy). Even if the frequencies were somehow disturbed at that moment, It would have put the people in no danger because they were parked and not moving. If they did, all that would have needed to happen is the pilot report it to the stewardess who then approaches Mr Baldwin and explains the situation and exactly why he has to turn his device off. You tell me what kind of danger that could put anyone in as long as the pilot were to have the person they were in communication with repeat what they may have missed. My point is that i think the airline industry is overly rigid these days and has already downgraded service for all passengers enough, so the least they could do is let people engage in something they own as long as it doesn't put people in immediate direct danger.

Also, just because something is tested by a ton of people doesn't mean it is the best solution (hence the tons of every changing theories out there).
richard weiss 0
You must be the next Thomas Edison, Bill Gates and Steve Jobs all rolled in one really smart guy. You have more knowledge about aviation that the experts in aviation. How can you be so sure there is no harm being done by actions such as Baldwin's? Are you an aeronautical engineer? Are you an avionics engineer? Are you a professional in any aspect of aviation? By your statements, and the ignorance displayed in them, it's obvious you are not. First of all, the title is Flight Attendant, not Stewardess. That term went out when Carter was President.

When Zach goes to the doctor, does he self diagnose, prescribe his own drugs, take his own xrays? No, Zach, You allow the professionals to do their work. How about giving the same consideration to the professional on an airliner.

When the people who have knowledge of aircraft systems, and other safety aspects agree it is safe to leave that stuff on, the rule will change. Until then, I'd success you read all the fine print on the ticket. As a passenger, you are contractually obligated to follow the directions of the crew. Even the rules and directions you think are purposeless.
Babs Newton 0
This discussion is getting heated. Zach has some good points.
I jsut think Mark L's point about rfs/black magic is the best argument for turning off devices WHEN passengers are told to do so.
In all honesty, however, I think Mr. Baldwin was kicked off of the flight because he wouldn't follow instructions and he rubbed the FAs the wrong way.
Why exactly are we attacking Zach so hard?
richard weiss 0
Babs, the real problem I have with Zach is the sense of entitlement that our country is developing and that he's defending. We don't get to pick an choose the rules we follow. The requirement to turn off electronics has been established from lessons learned over the past 40 years of experience. Because, following the rules is inconvenient, he doesn't want to do it. Also, the primary reason for turning off all that gear may be to allow the flight attendants to have the passengers attention during a safety briefing.

Baldwin got the boot for being a jerk. He didn't get the boot for his ipad's rf signal. I completely agree with the call by the FA. She has to know that her directions will be complied with in an emergency.
Babs Newton 0
Well put, Richard.
Our country DOES have a sense-of-entitlement problem.
I'm pretty sure if Mr. B would have respected the rules, the FAs and the job they were trying to do, he would have stayed on that plane.
richard weiss 0
Although Zach will never admit publicly to being in error on this, I hope he, and others like him, take away a positive message from my rants.
Kingair31 0
Nice work Richard.....the rules are the rules. Period. I don't agree with some of the posted speed limits, but I adhere to them!
Zach Katona 0
For your info I have done research on it and the conclusion that most people have come up with is that they aren't likely to do any damage but that it isn't impossible. Also, planes made beyond 1985 have a much better tolerance to signals than the older ones do and the pre-1985 planes are becoming less and less common. Also, even if a signal did somehow reach the frequency, once again they were parked and nothing was going on at the time.

Also I've strayed very far away from my very original posting, but it all comes down to the policy for me. I don't agree with it an think it could wait even a couple more min before having people turn their devices. Anyways, i've had enough of this, I have better things to do then sit here and go back and forth with you online all day. I'm sure this won't get through to you anyhow since you seem bent on making me sound naive.
richard weiss 0
If you want the rule changed, bring your data to the FAA. Good Luck. Go do those better things

