E60-22L | Engineered materials arresting system (EMAS) , 170 ft wide by 303 ft length, located at the der 22L. |
E60-04R | Engineered materials arresting system (EMAS) , 170 ft wide by 546 ft length, located at the der 04R. |
A5 | And du page co. |
A43-27L | PAPI unusable beyond 8 degrees right and 9 degrees left of centerline. |
A39-10R/28L | Pcr value: 800/R/C/W/T |
A39-10L/28R | Pcr value: 1180/R/C/W/U |
A39-10C/28C | Pcr value: 1180/R/C/W/T |
A39-09R/27L | Pcr value: 1180/R/C/W/T |
A39-09L/27R | Pcr value: 800/R/C/W/U |
A39-09C/27C | Pcr value: 1180/R/C/W/T |
A39-04R/22L | Pcr value: 1180/R/C/W/U |
A39-04L/22R | Pcr value: 1180/R/C/W/T |
A30A-22R | Closed to departure. |
A30A-04L | Closed to arrival. |
A30-H1 | Approach/ departure paths are east and west. |
A30-10X | Runway 10X supports the second straight in ils system I-IZJ on runway 10R. |
A30-09R/27L | Triple dual tandem (3D) 768,000 lbs; dual tandum W/dual wheel (2D/D1) 632,755 lbs. |
A14 | Planning inquiries contact adam rod - (773) 894-6907. |
A110-9 | Alert: dupe ALPHA-NUMERIC taxiway designators and terminal gate designations involving the ltrs B, C, G, H, K, L and M. |
A110-7 | See land and hold short operations section. |
A110-6 | Aircraft with wingspan greater than 214 ft rqr 48 hours prior permission required - 773-686-2255. |
A110-50 | Taxiway NN1 inbound/eb only; taxiway NN2 oubd/wb only. |
A110-49 | Runway status lights are in operations. |
A110-47 | Aircraft are not pmtd to stop on either taxiway A or B bridges. |
A110-46 | B747-8 operations not authorized on runway 09R/27L, 09L/27R and 10R/28L. |
A110-45 | Be alert: the northeast/southwest portion of taxiway yy is not vsbl from the center air traffic control tower. |
A110-44 | Dvrsn acrs wo A presence at ord should contact airport operations 773-686-2255 prior to diverting to the extent practical and provide: co, flight operations contact info, aircraft type, persons ob, international or domestic, any ground handler agrmts in place. |
A110-43 | A380-800 operational constraints exist on runways, taxiways, and ramps - contact airport operations for info 773-686-2255. |
A110-42 | Be alert: taxiway S1 obnd or eb only, taxiway S2 inbound or wb only, taxiway P1, P2, P3, P5, and P6 nb only, taxiway E1, E2, E3 and E4 sb only. Taxiway E3 wb only from runway 09C/27C. |
A110-41 | Air traffic control tower is authorized to conduct simultaneous departures from runway 04L/04R, runway 22L/22R, runway 09R with runway 09L or runway 10L, runway 09C with runway 09L or runway 10L, runway 10C with runway 09R or runway 09C, runway 27L with runway 27R or runway 28R, runway 27C with runway 27R or runway 28R, runway 28C with runway 27L or runway 27C with course divergence beginning no later than 4 miles from runway end. |
A110-39 | East and west gates are manned 24 hours A day. |
A110-23 | All part 91 and unsked part 125, 133 and 135 charter operators contact signature flight support at 773-686-7000 regarding new security regulations prior to departure. |
A110-21 | Line up and wait authorization in eff between ss and sr at the following ints: runway 28R at taxiway gg, taxiway ee and taxiway N5; runway 10L at taxiway dd and taxiway cc and taxiway ss; runway 27C at taxiway tt; runway 9C at taxiway ff; runway 27L at taxiway tt; runway 9R at taxiway ss and ff. These runways will be used for departures only when exercising the provisions of this authorization. |
A110-20 | Prim RUN-UP location ground run up enclosure; secondary run up locations available upon req - contact city operations 773-686-2255. |
A110-2 | Birds on and in vicinity of airport; pyrotechnics and bird cannons in use. |
A110-16 | Periodic fire department training at N sector of the airport. |
A110-12 | Personnel and equipment working near various taxiways. |
A110-10 | Mag deviation psbl imt W of taxiway Y and runway 22L approach on taxiway N. |
A110-1 | Noise abatement proc in effect from 2200 to 0700; contact airport manager - 773-686-2255. |