Joint Base Andrews Airport (Camp Springs, MD) ADW Remarks
Type | Remark |
E60-19R | BAK-14 BAK-12B (B) (2240 ft) . |
E60-19L | BAK-14 BAK-12B (B) (1537 ft) . |
E60-01R | BAK-14 BAK-12B (B) (1500 ft) . |
E60-01L | BAK-14 BAK-12B (B) (2240 ft) . |
E147 | Overhead pattern 2000 (1720) , rectangular pattern 1500 (1220) , light aircraft and helicopter 1000 (720) . |
A30-01L/19R | Runway 19R avl takeoff dist incl hardened ovrn is 10918 ft X 200 ft. |
A110-9 | Fuel navy: J8-AVBL O/R exp minimum 1 hr delay. |
A110-8 | Fuel: exp 30 minimum delay. Aircrew of transient aircraft requiring power on refueling must assist in refueling. J8. |
A110-69 | During winter weather events aircrew may receive airfield status information at after retrieving the login information from am operations at DSN 858-9442 or C301-981-9442. |
A110-68 | Runway 01L/19R mandatory runway hold signs at end intersections of txwys N, S, and W contain incorrect legend. Runway 01L/19R and runway 01R/19L hold signs at instrument critical areas on txwys W, N, S, and E contain incorrect legend. |
A110-67 | West ramp rows 2, 3, and 4 closed when dv movement aircraft present on row 5. |
A110-66 | Restricted: runway 01L-19R displ threshold tkoff or landing use restricted to presidential airlift gp (pag) 459 arw aircraft 1ACCS aircraft or with 89 og/cc apvr. |
A110-65 | COMMUNICATIONS-COMD post: vhf O/S ufn. |
A110-64 | COMMUNICATIONS-PTD: O/S ufn. |
A110-63 | Misc: runway 01L/19R grooved. |
A110-61 | Restricted: asde in use. Operational transponders with altitude reporting mode and ADS-B (if equipped) enable in control movement area. |
A110-60 | Restricted: kadw restricted to official business only (obo) . |
A110-6 | Jet air start unit: (A/M32A-86) 9 (AM32-95) . |
A110-59 | Cstms/ag/img: cbp rqr the following forms for arrival aircraft - cbp form 7507 (11/12) general declaration, cbp form 6059B (04/14) customs declaration located |
A110-58 | MISC-NAVY: east/navy side transient service not available 24/7. except for dv flight navy hq building open 1230-2130Z++ monday - friday. For after hr arrivals contact nafw at C240-381-2739/C240-857-4880. |
A110-57 | No practice approach between 0300-1100Z++, all arrival aircraft expect full stop landing. Quiet hr normally 0300-1100Z++. |
A110-56 | REMARKS-RSTD: runway 01L/19R len of 11318 ft is for presidential airlift gp (pag) , 459 arw aircraft and 1 accs aircraft and other 89 og/cc apvd aircraft operations. Apvl for use of the displaced thresholds for takeoff or ldgs rqr 89 og/cc apvl. |
A110-54 | Misc: for flight planning, use dca preferred ifr routes located at |
A110-53 | SERVICE-FUEL: avail fuel code A++. |
A110-52 | Eff runway 01L/19R (between displaced threshold) available for takeoff and landing is 9318 ft. do not land prior to marked runway threshold; displaced threshold may not be used for takeoff or landing roll out. official terps end of runway for obst protection is marked threshold. do not use opposite end displaced threshold for takeoff computations or takeoff roll. runway 01L/19R len of 11318 ft is for presidential airlift gp (pag) , 459 arw aircraft, 1 accs and other 89 og/cc apv aircraft operations. Og/cc apvl required for use of the displaced thresholds for takeoff or ldgs. |
A110-50 | REMARKS-RSTD: runway 01L/19R length including displaced threshold areas is 10918 ft X 200 ft. operational use of runway 01L/19R displaced threshold areas for takeoff and/or landing rollout specifically authorized for presidential airlift group (pag) , 459 arw aircraft, 1 accs and other 89 og/cc apvd aircraft. northernmost 400 ft of ovrn displaced threshold areas can accommodate only idle thrust jet blast. only southernmost 600 ft of runway 19R displaced threshold areas (north end of runway 01L/19R) is usbl for takeoff (I.e. Point at which takeoff power can be applied) due to proximity of localizer antenna array install 1200 ft from runway 19R landing threshold. |
