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Boeing 737-200 (G-CEAI) - Avalon, Victoria Sunday March 20, 2005
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Boeing 737-200 (G-CEAI)


Avalon, Victoria Sunday March 20, 2005


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Gavin HughesPhoto Uploader
A couple of days ago, Caleb Hotz posted photo of an OzJet B732 in US registration. I sort of remembered seeing one at some stage and dug through my photo albums and found this one in UK registration. This was taken at the Australian International Airshow, Avalon. I note Brian Wilkes has a better quality photo of this aircraft taken in Melbourne on FA as well.
Darryl Sarno
Wow! never heard of this airline. Cool catch!
Gavin HughesPhoto Uploader
Thanks Darryl.

Started 2005, ceased 2012. If that start date is correct, this would almost certainly have been a promo visit for them - why not, probably the biggest aviation crowd they'd get.

They had 4 737s and 4 A320s, though 3 were never used by OzJet. All this info depends on Wiki information being correct.
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