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Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress (N7227C)
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Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress (N7227C)



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Gavin Hughes
Great effect with muted coloring.
Alan Brown
Great photo! Thanks.
George Hall
I toured inside one of these at the Lone Star Flight Museum(Ellington Field) recently. Looking at these WW2 bombers from the outside one would never know how small and claustrophobic it is in the inside. It is extremely hard to move around inside. Kudos to our WW2 flight heroes(also eight gunners) for having to endure such conditions. This doesn't include the fact that there is no insulation as I was told by the tour guide(Retired military pilot). Sub zero temperatures were common along with strong winds. Even with the thick leather jackets they wore, they still froze their buns off.
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