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TSA worker used badge/uniform for sexual assault

A Transportation Security Administration employee is accused of sexually assaulting a woman in Manassas. The suspect, Harold Glen Rodman, 52, allegedly was wearing his uniform and displayed a badge to the victim, a 37-year-old woman. Police arrested Rodman on Nov. 20. He is charged with aggravated sexual battery, object sexual penetration, forcible sodomy and abduction with intent to defile. ( Más...

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alistairm 0
You folks are all so bitter and angry towards your own government. I am going duck and take cover, lol.
richard weiss 0
The 2nd Amendment provides the right to keep and bear arms. It was put there so that government would have reason to fear the people. Has anyone noticed that as the 2nd Amendment is slowly erroded, the people are more in fear of the government than they are of us? So you may be right Alistair, it's either the time to stand up and be counted or just duck and cover.
alistairm 0
I'm going to duck and cover, just in case a few rounds come over the boarder, lol
CaptStephanC 0
Thank you, Richard,...........and again, "WELL SAID"!.........from a NRA Benefactor Member......................
CaptStephanC 0
Richard Weiss..........As I also know, since I have had first hand experience with this out of control TSA, and your comments are well stated...........Obviously, this article is dealing with a person that could be of any profession (so to speak), or background, but the comments seemed to "de"generate into a lot of negative TSA discussion..................and some Koolaide responses..........again, thanks for your also "experienced", well stated thoughts for where this discussiond ended up..........................AND, as others pointed out, where was this assulted person's "friend", while this "rape" assult was taking place?????????????
Wow richard. Same page. These unjustifiable searches and seizures are unconstitutional. How far will it go and for how long?
richard weiss 0
It will stop when the public rises up, though congress, and cuts off funding for this goon squad.
Troy Raiteri 0
You and I both know that won't happen soon cause no one wants to face them.
Alan Novitsky 0
uh huhhuhhhuhuhu, you said rod...
Amy I wish you would. I have first hand experience witness' these actions.
Flying is no different than anything else in life. There are risks involved. Just because terrorists pulled off one huge execution using the airlines don't think they are only focused on airplanes.
Nothing like a quick rub a tug from your friendly tsa employee on the drive into work now aswell
Amy Dillon 0
They search your vehicle, speak with you, but never touch where you are insinuating. Wish you would get your facts straight before you insert foot in mouth.
Troy Raiteri 0
Correct me if I'm wrong but are you defending the TSA?

richard weiss 0
That will never happen, Troy. This government Jobs program is equivelent to the Brown Shirts of the early Nazi era in Germany. Does that clear up any misunderstanding?
Troy Raiteri 0
I was actually talking to Amy..
richard weiss 0
Have another drink of that Koolaide, you're getting soft. Or better yet, squeeze a little harder on someones junk tomorrow.
Terrorists could kill more people at a high school football game with a bomb than on an airliner. Geez, they could blow up a commuter train everyday of the week. Get rid of TSA, hire some pros (not sixty thou), ban all carry ons, profile, and put some teeth into punishment for the rowdy, and death to terrorists and terrorist wannabes. Tsa acts like airliners are the only targets of opportunity. Next thing you know we'll have TSA at those ballgames.
Amy Dillon 0
At Raymond James Stadium in Tampa, no purses or carry-ons are allowed inside, and cops are there for enforcement and pat-downs. TSA also does undercover (plain clothes) work at bus stations and ports of call.

Wish it were like the old days, but it isn't anymore. Travel to Israel and back and you may have a better appreciation for security.

Happy Thanksgiving!
richard weiss 0
Perhaps you haven't heard of the TSA's latest assault on the Bill of Rights. They are randomly stopping cars on the interstate in Tennessee for searches and questioning. This has to end.
Troy Raiteri 0
Before you know it the TSA will be patting you down at your own HOME!
Amy Dillon 0
Please think occasionally of the lives that are saved by airport security measures, although you may not be directly aware of those who protect your safety, regardless of your disrespect or ignorance.

If dressing like a Priest or Nun allowed one to bypass security, every criminal would be doing it. And wheelchair people are sometimes the most likely to conceal a weapon, purely for their own defense due to their inability to protect themselves otherwise. And who would think that a young mother would carry pepper spray in her child's stroller, but she does it thinking it will protect her from an attacker.

For me, it's worth the extra measures of precaution in order for all of us to arrive alive.
richard weiss 0
I have thought about that Amy. The answer is NONE. The threats still make it though and are quelled on board. How many people have tried to board, with malicious intent while dressed as a priest or nun? NONE. How many pepper sprays have gotten though security and not been used onboard. A LOT.I dare say if a citizen with a concealed carry permit boarded a flight with a handgun, nothing would happen.

