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Thief Rummages Through Passengers’ Bags At Miami Airport Baggage Claim, Tries On Clothes

A thief was recently recorded trying on clothes from unattended bags at one of the luggage carousels at the Miami International Airport. ( Más...

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Mike Mohle 12
Sam Brinton?
Billy Croan 1
its the trans sexual Biden put in charge of nuclear technology!!!! CLOWN WORLD
Bill Overdue -6
Barry Obama?
garritt -8
what the f...g h i are you talking about......donnald tRUM would make more sense since he IS A criminal....but how many crimes (proven) has the obama family committed duh!
Bill Overdue -3
Are you high.
Jimmy Robinson 19
Apparently no one thought to actually go and say something to the man to try and scare him enough to stop, or even thought of going to find security. That is sad. That baggage area is a small reflection of what's seems to be going on in society as a whole unfortunately. There seems to be a sense of entitlement and a care free attitude about right and wrong that exists and people are just doing what they want to do. Without there being any real consequences or morality being enforced and even taught this is only going to continue and maybe just get even worse than than it is already.
Louie R 8
100% in agreement!
Joseph Sede 8
Say something to him and get stabbed. Yeah right
Tim Dyck 6
And after he pulls a knife if you try to defend yourself the cops will taze you and charge you with assault.
Dale Hill 6
He was probably only given a warning after authorities came. But you or me would be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
The middle class suffers the brunt of everything! Taxes, law enforcement, government meddling, illegal spying on your phone. You name it.
The only way to get mercy is to be poor or rich or a politician or a poor rich politician. I think some judges count as politicians disguised as judges.
But hey, where’s our compassion, the poor guy just needed some clothes. He was a one man Wolfpack.
Mike Mohle -2
Vote DEMOCRAT to get more of the same!
Jim Mitchell 6
Why the politics?
Mike Mohle 1
That was a response to Dale's observations, and POLITICS is why this stuff keeps happening, and it is a certain political party that perpetuates it. That's all.
Bill Overdue -5
It's not a certain party, it's Democrat policies! You have to take a stand! It's woke Democrat policies!
Bill Overdue -4
It's not politics, it's the SOCIETY Democrat politics created!! FFS, wake up!
Dale Hill 0
LoL! Exactly.
garritt -5
ha ha ha u of course know!
Billy Croan 1
The criminal knows everyone else in the airport is unlawfully disarmed. So they face no real threat of justice.
Bill Overdue 1
Its called airport reparations! It's all good, nothing to see here.
the pictures with the article are"interesting"..i dont know about mia,but lots of airports,large and small,have baggage service agents form the various airlines right there,and they are SUPPOSED TO come and get unclaimed bags off the carousel after a brief period of time,and put them in a locked up security, there are not always airport police around,but many airports also have the car rental counters right there by the baggage claim carousels as well..i am sure the person who took the photos thought this was a good story,but instead of taking pictures of the man tearing open bags and trying on clothes,why not call security which would have taken less time!
Tim Dyck 6
But pictures can go on social media and the person who took the photos can get a whole bunch of likes.
Bill Overdue -2
It's called the Great Dedrigation of society. Woke, progressive and Liberal policies reward ignorance, group think and low IQ.
Tim Dyck 5
I don’t think it’s just liberals. Left or Right means nothing when you have a small group of very rich and powerful people controlling both sides. The people who think they are woke are the ones who are the blindest to how they are being played and there is nothing progressive about the path we are heading down.
History is a bit of a hobby of mine, I love reading about it and learning about past societies and I’ve learned that patterns repeat themselves over and over because people fall for the same con games. They will give up their rights freedoms for a fantasy utopia that someone sells them and once those rights and freedoms are gone it takes a revolution to get them back. But here we are watching it all unfold in real time…history will write about how stupid we were to give up so much for so little.
Bill Overdue 1
Rights? It's not so much of giving them up, as it is having them taken away! There's a difference!
carste10 1
Minetta International has no security in baggage claim other than cameras. I can understand why the car rental personnel did not want to become involved.
- This is why I keep TWO, yes Two, APPLE AirTags inside my checked luggage. I started in the airlines, Part 121, in the late 70's. Behavior like this was nonexistent. Years ago you were challenged by security as you left the baggage claim area. You had to show your checked luggage tag given to you as you dropped your bags at the ticket counter. It had to match the destination tag on the luggage you were in possession of. Baggage claim now if a thief's paradise. And the airlines seen unable to put a stop to it.
Scorcher 13
I think you’ll find that airlines consider they have fulfilled their obligations to passengers once baggage is delivered to the airport staff and placed on the carousel. This is where the airports need to take over and provide security.
carste10 1
Didn't used to be this way.
Ricky Scott 5
Not unable,