Mark Lansdell 0
Hardly snappy or excited, just factual. Some of these aircraft hold 200 or more passengers. That means 200-500 or more I pads, cell phones and other miscellaneous devices not just one for the likes of Alec Baldwin or me for that matter. The FA announces for you to turn off your devices you agreed to comply when you bought the ticket. Grayhound and Amtrak don't have those restrictions and a book or magazine has no emissions. There are alternatives if you need a diversion. It doesn't matter what Youtube says or Wikopedia, or anyone else for that matter. The FAA and the airline set the rules and the ticket holder agreed to them. Under usual circumstances you might be without your Gameboy for 20 minutes. They usually allow them after flaps up. Meanwhile the cabin crew is going through the mandatory safety routines and announcements. If American Airlines were the ONLY airline that had the turn off rule the airline would still be right to terminate the flight for a passenger who refused particularly if that passenger was rude a to the Flight Attendant for doing her job.
richard weiss 0
Mark, I get the feeling that Zach is an over entitled 20 year old that has all knowledge of the universe. He's smarter than Boeing, FAA engineers, airline managers and his mama. He got a trophy for playing soccer, whether he won or lost. His old man never yelled at him or gave him a swat on the butt when he misbehaved. He has been taught from the beginning that he was "special."
Mark Lansdell 0
I know a few like that. One who never grew up got to be President. I guess it's our job to educate them before some over worked stewardess gets a hold of them and they miss their flights. I don't want to pick on Zach or anyone else. But, I never heard a head count on that particular airplane. Unless it was filled with people like me who don't use a cell phone they may have had 2 or 3 devices a peace.If two of them are off frequency who knows. They are all full of black magic anyway. RF is always an unpredictable itam especially low power RF
Babs Newton 0
Rf IS, in fect unpredictable, Mark. It is better to be over-cautious than not.
Regardless of the rules and regs, Mr. Baldwin irritated some people who decided, valid or not, he needed to get off the plane.This could have happened to anyone that rubbed the FAs the wrong way. Why should he have gotten special treatment?
Mark Lansdell 0
Yup. That's it. There are lots of way to put it, but don't tick off an FA while your on board. They will be more than happy to show you who's in charge of the cabin. I refer to the unpredictability of RF as black magic and it's particularly onerous when you multiply it by 2-700 units all in a parabolic reflector. I don't think some folks understand that electronic devices emit RF and you can't tell what frequencies will be affected at different ranges especially when they're all cooped up in an aluminum tube. Zach seems to think we should let one person ignore the rules because he might be board.
richard weiss 0
I get the impression you are one of those who feels rules apply when they are convenient. Are you one of those who thinks it's okay to park in a handicapped spot, if the other spaces are too far away. It's okay to sit in the fire lane outside of a supermarket, if you're only going to be inside for a minute. Maybe you'll drive along in the left lane of a super highway, blocking faster drivers rather than keeping to right, like the signs say to do. It's the sense of entitlement that has permeated this country that guys like Baldwin have. Since Baldwin can do bad things, and it's okay, where do we draw the line on the pecking order? If one is an overpaid actor, they're entitled to break rules. If you're a carpenter in Buffalo, NY, you have to follow the rules. If your Zach Katona, you can decide for yourself which rules to follow.

Go get a copy of the movie Top Gun. Review the scene when Maverick and Goose are in the office getting their butts chewed for booming the tower. Listen to what Viper tells Maverick about the rules. Listen closely.
Mark Lansdell 0
Well stated. The fact remains as well, when you buy your ticket you "contract" with the airline and FAA to abide by the rules no matter if they make sense to you or not. What's so difficult about turning off you electronics from door close to flaps up? I have a 12 year old grand son that behaves better that these elitist over paid actors. I should have been born handsome rather than smart. :-).
mark tufts 0
i think amtrak or greyhound would be the best for alec baldwin as he would be limited on where he could go and with greyhound the driver would throw him out in the desert he he acted like that
Mark Lansdell 0
When you buy at ticket you accept the rules and conditions. He violated the contract and it was terminated. Evidently he pissed off the FA in the process. Flying has become an cattle car experience, but then look who's flying and their mentality and attitude.
Babs Newton 0
Ouch, Mark.
Mark Lansdell 0
There is no excuse for rudeness toward anyone never mind someone who is doing their job as prescribed by the company and the FAA. I don't care if the rule is logical or not. It's a rule that you agree to when you buy a ticket. Can you imagine his reaction if he were 300 lbs and had to buy a second seat? How hard is it and how inconvenient to pause a game and pick it back up when the gear comes up and the flaps are raised. Give that turkey a lolly pop, a crying towel and a boot in the a#^.
Babs Newton 0
I am in total agreement with you. In fact, my first comment on this was how childish he was acting.
I KNOW the rules are in place for a reason. First class, business, economy, celebrity or average Joe/Jane- all passengers need to be respectful.
Just found a little humor in your truth.
Mark Lansdell 0
I'm not sure the reason is a good one, but rules are rules and I doubt the FA's ire would have been raised if he had not been testy and rude. If he had to hide in the "lav" he knew he was wrong.

I'm complemented you found humor in my comment and truth. Most don't ever find me the least bit funny. Well that may be a stretch, maybe the word is seldom. But I'm workin' at it.

