E80 | Us customs user fee airport. |
E60-29R | BAK-14 BAK-12B (B) (1310') |
E60-11L | BAK-14 BAK-12B (B) (1500') |
E147 | Traffic pattern altitude: 967 ft AGL 1303 ft MSL single engine aircraft ; 1467 ft AGL 1803 ft MSL multi-engine aircraft; 1967 ft AGL 2303 ft MSL turbojet; helicopters 467 ft AGL 803 ft MSL. |
A42-29L | Rubber BUILD-UP obscs the centerline mrkgs in tdz. |
A30-11R/29L | Runway 11R/29L runway 11R 1000 ft blast pad; runway 29L 1000 ft blast pad. |
A30-11L/29R | Runway 11L/29R runway 11L 1000 ft blast pad; runway 29R 850 ft blast pad. |
A24 | Fee for aircraft over 12500 lbs gross weight. |
A14 | Operations manager - sevan ghazarians: ofc 559-621-4508; cell 559-840-7315; 24 hr operations 559-978-1835. |
A110-9 | Possible wake turbulence or wind shear arrival to runway 29L or departure from runway 11R. Jet testing conducted at air national guard ramp located at southeast corner of airport. |
A110-7 | No mult approaches and landings MON-SAT 2200-0700 and sunday 1800-1000. |
A110-4 | Fresno yosemite international is noise sensitive; noise abatement procedures in effect. |
A110-28 | Prior permission required for eng start at air carrier terminal gates and eng RUN-UP. |
A110-27 | Air traffic control tower clearance required to push on mov area. |
A110-26 | Taxiway A limited to aircraft design group II. |
A110-25 | Taxiway B3 closed between runway 11L/29R and runway 11R/29L. |
A110-24 | Military: service: runway 29R and 11L arresting gear cable available upon req only; default posn down. |
A110-23 | Military: ANG: contact ANG operations for tower bird watch cond (bwc) . |
A110-22 | Service - fuel: ross aviation, C559-251-1555 |
A110-19 | SERVICE-FUEL: signature flight support, C559-981-2490 |
A110-17 | Retractable BAK-12/14 available on runway 11L and runway 29R are kept in recessed position until req for use; tower must be notified at least 5 seconds prior to engagement so that the ag cable may be raised. |
A110-14 | Lighted runway distance remaining markers on south side of runway 11R/29L; lighted runway distance remaining markers both sides of runway 11L/29R- 11L drm on north side; 29R drm on south side. |
A110-12 | Numerous birds in vicinity of airport. |