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House damaged by mysterious camera lens dropped from sky

Petaluma police are trying to solve a mystery involving a camera lens that dropped from the sky earlier this month and tore a hole through the roof of a home. Walnut Street resident Debbie Payne told police she was alerted by a noisy bang on the afternoon of Sept. 2, went outside and saw a 9-inch hole and the damaged lens lying nearby, authorities said. But there did not appear to be any aircraft overhead, and just how the lens got there remains a mystery, police said. A contractor estimated the… ( Más...

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euronorb 0
"Big brother Is watching you".......not any more from that camera :)
mark mooar 0
i guess the private investigater got found by the wife.
n111ma 0
Hmmmm....I wonder if the roofing contractor holds a pilot's license :-)
David Brooks 0
I can imagine what the person that dropped the lens said!
Larry Munden 0
Contractor is in California and has to comply with all the State Regulations on Roofing repair. This requires at a minimum stairs to the work site etc.
dmanuel 0
I like the pun where they are focusing on anything (focus - camera len): Authorities, notified of the incident by a mail-in report from Payne they received Thursday, are just beginning their investigation by tracing a serial number on the Canon lens and focusing on anything they can learn from the Federal Aviation Administration or the local airport, Lt. Tim Lyons said.
nbukrey 0
looks like canon EOS mount lens...
vanbess 0
Doesn't look like more than a $250 repair job to me
I think that a contractor is making a lot of money there...

Buddy Martin 0
Some real-estate guy is missing a lens for his Rebel camera this morning. It's easy when you switch lenses to miss getting into the groove all the way. Guess what, the lens falls off... How high does one have to be for the lens to go through a roof though?
Gene spanos 0
We are not alone...............


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