I've known many, many wealthy people in my short life. I could always tell who was born to it and who was new to it. Evidently, Mr. Baldwin needs some practice at suppressing his arrogance.
Babs Newton 0
Well put, Mark.
Mark Lansdell 0
Incidentally, I thought Grayhound's reaction and comments were excellent.
Marna Sims 0
Regulations are in place for the SAFETY of everyone - hopefully he will get a huge fine, then maybe he'll figure out the rules apply to everyone.
richard weiss 0
He'll pay the fine with pleasure,Marna. He got what he needs. He was the center of the universe, and everyone loved or hated him. In his sick twisted mind, all publicity is good.
Steamjet 0
What's legal isn't alway safe...and what's safe isn't always legal. We use iPads in flight for our Jepp charts. American Airlines os approved by the FAA to use electronic charts on iPads during flight.

Another dumb &$!@ ing rule that makes no sense and isn't based on anything real..... Like cell phone....another dumb.

Kids...been doing this professionally for 37 years...never, NEVER had a problem with interference fro a cell phone ever. I leave mine on all the time,
richard weiss 0
Perhaps the best reason to have all the gear off for take-off and landing is to, maybe just maybe, have the attention of the passengers during the most critical time of he flight. We all know the new technology aircraft are more than likely not going to be interfered with by a cell phone, but what about 500 of them transmitting all at once? I've had a full needle deflection on the localizer at 300 ft, in the clouds, when a pax turned on a cell phone. Granted, it was an old technology 737, but it happened. It caused us to go around. We made an announcement that everyone had better turn off the phones or we may have to find a different airport. Next pass was just fine.
Babs Newton 0
I sense a "God complex". (You know..."Malice" Seriously though; he can determine which flight attendants are smarter than others just by how little or how much fuss they make over him acting like a spoiled child?
Babs Newton 0
I sense a "God complex"- ("Malice" Seriously though; he can tell which flight attendants are smarter than others just by them not making a fuss over him acting like a spoiled child?
Dan Faulkner 0
He's a jerk.
Les Ede 0
Baldwin is an arrogant rectum who is self adored....I agree with the person who said he should have left the country in 2000 when he said he would....but wait ...on second thought had he left we would have had to close the United States ...this butt is important ask him if you don't believe me....
Glad he got kicked off for not following the FA. Its nice seeing a D list celebrity treated no differently
Mildred Sellers 0
Alec, is a true @$$hole....I want to go to his place of work & degrade him, abuse hime & then tweet about it....he deactivated his twitter account b/c so many have chastised him. I hope he NEVER gets on American Airlines again...he is like Joan a pittance & expect First Class when in fact that have NO class.
Good riddance to rubbish.
Jack Ciesinski 0
serves him right. hes a jackass
mark tufts 0
what a dickhead as since we have 2 turn off cell phones y shoud a has been not turning his i-pad off does he think he owns american airlines??? no he doesn't so he has to follow the same rules as the rest of us
Mike Schacht 0
Read what was posted on AA Facebook page:
pdixonj 0
so the plane was parked at the gate, "with the boarding door closed and seatbelt sign on"...FAA regulations require all personal electronic devices to be turned off and stowed at that point, regardless of whether the plane is still parked at the gate or not.
Sandy Sandmire 0
Hey Baldwin...Take the BUS!!!!
richard weiss 0
To Canada
mark tufts 0
send him to mexico or south america
alistairm 0
Uhhh, why do we want him?????? He's yours, keep him!
canuck44 0
How about Quebec then, Alistair...his sense of entitlement, self importance and feelings of actual worth to the rest of us should nominate him as leader of Bloc Quebec.
mark tufts 0
forget sending alec baldwin to canada try mexico or south america
Robert Gomez 0
Hehehehehe, hahahahahhaha, whawha wha!
Kingair31 0
Why isn't he flying corporate anyway? He can play with his iPad all day.....
KC Hoover 0
Why are they giving this tool Baldwin so much free press! I am sure he is loving every second of it with his narcissitic attitude.
Troy Raiteri 0
Kicked off for not turning off his iPad? Wow....
FedExCargoPilot 0
Every one is getting kicked off planes these days. Was the plane taxing or parked at the gate?F/As can really sometimes be a bit annoying, it ruins the point of flying. . If it hadn't left the gate, I don't see the problem.
canuck44 0
Other reports indicate AC returned to gate and one said he took his game to washroom and was banging on bulkhead between WC and cockpit.

This guy is living proof you can never pick up a turd by the clean end.
richard weiss 0
Calling Baldwin a turd is an insult, to the turds.
Mike Schacht 0
Hey, don't forget, he payed a pilot. What a jackass.
linbb 0
Good he isnt much of an actor and the show stinks anyway.
Marcus Pradel 0
canuck44 0
Aaaah, poor baby. She obviously didn't know he was impotent or important or something. If he had left the country as he promised in 2000 this would not be a problem.
Brian Bishop 0
Yeah, too bad!


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