Anyone with a brain can see this system is designed to give comfort to the uninformed. At the same time it violates everything we hold dear as Americans. If you wish to be part of that, you are blissfully uninformed, and a dire indicator of where we are headed as a nation.
Amy Dillon 0
You have absolutely no way of calculating how many individuals have tried to board with "malicious intent"! That information is not made public.

What I hold dear as an American is my safety and security.
Troy Raiteri 0
Have you been brainwashed by our Government? It sure does seem like it we have rights to where if we want to be touched in that area be my guest but if I'm FORCED to make that decision then no way Jose. All TSA is trying to do is to basically ruin our airports and already MANY TSA agents have been caught of stealing passenger's items, (Somehow) smuggling drugs, brings a loaded gun onto an aircraft, and hell I can go on and on about the TSA. I'm an American but I ain't blinded by the Government as you are.
richard weiss 0
Ah yes, the big secret. The old "knowledge is power theory". In this case it's power OVER the people YOUR criminal enterprise hopes to attain. You Amy, are a typical government beaucrat, who places your importance above other Americans. I stand by my statement that many of the items looked for at check points slip through and NOTHING happens on board. You take away grandma's knitting needles and let a 3 foot long skate board through. Give me that skate board and I now have a weapon and a shield. Don't take a bottle of water through, but buy it inside. More than likely it was brought in on a pallet and given no scrutiny. I've watched fast food employees move large items through back doors with no observation by TSA, only to see a sealed Coke thrown in the trash at the checkpoint. EYEWASH to appease the masses is not security. Anyone with criminal expertise and intent can shredd your system, and if you are honest with yourself, you know it.
meeverett 0
You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.
James Ruiz 0
If you hate aircraft security , don`t fly..... so you won`t bitch and complain. DRIVE !
richard weiss 0
The ONLY thing that prevents a take over of an aircraft is the armed cockpit. Everything else is eyewash. A few security dogs walking around the boarding area and the baggage carts can sniff out explosives. Taking away some old ladies knitting needles is a waste of time and knitting needles.That is unless a TSA agent needs a set. Nail clippers, nose hair sissors, cuticle trimmers, are not enough to handle an angry mob of passengers with a will to survive. Give me a fire extinguisher and I will personally handle just about anyone.

The TSA is a jobs program for unemployed burger flippers. If congress had any courage, you would be back on the street.
Amy Dillon 0
A) Not all flight decks are armed. B) Many airports don't have dogs. C) Knitting needles are permitted on a commercial aircraft. D) Nail clippers are also permitted on board. E) Scissors with a blade 4 inches or less from the fulcrum are permitted on board as well.

Any other mistakes you care to share?

Who's the burger flipper now?! LOL!
meeverett 0
I'll gladly fly on any aircraft without "security."
Amy Dillon 0
My interest is for the safety of me and those around me. I comment on several articles, by the way. Every employer has its flaws, including TSA, but I'd rather be on a plane with some security than none at all. Be a hater; I really don't care. Call your Congressman if you want to change the law.
James Ruiz 0
You criticized all TSA for one bad person,shows your intelligence. I suppose your profession is perfect.... last time I checked to many drinks !
richard weiss 0
Not much of a drinker, but I see you are drinking the Kool Aide
James Ruiz 0
You criticized all TSA for one bad person..... shows your intelligence. I guess your profession is perfect..... hee hee
vanbess 0
Time to disband the TSA we would be better off arming the passengers
Your last statement has me a little perplexed. You claim to not work for the tsa, yet just about 99% of the time an article,such as this, is posted on the site, your soap box is in full swing defended this corrupt organization
Don Price 0
When I was hired in 2001 as a logistics contractor to the TSA, I saw TSA trainers who were drunks, liars and crooks. Training new agents I wouldn't hire to walk my dog. While being supervised by FAA officials who spent their time forging training records. It was the perfect storm for idiots.
alistairm 0
" I saw TSA trainers who were drunks, liars and crooks"
lol, this also describes many folks on Wall Street and Capital Hill!
Don Price 0
Your a fool The people I am describing were real and I witnessed their actions. You would just prefer to lump together other people in a similar group since you heard about them on MSNBC.
alistairm 0
I don't watch or go to MSNBC. I was only making a joke - guess i won't be making a career as a comedian, lol. People on Wall St. and on Capital Hill are real as well... unfortunate i know. The other unfortunate thing is, in pretty much any job, you are going to have drunks, liars and crooks.
It's you're, not your...
Amy Dillon 0
I do not work for TSA or DHS. Presumptive individuals may think otherwise.
Hey amy, long time no see.
James Gaasedelen 0
How is this any different from doing his job?
Chip Hermes 0
Good point.
Amy Dillon 0
RW: You have alot to learn about transportation security. What you describe does not happen in a normal airport environment. Breasts, private areas, etc are not searched. Nuns and Priests are treated the same as all passengers. No person is pawed or groped, and breast are never touched. Take a bus, enjoy the firearms and explosives exposure, if you choose. I prefer a safe flight, like most of us.
richard weiss 0
I only gave examples of things I've seen with my own eyes. Anytime a person is touched by a goverment official without probable cause, or under arrest, it's a violation of the Bill of Rights. PERIOD. Since you are an employee of the TSA and spew their propaganda, you must get a bonus. The day will come when the criminals who run your organization will be held to account. Of course, it will be done legally, not in the way you and your ilk has done to the Public.
Amy Dillon 0
This appears to be on the TSO's time off from duty. It's not the first time that an off-duty ANYBODY flashed a badge for the wrong and illegal reason. Yes, he should be prosecuted.

