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Canadair CL-1 Catalina (VH-PBZ) - Originally built by Consolidatedand delivered to the United States Navy as BuNo 46679 in 1945. She was sold in 1957 and given the US registration N9562C then being sold again to Chile being entered onto the Chilean Aircraft Register as CC-CNF.br /In 1980 she was converted to aerial tanker configuration and reregistered as CC-CCS being flown as Tanker #34.br /Crashed in while landing at Lago Gotierrez, Argentina  killing the pilot while sinking in 1986 and salvaged in 1988.br /Operated in Portugal on charter to Aerocondor Transportes Aereos until being withdrawn from use and stored in 1992.br /In 2002 she was sold to the Historical Aircraft Restoration Society, Australia being entered onto the Australian Aircraft Register as VH-PBZ in 2002 and was overhaulled, restored and returned to WWII military configuration being repainted to represent RAAF Catalina A24-362 OX-V Felix of No 43 Squadronbr /br /<a href="a rel=nofollow href=http://www.aussieairliners.org/catalina/vh-pbz/vhpbz.html&quothttp://www.aussieairliners.org/catalina/vh-pbz/vhpbz.html"/a; rel="nofollow">a rel=nofollow href=http://www.aussieairliners.org/catalina/vh-pbz/vhpbz.html</a&gtwww.aussieairliners.org/catalina/vh-pbz/vhpbz.html</a>/a;
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png Tamaño intermedio / Tamaño grande / Tamaño real

Canadair CL-1 Catalina (VH-PBZ)


Originally built by Consolidatedand delivered to the United States Navy as BuNo 46679 in 1945. She was sold in 1957 and given the US registration N9562C then being sold again to Chile being entered onto the Chilean Aircraft Register as CC-CNF.
In 1980 she was converted to aerial tanker configuration and reregistered as CC-CCS being flown as Tanker #34.
Crashed in while landing at Lago Gotierrez, Argentina killing the pilot while sinking in 1986 and salvaged in 1988.
Operated in Portugal on charter to Aerocondor Transportes Aereos until being withdrawn from use and stored in 1992.
In 2002 she was sold to the Historical Aircraft Restoration Society, Australia being entered onto the Australian Aircraft Register as VH-PBZ in 2002 and was overhaulled, restored and returned to WWII military configuration being repainted to represent RAAF Catalina A24-362 'OX-V' 'Felix' of No 43 Squadron

<a href="http://www.aussieairliners.org/catalina/vh-pbz/vhpbz.html"; rel="nofollow">www.aussieairliners.org/catalina/vh-pbz/vhpbz.html</a>;


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