A110-5 | SERVICE-A-GEAR: runway 01R-19L north and south MB60 A-G unsvc. |
A110-49 | Restricted: contact 89 oss am operations for waiver DSN 858-3411. |
A110-48 | Restricted: all jet aircraft are advs to taxi S of taxiway sierra centerline due to pavement degradation. |
A110-47 | REMARKS-CAUTION: obst (aircraft tails) encroach upon 7:1 trns surface; westside, between parking rows 1-12, tail hgts may encroach by 16 ft 7IN. East ramp, tail hgts may encroach by 51 ft 6IN. |
A110-46 | Caution: obst erected: crane 572 ft MSL W of airfield at new brac facility (N38 48 51.67 W076 53 22.92) . |
A110-45 | Ans abatement: 0000-1100Z++, daily, no helo ovft or traffic pattern W of runway 01L/19R (over base housing) blw 800 ft AGL. |
A110-44 | Restricted: runway 01L/19R south end underrun/orverrun unusable due to pavement degradation. |
A110-43 | Restricted: am operations does not have comsec stor facility; transient crews should plan to arrival with appropriate amt of comsec to cmplt msn; comsec can be stored at command post; DSN 858-5058,C301-981-5058. |
A110-42 | Caution: flight restricted zone and sfra in the washington dc metropolitan area. all NON-DOD aircraft must contact. Transportation security administration for sfra waiver iaw zdc notams 5-7 days prior. |
A110-41 | Andrews air traffic control tower now providing PRE- departure clearances (pdc) via terminal data link. Aircraft operators or pilots wishing to participate must apply for service by contacting: federal aviation administration, aeronautical data link product lead, AND-370, 800 independence avenue southwest, washington, dc 20591. |
A110-40 | Restricted: for remain overnight service please call 316 wg command post DSN 858-5058 or C301-981-5058. |
A110-4 | SVC-LGT: runway 01L/19R PAPI and ils rpi not coincidental. runway 01L approach end PAPI located on rgt side of runway. runway 01L/19R PAPI set for hgt group 4. runway 01R/19L PAPI and ils rpi not coincidental. Runway 01R/19L PAPI set for hgt group 3. |
A110-39 | Restricted: compass rose closed except to towed aircraft. pad 12 closed. Taxiway E-4 limited to C130 and C20/G5 and smaller aircraft. |
A110-37 | Restricted: official business only. pprs for all aircraft. dvs, sam, evac are exempt from restrictions however require prior permission required for tracking and ramp available. DSN 858-3411. All transient aircraft must obtain prior permission required nr for tracking and ramp available via E-MAIL: [email protected] or DSN 858-3411/9442 or C301-981-3411/9442 no less than 48 hr prior to arrival. |
A110-36 | Caution: vis above 3 miles hindered by trees. Wind flow from 200 DEG-300 deg disruped by hangar on southesast side of airfield. |
A110-35 | COMMUNICATIONS-PMSV metro: remarks: H24 weather service available at DSN 858-2840, C301-981-2840/5826. an/FMQ-19 automated observing sys in use; augmented by human obsn when nec. If weather flight unavailable, remote service available fr 15 operational weather squadron DSN 576-9755 C618-256-9755. |
A110-34 | Ils: awl mls unuse: cw beyond 220 deg; inside 2.5 DME cw beyond 210 deg blw 2.5 deg. disregard guidance signal found cw beyond 230 deg and ccw beyond 150 deg. Awl mls elev unuse cw beyond 210 deg above 12 deg; ccw bd 170 deg above 12 deg. |