That said, good luck flying on any commercial aircraft without security! Enjoy all of those guns, knives, explosives, etc. in exchange for the convenience of waltzing through Airport Security. I'd rather respect the duties of trained security at TSA than risk a single threat. These are threats that are never disclosed or published, but you experience the liberty of bashing their possible existence.

Do away with TSA? The same employees will apply for that job for which they are currently trained.

Oh, and it's NOT anywhere near minimum wage!

No hater replies please. A true pilot respects air safety.
Chip Hermes 0
"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Benjamin Franklin
richard weiss 0
To your first point, absolutely correct. But as the highest profile agency in government, the agents must be made aware of the consequences of their stupidity.

Now let me see. You're saying we must continue to have 5 year old children strip searched, old nuns in wheel chairs pawwed in public, mothers seperated from their children, breast squeezed, butts patted, personal belonging stolen, junk touched, held without probable cause, cancer patients with prostetic devices exposed in public, exposed to radiation? Is that what our Bill of Rights gave the government the power to do, or we the power to resist.

If we do away with the TSA, and run it like any business, we could fire bad employees when they act out. Now, thanks to our idiot President, they are unionized, and near impossible to terminate.

You must work for the TSA, Amy, because by saying "no hater replies" you are even attempting to control who's allowed to comment. I am a true pilot with 40 years and 25000 hours of accident free flying. I respect safety by making my operation safe everytime I leave the ground. But first, I have to be poked and prodded to prove I'm not a mad terrorist. I don't need Xrays or Xrated images to be safe.

alistairm 0
I love the USA and all and have had great travels there - prior to 9/11. But the TSA is the reason i stay away from flying into or through the US now.
Troy Raiteri 0
This I'm not shocked about at all....makes you want to think people really join the TSA just do this to everyone in America! Sadly TSA won't seem to back down anytime soon and their reign of terror has just begun!
canuck44 0
Expanding their sexual assaults beyond the security area of the terminal. Next thing you know they will be at Occupy Oakland raping and pillaging as Big Sis Army.
richard weiss 0
A neighbor said he was a regular guy. Well, maybe at the TSA, he's a regular guy, but not in the rest of our society.
preacher1 0
What did the friend do during that time?
I don't like the TSA, but it doesn't seem like we're getting the whole story here. It's a rape with the full works, out in the open too and quick with the "friend" there. Like I said, I don't like the TSA, but I'm not buying this story!!!
Toby Sharp 0
Score 1 more the TotallySucksA$$
Chip Hermes 0
Shocker. Hire 60,000 minimum wage employees, give them a badge, and things don't go as expected.
James Ruiz 0
Hey Chip , what if you get your wish... get rid of the 60,000 employees that you mentioned; then you and your other safety haters can try and fly with your terrorist buddies and go up in FIREWORKS together.
Lee Strausberg 0
Exactly. And yet I still can't get any action. Time to break out the miniskirt?
walter adney 0
Well gee Chip. Drunk pilots, how about the Mesaba Airline pilot the flew down to Texas to meet a child for sex? All professions have bad apples. Police, Fire, Airlines, the Church. You cannot lump everyone in one profession and say they are all a problem. Think about what you say before you write it.
donhun1313 0
True but TSA is supposed to be screening their employees. Doesn't day much for TSA's ability to ensure a safe environment for airline travel when their employees are constantly in the news for criminal activity.


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