Tim Dyck 5
Air tags don’t help. A couple in Canada showed Air Canada where their bag was in a Wearhouse and Air Canada did nothing.
carste10 3
Just another creative version of "shopping", lol. Signature bond and out you go.
- This is WTF for anyone unfamiliar with air travel. For anyone who is familiar with arriving at MIA/Miami International this is pretty unsurprising. For anyone who works for SPIRIT AIRLINES this is just another routine Tuesday.
Bayouflier 6
The best thing about MIA is that it is so close to the States.
Tomer Ariav 3

sparkie624 3
UGH... It takes all kinds!
Bill Overdue -1
While that is true, staticalky 98.7% of the time it happens to be a Black male, 17-35 yrs old
avionik99 3
Did anyone guess the race of the thief before looking at the article?
M.F. LaBoo 2
"We have become NextDoor, Destroyer of Worlds...!"
Scorcher 6
At the risk of sounding and being labelled racist…it seems that this guys race seems to be prevalent in most crimes involving theft etc.
Robert Mack 7
I have to confess, seeing this shocked me but then watching some loss prevention vids on YouTube, I’m blown away by the brazen and entitled behavior happening today. Many no longer have a conscience nor shame for taking something that belongs to someone else.
garritt 1
funny.....most mass murders/shootings are young white males....go figure
Joseph Sede 0
Complexion Protection
Bill Overdue -2
This guy's race? FFS, he's Black! Black's are so oppressed in this country, the can steal at will, havent you heard? It's just "real time reparations"! They burnt down a dozen cities in the MidWest, took over large areas of cities in the Northwest and torched federal buildings! Nada, nothing! They come in like a herd of wildebeest to shopping malls, grocery stores, gas stations, smash windows on Wall Street burn cop cars, backhand grandma and kids, but its OK, they're just oppressed and blowing off some stream. It's all good!
garritt -3
my neighbour ( & village idiot) said the same thing a year ago....he is still an he related?
garritt -2
I think he/she were members of the human race....good / bad / indifferent
Bill Overdue 1
Hmm, I wonder why you keep making excuses for a Black man stealing luggage in broad daylight in front of law abiding citizens?
Oh, my, this comment section went sideways fast!
Billy Croan 1 this old story again?
linbb 1
Nice to see the area is so secure, not, why with all of the security staff isnt there someone there watching fo this to happen? Nort a frequent flyer so dont know much about the area of baggage clamed but is it outside the area that just anyone can go into? I just have carry on.
Greg S 7
Every baggage claim area I've ever seen has been outside security.

Whoever wrote this article is obviously guilty of hate speech and should be jailed.
Roger Anderson 3
"Woke Shopping"
Scorcher 1
This squawk is becoming too political and heading towards being racist. There are good and bad in every race/demographic…this thief belongs to only one of those races. Fingers crossed, the video is clear enough for him to be identified, charged and dealt with by the Courts.

On the strength of that, I do believe I’ll give this squawk a miss from here on in order to avoid further “problems”.
Tim Dyck 1
Every thief or criminal belongs to some race and no race has a monopoly on hood or evil. I don’t like to judge people, I don’t know their past or how they ended up where they are. But if I do have to judge someone I will make my judgment based on their actions not the colour of their skin or what chromosomes they have. But that’s just me, I can’t tell others how to act.
Tomer Ariav 1
I agree with you. I shall do the same.
Joseph Sede -1
Is he a member of the Biden administration?
Bill Overdue 0
Pfft, nothings going to happen to this, "clearly oppressed" man! He deserves those clothes! It's called "airport reparations"... get used to it!

[This comment has been downvoted. Show anyway.]

Jim Mitchell 1
Dale Hill 3
Yup. People get so bent out of whack. LoL! I don’t care about anyone political preference. I vote for me! Ha.
What about those Cowboys! Go Cowboys!
(I just thought I’d throw that in there for good measure. It’ll give the haters something else to hate on! 🤣🤣🤣) Yall get ready, here it come! 🤣🤣🤣
Bill Overdue -1
Such a low IQ statement! Try harder.
garritt -3
this is what my neighbour ( our village idiot) said a year ago....related ?
Bill Overdue -1
Hmm, you sound like your neighbors keeper? 🤔


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