A110-33 | ANG: prior permission required for svcg and use of parking ramps. no avgas or reciprocating eng oil available, limited maintenance. contact 201 operations DSN 857-7161/62, uhf 314.25; located W side adw. 113 wg, dcang DSN 857-4190/91, uhf 234.8; located E side adw. No transient maintenance available. |
A110-3 | Aoe. |
A110-29 | Misc: all transient after will hold on taxiway W for flw me veh prior to entering parking ramp. first 4300 ft and last 325 ft runway 01R concrete. ftr/training aircraft bring eng covers. Aircraft with VIP exp transfer to AF copter must contact mussel operations (141.7 292.2) 15 minimum out if arrival will be different than scheduled. |
A110-28 | Misc: winds are est due to FMQ-13 wind sensors being accurate to within only +/- 4 kt. air traffic control/weather will not incl/relay wind corr into fcst/phraseology. Therefore, aircrews will incorporate A +/- 4 kt accuracy into their decision making process for flying operational. |
A110-27 | Cstm/ag/img nav; cstms available 1230-2130Z++, incl holiday; on please call H24. |
A110-26 | Noise abatement navy ramp: turboprop taxi lo idle and secure outboard eng prior to ramp entry, exm dur ice cond. |
A110-25 | Noise abatement: strict compliance with procedure rqr. Airfield mgmt operations DSN 858-3411, C301-981-3411. |
A110-24 | Traffic pattern: aircraft req VFR multi-engine pattern must use tower vhf frequency. |
A110-23 | Traffic pattern: because of extremely hvy air traffic to the W, all aircraft on overhead pattern will enter from the 'E', regardless of landing runway. Overhead pattern 2000 ft, rectangular pattern 1500 ft, light aircraft 1000 ft, copter 800 ft. |
A110-22 | Caution: extremely hvy VFR conflicting traffic N and S quad. deer haz, deer are act on andrews after, pilots rpt any act to tower/ptd. Bird HAZ-EXP increased bird act (phaseii) fr SEP-OCT. |
A110-21 | Restricted navy: aircrews destn to navy ramp file "NAVY RAMP" in remarks section of flight plan. |
A110-20 | Restricted: current bird watch cond. E-4 aircraft rqr airfield manager apvl to use runway 01R/19L due to weak feature at approach end runway 01R. all taxiways are 75 ft wide except taxiway E1 and taxiway E2. taxiway E between taxiways E1 and E4 are only 50 ft wide. Taxiway E, N of E3 closed to aircraft with wg span greater than 165' (C5 , B747, C17, KC10, etc) . |
A110-2 | Bearing strength runway 01R/19L: S85 T205 ST175 TT380 TDT800 DDT800 . |
A110-19 | Restricted: all inbound aircraft contact andrews command post (316 wg command post) 1 hr out with dv codes, load msg, blocktime, etd and rqr. Amc aircraft operational restricted dur bird watch cond moderate (takeoff or landing perms only when departure/arrival rte avoid identification bird act, no tower ifr/VFR traffic pattern act) and severe (takeoff or landing proh wo og/cc) , contact baseops for current bird watch cond. |
A110-18 | Restricted: no general aviation aircraft, no aero club support. No arrival/departure of transient ftr aircraft with live forward firing munitions. |
A110-17 | Restricted: runway 01R-19L B-747/AN-124 operational proh, except 89AW aircraft, due foreign object damage potential; waiver authority is 316 og/cc. prior permission required except amc, sam, dod courier service, and evac msn DSN 858-3411. All aircraft filing to adw must please call for ramp freeze info, ramp freezes close airfield up to 30 minimum, delays are possible. |
A110-14 | Transient alert: exp delays at night, weekend and holiday. |
A110-12 | Oil: soap. |
A110-10 | Fluid: sp presair DE-ICE lpox high pressure oxygen lox. |
A110-1 | Bearing strength runway 01L/19R: S85 T220 ST175 SBTT518 TT327 TDT840 DDT800 TRT556. |
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