Westchester County Airport (White Plains, NY) HPN Observaciones
Type | Remark |
A81-APT | When air traffic control tower closed activate MALSR runway 16; REIL runway 11 and 34; tdz lights runway 16; centerline lights runway 16/34; HIRL runway 16/34; MIRL runway 11/29; taxiway lights - CTAF. |
A57-29 | Approach ratio 25:1 to displaced threshold. |
A42-11 | Runway 11 aiming point markings. |
A39-16/34 | Pcr value: 537/F/B/W/T |
A110-9 | Aircraft oprg with mgtow ovr 120000 lbs must have prior permission. contact airport operations for prior permission required link, please call 914-995-4850. All apvd aircraft must contact airport operations on unicom with actual takeoff and landing wts. |
A110-27 | FAR 139 airport rescue and fire fighting index C is restricted to max. Aircraft len of 130 ft when operating at main terminal, gates 1 thru 6. |
A110-26 | Lighter than air aircraft restricted from operations at airport. |
A110-25 | Runway 11/29 daily closures for staging and/or prkg of scheduled air carrier. |
A110-24 | Runway 11/29 closed to scheduled air carrier operations with more than 9 pax seats and non scheduled air carrier operations with more than 30 pax seats except for tax. |
A110-23 | For clearance when air traffic control tower closed contact new york approach on 126.4, if una please call 516-683-2849. |
A110-22 | Hngr D3 ramp adjacent to actv pax loading area at main terminal ramp, aircraft reqstd use mnm thrust and avoid excess power and jet blast. |
A110-21 | Runway 29 closed to landing aircraft more than 12500 lbs. |
A110-20 | Sn removal equipment oprg on all aircraft mov areas nov thru apr. |
A110-2 | Birds and other wildlife on and in vicinity of airport. |
A110-19 | Mowing within safety areas of all runways and taxiways may thru nov. |
A110-16 | Air traffic control clearance required for pushback onto mov areas. |
A110-14 | Four dsgnd helicopter rtes in use for noise abatement. |
A110-13 | Equipment and mtrls staged adjacent to southern edge of hngr 6 ramp. |
A110-1 | Noise abatement proc in efct contact airport mgmt 914-995-4861. |