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First Revenue Flight for 747-8F

Its inaugural cargo haul run ( Más...

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preacher1 0
It's simply amazing that their press release says absolutely nothing about their tiff.
David Brooks 0
No reason why Boeing to air dirty linen. Being retired Boeing guy, I would never release info like that. It would have to be the customer or a whistle blower.
Roland Dent 0
David there are certain issue that need a whistle blown as you are well aware and the FAA are often not too responsive. This airplane has the best pedigree is the business: "The new GEnx-2B67 engines incorporate the latest technologies – such as a composite fan case and blades and a revolutionary turbine – to create double-digit efficiency gains over the engines it replaces." That is the master stroke.
David Brooks 0
I would agree with you if the problem with the engines was safety. The only things I have heard dealt with the weight and SFC. It was several percent above contract.
canuck44 0
Why would would be like putting up pics of Tail Hook instead of telling the nice Congresslady that we had a cultural and information exchange with other naval aviators.

preacher1 0
Bryan Jack 0
Here's the press release from Boeings website:
Ricky Scott 0
The one yesterday and the one today are the first two. They cleared things up with GE apparently. We in the trenches are not privy to what goes on.

I just know my minor part in this play has been frustrating/rewarding and was proud to watch it come over the Sim center landing at Sea Tac.

Im in the Sim Center cause we aint done yet, Intercon is next.
Geoff Martindale 0
We'll never be done.
Ricky Scott 0
2nd one going out today. Appears however to not being going to Sea Tac but straight to Luxembourg
David Brooks 0
So what aircraft did they deliver? CargoLux said no to the first two 747-8F aircraft. The registration on the aircraft delivered is LX-VCB and I though this was one of the initial two.
Geoff Martindale 0
I believe you're thinking about Atlas Air.
David Brooks 0
It was definitely Cargolux and there as topic on this forum about it. It was widely reported but exact terms that were used by Cargolux were believed to be on the GE engines and some others not revealed
preacher1 0
David, I believe you are right and that goes back to my initial question this morning, WHEN DID THEY SETTLE THE RIFT? It may be like anything else. The refusal to make delivery was on page 1 but the settlent on page 6,lol.
preacher1 0
When did Cargolux settle their rift with Boeing and take delivery?
canuck44 0
Probably when the Qatar guy figured out that there were no suitable replacements available and the next Airbus freighter was going to be available sometime after the second coming. Also they were probably told that it would not be such a big deal to repaint it in Nippon Cargo or Cathay Pacific livery, either which could take delivery tomorrow.
Geoff Martindale 0
Sounds about right... =)
preacher1 0
Shad Nowak 0
i think it will be a fun plane to fly one once the inter-con comes out
Toby Sharp 0
very impressive climb out and speed! may you have tail winds always !
mark tufts 0
would be interesting just to ride along
Toby Sharp 0
I have a package on that flight wooo hooooO! naw jk


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