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Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress (N900RW) - Exit from the photo pass during the 2008 Wings over Houston Airshow. Pyro smoke in the background. Thanks goes to Chris Ebdon (FlightAware member Ebdon) for the hookup.
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Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress (N900RW)


Exit from the photo pass during the 2008 Wings over Houston Airshow. Pyro smoke in the background. Thanks goes to Chris Ebdon (FlightAware member Ebdon) for the hookup.


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Paul Hurford
I understand Flightaware wants to make sure any photo that they own is marked with their logo. That's all well and good as long as it doesn't destroy viewing the photograph. But their logo takes over the entire photograph making the aircraft image unusable. Come on Flightaware allow the image to shine through, please!!!
Gary Schenauer
Paul Hurford commented ... I understand Flightaware wants to make sure any photo that they own is marked with their logo. That's all well and good as long as it doesn't destroy viewing the photograph. But their logo takes over the entire photograph making the aircraft image unusable. Come on Flightaware allow the image to shine through, please!!!
Paul, your criticism of FA's w/mark system was a valid one -- but it is about ten years too late. Apparently you did not check to see WHEN Max posted his pic. If you had, you'd have seen that this photo was submitted 12 YEARS ago. Your criticism would have been valid back in 2010 but waaay back in 2011 or 2012 FlightAware altered their w/mark system. So there is no need to ask them to "please!!!" change their logo marking system -- they already did it a decade ago. yw
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