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Eurocopter AS-350 AStar (N22016)
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png Tamaño intermedio / Tamaño grande / Tamaño real

Eurocopter AS-350 AStar (N22016)



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James Wisely
That's quite a shot !
Brian WilkesPhoto Uploader
Thanks James.
Greg Byington
Great shot!
Dustin Kempf
Are they trying to crash?😬
Not sure what’s going on there. Very unusual shot.
Betty Goss
I'm wondering too if they're about to crash!
john greenstine
As a kid in the 50s and 60s it was common at USAF airshows for helicopters to perform "square dances" that looked like this. Bell H1's with gingham dresses,(I'm not kidding!) in a formation of four, doing do-si-do's and such. I haven't seen it done since then. Well done to the Aussies in this picture.
john greenstine
As a kid in the 50s and 60s it was common at USAF airshows for helicopters to perform "square dances" that looked like this. Bell H1's with gingham dresses,(I'm not kidding!) in a formation of four, doing do-si-do's and such. I haven't seen it done since then. Well done to the Aussies in this picture.
Alan Brown
I have to agree about the dancing. That seems to be exactly what they are doing.
Martin Allan
looks very like a pair of mayflies about to mate! tricky manoeuvre, skilful pilots!
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